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Easy Jyotish Remedial Measure ( Remedies )

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Easy Jyotish Remedial Measure ( Remedies )

Here are some easy ways of Vedic Astrology remedial measure. Some of the remedies I read in sites, classical texts etc. Some remedies I also got from my own experience. These measures are only my personal opinion - might strange pretty strange though. But I believe that people might be benefited from them, so I put them here. It is just a very humble attempt of me to help people.

You will find that sometimes I have suggested to avoid using materials pertaining to the planet(s) related. Do not take them always literal, that is not needed. But, try to link your activities and what sort of materials and other goods you use, when you run a particular Dasha period. You will surprisingly note that most of the times these items relate to the planet this way or that way, either for their natural significations or for their lordships. So, if you have a very bad Sun period in the past, try to remember if you have used any Sun sort of goods in that period or did any Sun sort of negative activities, such as being too authoritative on people. And then, avoiding such stuff again will be a powerful remedial measure for you!

About donations and charitable works - Donation and charity are sacrifices and that is why great positive karmas. This is believed that it also pacifies a harmful planet when that planet type of things are donated. Some also say that you might donate money to a poor for buying foods and medicine, but if he uses the money for bad purposes such as buying addictive drugs, then it is rather put upon your shoulder. Helping the old, poor, needy, distressed is a very good way - there can be no doubt that it leads to freedom from bad karma much or less. Donate foods, medicines, money and other materials to the poor. If you do not have money or any material to donate, then at least, say good and nice things, make the person feel better at least! It will surely not be overlooked by the God Almighty.

In this page of Jyotish Remedial Measure you will find –

Note -

01. When a planet is malefic for you according to Jyotish, never strengthen that in any ways, and propitiate (Pacify) it.

02. Strengthen your benefic planets in every ways suggested by Jyotish.

Many of the suggested mantras and stotrams are available in this site with audio. So if you need a specific mantra or stotram, please check out the mantra page.

The remedies mentioned are general and it is your own responsibility to perform these remedial measures. I do not suggest performing a remedy without checking the horoscope well so I am not responsible for any damage or loss you might face performing them. Please do take them at your own responsibility.

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Remedy for <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Ravi</st1:place> (The Sun)

Propitiating Sun -

Donation and charity -

01. Cow with her calf.

02. Molasses, gold, copper, wheat etc.

03. Gemstones related to Sun.

Best to give -

> To a middle aged man.

> On Sunday noon.

Fasting -

01. On Sundays.

Feeding -

01. Cows with Molasses and/or wheat.

02. Brahmins (Or poor people) with cream of rice cooked with jaggery (Molasses).

Others -

01. Service to own father, fatherly people.

02. Surya Namaskar at the time of sunrise.

Avoid -

01. Meal which includes molasses, wheat etc.

02. Red copper made things for own purpose

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Remedy for Chandra (The Moon)

Propitiating Moon -

Donation and charity -

01. Conch ("Shankha").

02. White clothes, silver, rice, boiled rice, milk, pure water etc.

03. Gemstones related to Moon.

Best to give -

> To a woman.

> On Monday evening.

Fasting -

01. On Mondays.

Feeding -

01. Dough to cows.

02. Boiled rice mixed with sugar to crows.

03. Rice cooked in milk to Brahmins (Or poor people).

Others -

01. Service to mother, motherly women, old women.

Avoid -

01. Drinking milk regularly.

02. Moon's colour.

03. Moon's gemstones.

04. Perfumes and deodorants etc.

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Remedy for Mangal (Mars) and Kuja Dosha etc.

Propitiating Mars -

Donation and charity -

01. Bullock (Preferably red coloured.)

02. Red clothes, molasses, gold, copper, masoor daal, batasa, sweet chapati, skin of deer etc.

03. Gemstones related to Mars.

Best to give -

> On Tuesday noon.

Fasting -

01. On Tuesdays.

Feeding -

01. Brahmins (Or poor people) with Havishya.

Others -

01. Prayers or meditation in the morning daily for at least 10 / 15 minutes.

02. Taking care of younger siblings.

03. Exercising patience.

Avoid -

01. Engaging in martial arts, aggressive exercise etc.

02. Being hot tempered.

These remedies also work for Kuja Dosha, also called Manglik Dosha, Bhauma Dosha etc.

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Remedy for Budha (Mercury)

Propitiating Mercury -

Donation and charity -

01. Gold.

02. Deep green clothes, green pumpkin, green pulses and other green vegetables and articles.

03. Bangles and clothes of green color to Eunuchs. (In the modern day, this would have to be people with low sex drives or impotent or frigid individuals.)

04. Gemstones related to Mercury.

Best to give -

> On Wednesday noon.

Fasting -

01. On Wednesdays.

Feeding -

01. Cows with green leaves.

02. Brahmins (Or poor people) with paddy cooked in milk.

Prayers -

01. Vishnu Sahasranamam (An audio is here)


Others -

01. Watering a 'Tulsi' tree daily except Sundays.

02. Service or donation to orphans, poor students, orphan homes etc.

03. Helping and serving sister, daughter, parents' sisters (Aunts) and so on.

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Remedy for Brihaspati (Jupiter)

Propitiating Jupiter -

Donation and charity -

01. Robes.

02. Sugar, banana, yellow clothes, yellow sapphire, salt, foods, sweets, turmeric, yellow flowers etc.

03. Gemstones related to Jupiter.

Best to give -

> To Brahmins, teachers, priests.

> On Thursday morning.

