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Removing past life sins

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Om Namah Shivaya!


What is the best possible sadhana / mantra chant for removal of past life bad karmas (without doing which present life desires do not get accomplished)?


I read that Om Namah Shivaya is one such mantra. What are the other various mantras or methods to do this? Does wearing the 3-mukhi (agni) rudraksha really help in burning out past life bad karmas?


Someone please share your knowledge on this.


On Namah Shivaya!



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There are many mantras and many paths of doing this. It is said that all the past impressions are stored in the sukhsma sharira at the bottom of the Kundalini. As the Kundalini rises up along the sushumna, the samskara and klesha get destroyed. Such is the path of Tantra, Hathayoga, Kundalini yoga etc. This is what happens even in bhakti marga.


Even present life desires are a result of samskaras and hence are often the root of much unhappiness. Chasing after all present life desires is to chase after a tiger that can and will eat one. Current life desires can be a result of past life karma. The only way to escape is to abandon these desires.


To know which mantra or path is better, seek a Guru and leave it to Him or Her. It depends on ones prarabdha and sanchita karma, ones state, ones samskaras and desires, which a Guru can identify.


Jaya Devi Durge :pray:

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Durgaputra ji, thank you very much for your kind advice.


However, could you please tell me what is the difference between the various kinds of karmas that you mentioned: sanchita karma and sushuma karma?


Is daily praying to Dharmaraaj a good idea for neutralizing the negative karmic effects?


I do not have a guru and am searching for one...


Thanks again for your reply and will be waiting for the next one.


Om Namah Shivaya!

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It is said - All beings have 3 bodies- sthula sharira or gross body, sookshma sharira or subtle body and karana sharira or causal body. Death happens to the Sthula sharira, but never to the next two.


Sanchita karma is accumulated karma, whose effects you can still escape from through sadhana. Prarabhdha karma is the karma whose results are already coming to you- it is impossible to escape- but you can deflect or reduce the effect through grace and sadhana. Prarabhdha karma is said to be like an arrow released from a bow- you cant deal with it until it lands somewhere.


If you have an Ishta devatha, then please pray to Him/Her/It. The Guru is nothing but a manifest form of the Ishta devatha or God's grace in general. For any sadhana or self transformation, it is the love that you bear your Ishta that will be the first step. It is far more powerful than fear of karma or such emotions.


For 'escaping' from past karma, what is needed is nothing short of self transformation- we are shaped by past karma and need to give up what we may consider 'part of us'- which may include parts and eventually our whole personality, likes and dislikes etc. We need to stop identifying with the limited personality and body. Sadhana in all its forms is aimed towards this.


I hope this is useful to you.

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Thomas Ashley-Farrand on your site and books teaches a mantra to counteract the negative Karma.


Rama: Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama, Jaya, Jaya Rama

Rough Translation: 'Om and Victory to Rama (the self within), victory, victory to Rama.'


Rama was an Avatar who came several thousand years ago. His sole purpose was to show how a person should live a Divine Life while living in a human body. A short story about the esoteric meaning of his life is found in the chapter devoted to him. You will recall from the previous chapter that Mahatma Gandhi practiced this mantra for over 60 years. This mantra will 'take one across' the ocean of rebirth. In a more immediate way, it is most powerful in reducing negative karmic effects no matter in which life they might have occurred. I have also had a powerful spiritual healing experience (for another person), while using this mantra intensely.


There is also the mantra "Thirunee Lakandam" - Site Astroved.com.

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