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Dear guruji


Kindly advise me about my career prospects and married life. Is there any problem regarding marriage?


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Chandpur (Bijnor) UP







Hello udhnesh,


Regarding your marriage,


You are manglik from your lagna and moon both, so delay in marriage is expected. Also your lord of house of spouse with Mars and is being aspected by Exalted Rahu, and also Mars is aspecting your house of spouse indicating some trouble in adjusting with spouse. So I strongly suggest that you match your horoscope before marriage, even if you are thinking of love marriage


Regarding your career,


Your planets fits better for engineering line and/or some work associated with iron (Not trading/buying/selling of iron). Although you will be interested in lot of other works. You will be wealthy but may have to suffer loss many times


Your planets make you scholar, kind hearted, hardworking, but short tempered. Your mind become unbalanced some time, practice meditation for that, it will benefit you


Your Saturn mahadasha will start from oct 2012 whic his expected to give you negative results, your time is going good till sep 2009, afterthat rahu antardasha will run till oct2012 giving problem in profession and married life.


Again, I am a student and still a learner of astrology, please let me know where I am wrong. I will heartly appreciate that.




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Dear Amateur


Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate your suggestion. Does manglik girl with >18/36 score is sufficient or do i need the other planets to get matched too?





I think so. According to your chart, I think you will need to match other planets too, I hope that will make a better match


Good luck

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