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I have severe stomach problem since 4yrs , i am 27yrs old male,i was done colonoscopy twice, and found that mild ulcerative colitis. I use to have mild stomach pain, weekness and also light bleeding,After using ASACOL and those type of medicines , it was some what controlled. But again 6months back i got red color allergies on my legs and on stomach and even joint pains, after uisng prednisone for long time, they got contorlled. Now a days, again i have some loose motions and fever, my doctor gave me Florastar, if i still have these symptons, he wants to do colonoscopy again to check whether ulcerative colitis is still active or not.

Can you please suggest some medicine for these kind of stomach problems.


thanks for help.

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Dear krishna ji

Namastay !!

yes there is complete treatment of colities in Ayurevea

but need to know many quiestion like ??

your previous history ??

do you feel constipation ??

do you feel bowel inside stomach

how about your body nature ??

how about your diet ??

Your daily routine work profile??


along with it how many times u go for toilet.. ??

once u reply me those quiestion i will suggeston u complete treatment for your disorder ..



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Namastey Adwait Ji,


1)your previous history ??

I went to US in 2004 for studies, untill may 2005 i was in good health but due to improper diet and sleep i got some stomach problems, it started with loose motions and i lost weight.after taking some treatment, it controled but still i use to have bowel movements after eating anything, and my appetiazer reduced at that time.after an year i went to GI specialist, they gave some acid reflux medicines like prilosec, still no improvement, i use to have little bleeding and also stomach pain for 1min like that.After that they did Upper endoscopy, and Impression was Mininal Anthral Gastritis. After continuing some medicines there was no much improvemnt, i use to have weekness also, then doctors performed Colonoscopy and found that " Acute Non specific Colitis" and gave me Asacol.They also did Barium xray test with white liquid and it was good.After 6months in july 2008, again doctors performed colonoscpy and said that " acute non specific colitis" but it was some what reduced compared to first test. In sep08, i got red color allergies on my legs , stomach and on hands and also Joint leg pain, unable to walk.Doctor gave me prednisone and used it for 8to 12 weeks, joint pains gone in 3 weeks but red color allegry appreared and disappear periodically until feb09 around 16weeks. Even after goin to dermatalogist they did biposy and confirmed what my doctor said.i was not given any medication from jan09 since we used prednisone, and doctor said untill alergy goes medication for ulcerative colitis, but now since alergy is gone ,i was done blood test, it was perfect, but still used to have light blood stains on toilet tissue, but never had any blood in bowel, also for 1month i am getting fever weekly once, i have loose motions 2weeks back,so he gave me florastor now i am using that. he said, if i still have loose motions he will perform colonoscopy again to chk whether ulcerative colitis is in remission or active.


My father have stomach problem when he was young of my age , same as me , at that time they said to him like Amebiasis, he uses medicines now also some times for that. He has anxiety, usual have 2bowel movements in morning and arnd 3 totally. No sugar, no BP,appetizer is good.My mother is in good health.

2)do you feel constipation ??

Now, but now for 2weeks because of florastor i think, i feel some whta constipated but still have bowel movements like 3to 4 a day which i have all the time, but bleeding decreased and also blood on tissue also decreased.

3)do you feel bowel inside stomach

No i dont feel, usually i have 2bowel movements in morning before 12p.m,and have bowel moveemnt after 4-6 hrs of eating anything.mY appetiazer is fine.

how about your body nature ??

I am 5'6, i was over weight before coming to US arnd 82kgs, i redued weight before coming here in 2004 to 75kgs like that, but in 2005-06 reduced because of these motions and came to arnd 68kgs, but after 2007 my weight gradually increased now its arnd 72kgs like that.

how about your diet ??

I am vegeterian, no alcohol, no smoking, usaly have rice, and sandwishes.wont eat cheese.

Your daily routine work profile??

I am in IT out of work since 6months because of this rececssion, thats why have lot of stress now also, usualy works long hours.

As a whole, i have bowel movements arnd 3-4 a day, appetizer is ok( not high), feels weekness some times, these days since 1month getting fever weekly once, currently using florastor twice a day, bleeding decreased, no blood in bowel



Please let me know if you need any other info, thanks very much for the reply and help.




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Dear Krishna

thanks for replying me all those question

the treatment for you and complete diagnose and prescription for you is


compound number one

Swarn sutsekhar ras 5 gm

sutsekhar ras norma 120 tablets

dhatri loah 120 tab

lela vilass ras 120 tab..

grahini kapat ras 120 tab

loknath ras 120

prawal panchmarit ras


mix all those precious herbs and make one compound in form of seperate dose and puria and need to take those puria with buje jeera powder.. twice a day in morning evening



kutajarista 4 tea spoon 4- tea spoon water .. twice a day after lunch and dinner..

along with it powder compound of churna for bowel.


shodit haritiki churna

swet parpati

yav char

madhur char


mix all those medicenis to form one powder compound need to take after lunch and dineer tiwce a day with normal drinking water..


take those medicines regularly for minimum 1-2 months in starting 15 days u can see the effects and see the effect in ur body ..



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