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Help with pronunciation

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I used to meditate about 12 years ago and since then I have married, bought a home, and taken many fatherly and other responsible duties. This last year I have been discontent and disconnected--I have lost my faith and spirituality. Can someone guide me in the right direction to rediscovering my soul in this time of materialistic chaos? I have thus far read two books on the subject, gone to a Hindu temple, and mentally stumble over the correct pronunciation of many Sanskrit words.





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Ruben, do yourself a big favor and visit your local Hare Krishna temple if you have one. I'm sure that with sincerity and determination Krishna will provide you with a helpful and reassuring personal guide to help you on your journey for knowledge. That is all you need, look for someone who knows the scriptures and can teach them to you without fault or deviation. As far as pronunciation, that is not too important, with time you will become more fluent- the key is practice, practice practice. But, dont get carried away-pronunciation of mantras is good for show and only useful if you're going to be conducting elaborate ceremonies yourself! HAHA



Don't worry so much about the elapsed time, as far as spiritual life is concerned, you will pick up right where you left off. I promise.

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