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URGENT! Male Pattern Baldness - Any Remedy?

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Respected Members,


Am suffering from gradual hair loss for the past few years. In fact, I can already see the baldness setting in and my hairline is receding. Doctors (dermatologists, trichologists) have said that it is only possible to STOP the hair loss but I cannot get back the lost hair! Which means its not possble for new hair to grow... I am 26 years of age (unmarried) and still want respectable hair on my head at least till 55. Does Ayurveda have any treatment for hairloss? I know that there ARE certain treatments from Ayurveda BUT i WANT TO GET MY OLD HAIR back...


Is there any solution?? Please do share any info that you may have..


Hare Krsna!

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Hari Om, Please try this at least 41 days and give me feed back.

Neelabringadi kera thailam [kottackal] spudam with kunthala suktham [optional] usage one cap full pour in right hand and apply in the centre of head. take 2nd cap full and apply rest of the hairs. self massage 3-5 minutes. shampoo :only once in a week with mild quantity.

garam masala/sour items/nudles etc to be controlled during the course

hairomax capsule one each morning and evening before meals.

babu/ ayurbk@gmail.com

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Hari Om!


Dear Babu ji,


Thank you very much for your kind reply. I have three questions though:


1) Will these medicines be available in any ayurveda clinic / pharmaceutical shop? Do you know of any particular place in Bangalore where they may be available?


2) You said I should do mild shampoo once a week. What shampoo should I use? (Just for your information, doctors have said that I also suffer from dandruff)


3) The place where I live in has hard water. I drink hard water and bathe in hard water as well (again, just for your information. I have been using this kind of water since November 2007)


Eagerly waiting for your kind reply once again!


Thanks and Regards,


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Dear smiling budha ji

in Ayurveda mainly causes of hair loss are :-





excessive unbalanice time shedule

and those are the main factors for the hair loss and due that dandroff exist and it cause hair loss..

there is no doubt about the effectiveness of Neel brangadi tailam..

along with tail u can have prepare some thing for eating like suppliments food that can make balance your dosha..

i will suggest you to collect all those herbs or churna put in one mixture make one compound take twice a day with luke warm water..

compound number 1--

Brahmi churna



BHumi Amalki

saraswat churna


mix all those chrna in ration of 20:20 and make one compound that you need to take twice a day with luke warm water..

rgarding to shampoo i will suggest you to use only those shampoo that are prepared from pure herbs.. all those what are coming in market and they are making advertisement about there products they are not effective and they will cause you more hair loss..

there are many good companies they have there products good like :-

Gurukul, Nidico , Maharhishi Ayurveda, Unjha etc so u can use those company oils or shampoo and see the effects..

any doubt u can mail me any time..



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