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Pictures from the Slaughter in Gaza...

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Students of history, does this image look familiar?



IDF civilian shelling station. Which ones are Phosphorus?



IDF civilian shelling station.



Illegal phosphorous attacks on civilians





Illegal cluster bombs used on a trapped civlilian population














But Israel is only targeting Hamas, whom they created...



Another precision strike by Israel: maximum civilian damage



Poor, persecuted Israel strikes back against the evil terrorists







The Destiny of IsraHell. Mission Accomplished.



















Grandfather w/dead babies on metal trays. Israel's roadmap to peace.













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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=760 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width=120>FACE IN THE SAND - Iron Maiden

</TD><TD width=5>ecblank.gif</TD><TD class=TD width=470>








Everybody's waiting for something to happen. Everybody's waiting for something to see

Lunatics waiting for bigger disasters. Everyone's waiting for news on TV



Winding lives at the end of the spiral. Waiting dictators with their next big thrill

Everyone's looking but no one is listening. Everybody wants to be in at the kill



I wait for the signs, they tell me true. I see the signs of the end time



Everyone's searching but nothing's revealing. Everyone's looking for the reason why

Everyone's hoping for life everafter. Everyone's looking at death from the sky



Everyone's nightmares are going to happen. Everybody's ripping the mask from their eyes

Everyone's praying but no one's believing. Everybody's heroes tell everyone's lies



I wait for the signs, they tell me true. I see the signs of the end time



So I watch and I wait. And I pray for an answer

An end to the strife and the world's misery. But the end never came

And we're digging the graves. And we're loading the guns for the kill



Can the end be at hand? Is the face in the sand?

Future memory of our tragedy



Can the end be at hand? Is the face in the sand?

Future memory of our tragedy



So I watch and I wait. And I pray for an awnser

An end to the strife and the world's misery. But the end never came

And we're digging the graves. And we're loading the guns for the kill



Can the end be at hand? Is the face in the sand?

Future memory of our tragedy



Can the end be at hand? Is the face in the sand?

Future memory of our tragedy


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Hamas MP Fathi Hammad: We Used Women and Children as Human Shields


Who is to be blamed here for death of civilians

israel or Hamas?.

On the other hand hamas stated policy is to kill israeli citizens:http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article5454204.ece

and phased destruction of the Jewish state:



GAZA (Reuters) - The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas rejected on Monday criticism by al Qaeda's second-in-command and said it was still committed to Israel's destruction despite a power-sharing deal with the Fatah faction.

"We will not betray promises we made to God to continue the path of Jihad and resistance until the liberation of Palestine, all of Palestine," Hamas said in a statement, in a clear reference to Israel as well as to the occupied West Bank."


All the above material given in links are statements of Hamas, not opinions of some weirdo analysts

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From those pictures and captions AM posted it appears there have been no Hamas terrorists killed.


Should someone start posting pictures of the effects of Hamas terrorists doing a suicide bombing on an Israeli bus or resteraunt?


Israel has been put in an impossible situation.


Then there is this statement:


GAZA (Reuters) - The PalestinianIslamist group Hamas rejected on Monday criticism by al Qaeda'ssecond-in-command and said it was still committed to Israel'sdestruction despite a power-sharing deal with the Fatah faction.


They are even whacked by al-Qaeda standards.


We have to try to understand and keep in focus war is karmic reaction.

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