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Son Reading

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Dear Webyogi,


I was hoping you could tell me a little about my son



born January 26, 1982

in city of fontana california

at 4:48pm (USA time)



I wanted to ask you


He is studying to take his exam for his medical board right now. How will that go for him?


How will his career be? Will he have any struggles in regards to his career.


When will he get married?

Will his marriage be love marriage or arranged marriage?

Will he marry someone from our caste?

How will his married life be?


Personally does he have any obstacles or anything to be careful of?


Thank you webyogi

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Dear Webyogi,


I was hoping you could tell me a little about my son



born January 26, 1982

in city of fontana california

at 4:48pm (USA time)



I wanted to ask you


He is studying to take his exam for his medical board right now. How will that go for him?


How will his career be? Will he have any struggles in regards to his career.


When will he get married?

Will his marriage be love marriage or arranged marriage?

Will he marry someone from our caste?

How will his married life be?


Personally does he have any obstacles or anything to be careful of?


Thank you webyogi




This is a brief facts about your son's chart:

Jupiter period running from May 2001 to May 2017. Jupter is luck ord as well as disease lord, 6th house. It is aspecting profession house thus will require efforts. Worshiping lord Vishnu Ji along with Laxmi ji may be very helpful. The effects may be enhanced if Dakshnivarat shankh is worshiped together that has been activated or energized. The profession lord Mars is with 8th house lord Saturn (death, destruction etc) indicates struggles in the professsion. Period of saturn will start around 2017. Wear a Coarl in gold or copper may be very helpful for this.


Although he is not manglik but Jupiter period as a 6th lord may dealy it. Please do as mentioned above. Jupiter has transited recently to Makar rasi that is marriage house for your son. With efforts it is possible this year.


Arranged marriage with matching is important for this chart. With this lagna love marriage is also not ruled out.


Marriage in the same caste is possible by efforts. Married life may not be as good as in case of other lagna charts due to the fact that saturn is not only the lord of marriage but also 8th house (death, destruction lord). it causes spouse to suffer whatever the reason may be or some times person is enganged more than one time.


Obsticles: As mentioned above that I have concern. The concern is that Moon as a lagna lord in the 8th house and makes the chart weak. Poornima fasting and being vegtarian (if not already so) is extremely important for this chart.



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Dear Webyogi,


It seems from your reading that my son will have many obstacles. He is about to start studying for his first board exam at the end of this month. I hope that he will do well in that. When you mentioned for career that much effort must be needed.....If he puts in a lot of effort then will he be successful in his career?


As for marriage, there is more possiblity of arranged marriage then love marriage?



You talk about Saturn in his chart. Are there any other obstacles in his life he needs to be careful about, other then profession or marriage?


He is not vegetarian and is not into fasting. Is there anything else that he can do to help him???


Thank you.

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