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Respected members,


Its great to find people spend their valuable time for the sake of others for free. I appreciate generosity of such people.


In my chart i have


Asc: Kumbha(aquarius) lagna

planet positions: 4th- venus,5th - mercury,6th - sun and rahu,7th - jupiter and saturn , 8th - mars , 9th - moon, 12th - ketu other houses are vacant.




Asc: Tula(libra) lagna


planet positions: 3rd- saturn,6th - rahu,7th - mars,mercury and moon, 11th - sun,jupiter,venus , 12th - ketu other houses are vacant.


hubby chart:


Asc: Kumbha(aquarius) lagna

planet positions: 2nd: jupiter 3rd - ketu,5 - mars ,6th - saturn,8th - venus, 9th - moon and rahu, 10th - sun and mercury other houses vacant.




Asc: Dhanur lagna(sagittarius)


planet positions: 1st - moon, ketu 2nd- guru ,7th - rahu, 10th - saturn and venus , 12th - sun,mercury and mars other houses are vacant.


When we were married our horos were matched and told compatible. I was told I have manglik dosha 90% effective and got cancelled. My hubby chart is not manglik. I have interest in astrology but i can not even go anywhere near predicting..now i read that one with kuja dosha cancelled should be married only to kuja dosha cancelled and not to a person who is non-manglik.


1. I want learned people here to throw some light on this w.r.t our charts.

2. me and my hubby like each other a lot. but somehow from jan 2007(married in feb 2006, son in sep 2007) we r having some conflicts. and conflicts are always because of in-laws,his siblings or my siblings. mostly not because of our individual views. and sometimes its about money too.


Please let me know abour our marital longevity and happiness.Is mars in both of our charts a problem?(as per my understanding)I'm really worried about this. Can somebody tell me remedial measures for this.


thanks for your time

ps can one of you tell me how to repost in the same thread.

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Dear zealalways,


Use the following format to minimize confusion.


Date of Birth : Date // Month // Year (Month in words)

Time of Birth : Hrs : Mins (AM/PM)

Place of Birth : Name of Place and Co-ordinates



Do not add unlimited details, most of the astrologers have good softwares.

I'm confused looking at your post, so make it clean!!, then you would get a reply for sure.




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Dear Ayush,


Thanks for the reply and suggestions. here are the details.




DOB: 21st jul 1980

TOB: 08 :06 PM

POB: kakinada(16° 57' N, 82° 15' E)




DOB: 30 Nov 1975

TOB: 11:56 AM

POB: visakapatnam(17 °42' N, 83° 15' E)


When we were married our horos were matched and told compatible. I was told I have manglik dosha 90% effective and got cancelled. My hubby chart is not manglik. I have interest in astrology but i can not even go anywhere near predicting..now i read that one with kuja dosha cancelled should be married only to kuja dosha cancelled and not to a person who is non-manglik.


1. I want learned people here to throw some light on this w.r.t our charts.

2. me and my hubby like each other a lot. but somehow from jan 2007(married in feb 2006, son in sep 2007) we r having some conflicts. and conflicts are always because of in-laws,his siblings or my siblings. mostly not because of our individual views. and sometimes its about money too.


Please let me know abour our marital longevity and happiness.Is mars in both of our charts a problem?(as per my understanding)I'm really worried about this. Can somebody tell me remedial measures for this.


thanks for your time



Dear zealalways,


Use the following format to minimize confusion.


Date of Birth : Date // Month // Year (Month in words)

Time of Birth : Hrs : Mins (AM/PM)

Place of Birth : Name of Place and Co-ordinates



Do not add unlimited details, most of the astrologers have good softwares.

I'm confused looking at your post, so make it clean!!, then you would get a reply for sure.




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