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hi...about marriage and realtionship

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I am new to this forum and would like to know about the my marriage. I plan to get married this year. Are my stars favorable. Also, I like a guy and would like to get married to him. We know each other for past one year and we like each other a lot. Will this get materialized this year? Please let me know. My birth details are:


DOB: 15th August 1980

Place of birth: Munger

Time: 2:20 AM



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Dear chimichanga,


As per the details provided, I got the following chart.

Lagna: Gemini

Rashi: Virgo

Rahu + Venus: 5th March 2006


Before I make any comment, I would like to know your life before and after 1st Nov 2006. Has there been some considerable difference in your lifestyle or things have been usual?




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hi Ayush,


thanks for replying. I am Indian girl and I came to US for higher studies in Sept 2006. I started dating a guy in Jan 2006 who came to US in May 06 and I followed him in Sept 06. Then we had a long distance relationship and the guy kept dilly dallying for marriage. Finally he broke up with me in Feb 08 and then in March 08 I started dating my current boy friend. I had known him as a friend but then after my break up we started dating. Now he is planning to move back to India in March, this year and we really like each other. I want to know if I will get married to him or not or will tehre be another break up for me and no marriage?


Also, I will be entering Surya antardasha in March. What does that mean?


Let me know if you want to know anything else. I have graduated and now I am in job.


Thanks in advance!

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O yes! I had hardships in getting my current job and then in relationship too. Before Nov 06, if I recall, things were not that bad but after that it had been ups and downs...mostly when it comes to emotions....I had a bad break up in Feb 08 and before the break up too the relationship wasn't going great.


And then I had to struggle and remain unemployed for 2 months before I got this job. From most of the companies I wouldn't even get interview calls and even if get interview calls I would get rejected :(


So, overall it was struggle after Nov 06 both in professional and personal matters.


Hope this helps you in answering my queries.



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Dear chimichanga,


The reason why I asked you this specific question is because I wanted to know the influence of Saturn's Sadhe Sati's 2nd Dayya on you. 1st Nov 2006 to 2nd Nov 2014.


In your chart Mars is vargottam. It is in the 7th house is your Navamsha. Most probably you will have a sudden marriage. Chances are there that if you wish to then you may get married under the AD of Sun.


Munger is in Bihar, and you are in US right now, quite a far call. I think Rich parents gave you a lot of gifts. But yes your Mercury in 2nd house ruling the 4th does say you have brains and strong bend towards trade and science and education.




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Not sure if I submitted this:


can you tell me if it would be love marriage or arranged? I mean will I get married to the guy I am dating right now? And where will I be settled? And what do you mean by "if you wish to then you may get married under the AD of Sun." Definitely I wish to.


Please answer my questions.


Thanks a lot!

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