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Calculating Longevity/Pls Help!

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Dear Members,


I am a student of astrology and was wondering if anyone can tell me the longevity of my chart as from what I see (of course I am a student) I feel my chart is flawed for longevity. DOB: January 23, 1975 Salt Lake City, Utah 14:39 MST


I have Gemini Lagan, Saturn In the First, Mars in the seventh, Su,Me, Ve in the 8h Capricorn, Jupiter in Aquarius, Mo/Ke in Taurus and rahu in Scorpio.

My Asc cusp is Me-Ma-Ve

Me-is in 8h-1,4h

Ma-is in 7h-6,11

Ve-is in 8h-5,12

Rulership of moksha and maraka houses, I think this is not good for Asc cusp even though venus is Atmakaraka I think in the 8h atmakaraka is not good, am I right?

I am running Ju-Me-Ma which will change to Ju-Me-Ra My Maha Dasa lord is currently debilitated in transit. Below, are my star lord and Sublord per Dasa


Ju-is in 9h-7,10 Bhadhaka

Ju-is in 9h-7,10 Bhadhaka

Me-is in 8h-1,4h


Me-is in 8h-1,4h

Ma-is in 7h-6,11 Marana Sthan

Sa-is in 1-8,9h Marana sthan


Ma-is in 7h-6,11 Marana Sthan

Ke- is in 12h-6h (rules Scorpio)

Ju-is in 9h-7,10 Bhadhaka


Ra-is in 6h-9h (rules aquarius)

Sa-is in 1-8,9h Marana sthan

Ra-is in 6h-9h (rules aquarius)


In my current dasa system I see a play of moksha and maraka significators. What does this mean?

I appreciate anybody's thoughts and advice on this matter.


Thank You


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1. Ma and Ve are in Virgo. L of ASc is Exalted in Nav along with Ven L of 5th and 12th. Ve gets neechabhanga.

2. Lagna is aspected by Jup L of 7th and 10th frm Aqu. Hence alldoshas are eliminated

3. Malefics in Trika Houses, Jup is in Trikona , Merc is week with 0.8 SB. Gives Madhyayu of 70 Years.

4. Lagna in Dwiswabhava, and Moon in Sthira –gives Long Life of 100years.

5. 12th Lord Ven in the 8th gives Long Life. Of 100 years.

6. so on the average around 80 can be assumed as Longevity.

7. Conjn of Mer,Ven and Sun makes the Native Talkative, a Learned person, She will be Humiliated by Parents and conflict with Spouse. If this is correct then her Birth Time is correct and the above finding will work.

8. Mars in 7th usually gives conflict with the Husband and married life will not be smooth and likely to get Divorce.


email: sree2104@in.com

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