Fasting -

01. On Thursdays.

Feeding -

01. Beggars, crows, birds with banana, yellow coloured sweets.

02. Brahmins (Or poor people) with curd and rice.

Others -

01. Watering a peepul / pipal ("Ashwatha") tree every day except Sundays or on only Thursdays.

02. Service to teachers, Gurus, priests etc.

03. Avoid eating banana and even keeping in home esp. bedroom. Because this strengthens Jupiter.

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Remedy for Shukra (Venus)

Propitiating Venus -

Donation and charity -

01. Horse (Preferably white coloured.)

02. Colourful clothes, silk clothes, clarified butter (ghee), perfume, sugar, cooking oil, camphor, scented body / hair oil, sandal etc.

03. Gemstones related to Venus.

Best to give -

> To a young woman.

> On Friday evening.

Fasting -

01. On Fridays.

Feeding -

01. Crows or beggars with sweet rice made in milk burfy or 'rasgolla' etc.

02. Brahmins (Or poor people) with rice with ghee (Clarified butter).

03. Cows with part of own meal.

Avoid -

01. Perfumes, perfumed oils, ghee etc.

02. Never be too choosy in your dress up.

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Remedy for Sani (Saturn) and also Sade Sati , Kantaka Sani etc.

Propitiating Saturn -

Donation and charity -

01. Black cow.

02. Clothes coloured black / aqua, urad pulse, black mole, leather shoes, cereals, salt, mustard oil, iron, agricultural land, utensils etc.

03. Gemstones related to Saturn.

Best to give -

> On Saturday evening.

> To a poor old man.

Fasting -

01. On Saturdays.

02. On Fridays.

Feeding -

01. Beggars or crows with salty rice with curd preferably kept in iron plate.

02. Crows with "namkeen roti" (salty bread) with mustard oil applied on it, in pieces.

03. Brahmins (Or poor people) with rice cooked with powder of sesame seeds.

04. Crows with part of own meal.

Prayer and Mantras -

01. Hanumana Chalisa

02. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

Others -

01. Be kind and render service to the poor, servants and old people.

02. Wearing a peacock feather.

Avoid -

01. Misbehaving poor, old, servants.

02. Salt, salty things, mustard oil cooked things, sesame, alcohol, liquor etc.

03. Using mustard oil, and other Saturn kind of things frequently.

04. Shaving head / part of forehead.

05. Sleeping on a hard bed (with no foams) esp. on floor etc.

These above general remedies for Saturn also work for Sade Sati.

Note: An used horse shoe and used iron nails from boats are used to appease Sani Deva (Planet Saturn). But this has to be done with caution. In my personal experience they appear to strengthen Sani than just propitiating it. They do give some troubles besides benefits. The horse shoe, iron nails should be used only after doing specific pujas and rituals with a learned Pundit (Vedic priest).

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Remedy for Rahu (North node)

Propitiating Rahu -

Donation and charity -

01. Iron made weapons.

02. Blue clothes, blanket, plate of iron, sesame, mustard, electronic items, coconut, radish etc.

03. Red colored grains may be given to cleaners, or sweepers, or those who perform that work may be helped in other ways.

04. Gemstones related to Rahu.

Best to give -

> To sweepers.

Fasting -

01. On Saturdays.

Feeding -

01. Crows with sweet roti in pieces. The roti should be with sugar stuffed in it and fried.

02. Brahmins (Or poor people) with rice cooked with meat.

Others -

01. Service to a person affected by leprosy.

02. Arranging marriage of poor girls where there family can not afford that.

04. Barley should be kept under the bead on the side of the head in the night and be distributed in the morning to the poor. To some this remedy is not purely Satwik, though.

Avoid -

01. Tobacco, wine.

02. Living in a joint family.

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Remedy for Ketu (South node)

Propitiating Ketu -

Donation and charity -

01. Goat.

02. Blanket, weapons made of iron, sesame, dull brown colored items, limes etc.

03. A virgin cow.

04. Sour things to female children below the age of nine years.

05. Gemstones related to Ketu.

06. A blanket to a temple esp. if progeny is affected.

Fasting -

01. On Saturdays.

02. On Tuesdays.

Feeding -

01. Dogs.

02. Brahmins (Or poor people) with rice cooked with cereals.

Others -

01. Service and being kind to elderly/old people and saints.

02. Not telling own sorrows or secrets to others (Esp. when Ketu is the cause of that.)

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Remedial Measure for Kala Sarpa Yoga

Here are some remedies for Kala Sarpa Yoga -

1. Focus on Rahu-Ketu's remedies as stated above.

2. Try strengthening your benefics. (Lords of 1st, 5th, 9th houses who do not rule an evil house same time.)

3. Chant Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra.

4. Chant Sarpa - Mantra.




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  • 3 weeks later...



Sandhu ji,

I have read your remedies and predictions to other people


<!--StartFragment -->Plz tell me when is the marriage according to my birth chart

if there any delay in my marriage

then plz tell me any remedy


Name Anil (Male)

D.O.B 22nd April 1985

Time 4.30 am

Place Almora (Uttarakhand /Uttaranchal) India

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Sandhu Ji

I have updated you many times but you are not replying


I have read your remedies and predictions to other people


<!--StartFragment -->Plz tell me when is the marriage according to my birth chart

if there any delay in my marriage

then plz tell me any remedy


Name Anil (Male)

D.O.B 22nd April 1985

Time 4.30 am

Place Almora (Uttarakhand /Uttaranchal) India

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