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Death of a Guru

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Has anyone read this book? 'Death of a Guru', or

Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message'?


If so, what do you think of the subject matter, the arguments presented therein?

It is the great acaryas of Vaishnavism who say that Lord Jesus taught the worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead = path of bhakti-yoga.


Next, the great acaryas in this way also agree that the way Lord Jesus is being worshiped by priests is bona fide.


In other words, it is accepted by all Vaishnava authorities that Lord Jesus can still absorb sins and give divyam jnanam from within = grant diksa.


Of course it is clear, as Prabhupada always pointed out, present Chrisitians don't follow the orders of Jesus. Especially, thou shall not kill, thou shall not cheat via corrupt banking systems etc, everything was taught by Jesus.


Problem why present Vaishnava institutions blaspheme Lord Jesus like anything is, he is being worshiped by ritviks. Within present Vaishnava institutions ritvik is banned, forbidden and people who accept it are excommunicated.

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