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Merry Christmas and Good Cheer

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Diddly dum...diddaly dee...

All Good Boys and Girls will see...


Merry Christmas and good cheer.


Tradition seems to be accepted, ringing true some times without need of reason. Transforming from day to day, year to year, and from millenium to millenium. But all the good boys and girls see, from early days, that the gifts are many beneath the tree 'ever-green'.


The children eagerly know that one gift at least awaits for their unwrapping.


Beneath the tree in Northern Lands laid the Raindeers spoil, of white and red earthy type. Lifting the Rain-deer onward, carrying the Gift Giver....who enters through the secret door.


These are the gifts I found on my Fair-Travail this year...by an Elven grace.


This year Santa-Claus will come, in the spirit that has always been. In the hearts of the dreamers and the imaginative. The young can feel it, see it, smell it...or sense it in the Air. That is the Good Cheer!


Merry Christmas all you small and meek! Now gently on this Fair Travail!


Merry Christmas to you all (Audaryians)!


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A New Phase Begins


Whatever the experiences in the womb, the time arrives when this situation

must come to an end. The fetus must undergo the phenomenal transition

from a symbiotic aquatic organism to an entirely different form of

existence. Even with the smoothest deliveries, this has to be viewed as a

major ordeal, a true heroic journey, associated with considerable emotional

and physical challenges. As the delivery begins, the child's universe within

the womb is severely disturbed. The first signs of this disturbance are fairly

subtle, coming in the form of hormonal influences. However, they become

increasingly dramatic and mechanical with the onset of uterine contractions.

The fetus begins to experience intense physical discomfort and a situation

of extreme emergency. With the early signals of the beginning of

the birth process, the fetal consciousness is introduced to an entirely new

set of experiences quite different from what it has known up to this time.

These are the experiences that are associated with BPM II—the loss of the

amniotic universe and the engagement in the birth process. This phase of

the early drama of life is the subject of the next chapter.

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Merry Christmas to all!


IT was a little girl who described Srila Prabhupada as Swami Jesus.

Swami Jesus in return replied, " & a little child shall lead them..."




Prahlad & the Krishna Kids - 1986

"Through the Eyes of a Child"



A musical top ten hit in Australia and a number of countries. Prahlad and the Krishna Kids were all devotees at ISKCON New Govardhan. This LP was bought via Ebay in 2005. Hare Krishna!


All files are .mp3.

To download right-click on the file and "Save (File) As....." to your harddrive.


(01) Through The Eyes Of A Child

(02) We Want To See The 21st Century

(03) Its Up To You

(04) Life Can Be Better

(05) In Every Town And Village

(06) Mr Gorbachev Please Let Our Friends Go

(07) Island Nations

(08) Message For Tomorrow

(09) My Generation

(10) Listen To The Children

All 10 song files zipped (37.3MB)

Executive producer Gauragopala dasa ACBSP

Produced by Havi and Mark Oputs EMI Sydney and Springbrook Queenland May 1986



(07)NOTE of erra -Actually Island Nations - is the historical the great song Mr Gorbachev Please Let Our Friends Go . Listen to the beginning of the soviet freedom campaign and how the plea of a group of 12 year old children led to the freedom of Russian Hare Krishnas in the Soviet UNION - Even Gorbechev himself personally was moved by this song .

And yes, a child helped lead to the collapes of the Soviet enpire



Also the kids were way ahead of their time in 1986 singing about child sexual, emotional, psychological and physical abuse in the
song ‘It’s up to you’
way before the problems in ISKCON nd the Catholic church was exposed.



Apparently Dryn Hynch was also impressed with what that song exposed wghich was the secret abases in society.



It was also played in the states and some even give that song credit for beginning the world wide campaign again child human rights violations







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A New Phase Begins


Whatever the experiences in the womb, the time arrives when this situation

must come to an end. The fetus must undergo the phenomenal transition

from a symbiotic aquatic organism to an entirely different form of

existence. Even with the smoothest deliveries, this has to be viewed as a

major ordeal, a true heroic journey, associated with considerable emotional

and physical challenges. As the delivery begins, the child's universe within

the womb is severely disturbed. The first signs of this disturbance are fairly

subtle, coming in the form of hormonal influences. However, they become

increasingly dramatic and mechanical with the onset of uterine contractions.

The fetus begins to experience intense physical discomfort and a situation

of extreme emergency. With the early signals of the beginning of

the birth process, the fetal consciousness is introduced to an entirely new

set of experiences quite different from what it has known up to this time.

These are the experiences that are associated with BPM II—the loss of the

amniotic universe and the engagement in the birth process. This phase of

the early drama of life is the subject of the next chapter.


I can`t count how many deliveries I had attended: 1) During our senior clerkship at the Cebu Maternity Hospital 2) During my post-graduate internship at the Cebu City Medical Center 3)As Medical Officer III assigned in Minglanilla District Hospital.

Each delivery I made had so much pain written on the face of the mother. I would tell her, " The pain you are experiencing now is a natural pain. It is a discomfort but it`s the most natural discomfort."

As her cervix becomes fully dilated I`d tell her, " Okay, you push...push...push!"

As the baby`s head appears, I`d grab the head and start pulling down, a little rotation and pop goes the baby.

What a wonderful experience after I hurt the baby a little, a faint cry is heard. The baby start`s to inhale and exhale. Oh, what a joy indeed to watch and deliver a newborn baby.

Merry Christmas to all once again!:)

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