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Native's Health.. WebYogiji & All Web Astro Guru's Please help

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Dear All Astro Gurus,


Virgo Ascedent, with Mercury and Sun in the 12th.. What is this combination means.... The Lord of the 10th and the Lagna conjunct in the 12th with the lord of the 12th?????? and Mars in the ascedent. Which is this Yoga?? How will it be the natives health?? DOB : 31/08/2006 09:08 AM Mumbai.





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Dear BK,


Please use the format for posting birth details so as to minimize confusion.


Date of birth : date/month/year (ever better if month is in words)

Time of birth : hrs:mins

Place of birth : Name of place, Country.


Talking about the chart,

The native is undergoing Saturn's MD, which is ill placed in Cancer along with Venus which again is ill placed. So the impace of these two planets are minimal, further Saturn may act in a negative way. But the good news is, since the native is a child, by 2021 Saturn's MD would be over and there won't be any reason to worry.


The native should wear an Emerald, it would minimize any sort of losses or issues similar to loss.


I won't say there are any substantial strong yogas which I can figure out, but if you talk about general rashi analysis, I can say the native will be intelligent, and would be involved with numbers, or have affinity towards finance, technology and many other fields. Jack of all trades, thats what Mercury makes one.


Sun being the lord of 12th house and in the 12th house, native will be short tempered, and would be spending a lot of money foolishly on the opposite sex. There were some interpretations by B.V.Raman on this, can't recall them though.


Weak eyesight is there. And care should be taken for the same. Moon is between malefics, so mother's health could be a concern. There won't be any health issues.


Hope it helps.


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