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Theatre Fiasco of Peter Pan play

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This is a Real-life theatre story to never forget!

Listen to this description of a "Peter Pan" play that was a grand Fiasco — from NPR Radio episode #61 of ‘This American Life’ orginally aired in 1997.

It's the first story—it's 23 minutes long and it gets funnier and funnier as it goes!

The 1st link should take you to the site —then click 'full episode' to listen free in its entirety.

The 2nd link should take you to the exact episode.

I have been searching for this for ten years!









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Originally aired 04.25.1997

61: Fiasco!

Stories of when things go wrong. Really wrong. When you leave the normal realm of human error, fumble, mishap and mistake and enter the territory of really huge breakdowns. Fiascos. Things go so awry that normal social order collapses. This week's show is a philosophical inquiry in the nature of fiascos — perhaps the first ever.

Act One. Opening Night.

Writer and TAL contributing editor Jack Hitt tells the story of a small town production of Peter Pan, in which the flying apparatus smacks the actors into the furniture, and Captain Hook's hook flies off his arm and hits an old woman in the stomach. By the end of the evening, firemen have arrived and all the normal boundaries between audience and actors have completely dissolved. (23 minutes)



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