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Serious advise required on my marriage, guru's pls help.

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dear guru's,

i really require some serious help. i have been married (love marriage) since 3 years and feel something is really wrong always. whatever i do (domestic work to own decisions) ,it is taken in wrong way by my husband.if i A this he wants B and if i do B he wants A. i'm really tired of it. i have sincerely done everything for the sake of him but something is going wrong. why i'm a victim each time? is it because ketu is in 7th house ? will i ever be successful and happy in this married life.

also since my childhood i don't remember any good happennign to me.

my dob: 13.04.1980, 2.45pm.bangalore.

his dob, 14.08.1977, 1.20am, bangalore.


pls advise.



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Namaste MG,

in your birth chart -rasi-,your lagna lord Sun has just entered the Mesha which is his exaltation point. but the Sun is on sign cusp at 0 degree and about 1 minutes rendering him some what powerless. as per Lahiri ayanamsa you are now running mercury dasa and rahu antara which will come to end in feb-09. mercury the second lord is in his debilitation point in exact cunjunction with moon. this may some times put you in a dilemma state.

i think it is better for you to recite aditya hridayam on sundays and sri vishnu shasranama everyday for some time. this parayana may help your problems get solved.


god bless you

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