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Students to be taught there's no God

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Students to be taught there's no God



December 14, 2008 01:17am

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VICTORIAN state primary school students will soon be able to take religious education classes which teach there is no evidence God exists.

<!-- // END article intro ************************************** --> <!-- // article corpus ************************************** --> The Humanist Society of Victoria has developed a curriculum for primary pupils that the state government accreditation body says it intends to approve, The Sunday Age newspaper reported.


Accredited volunteers will be able to teach their philosophy in the class time allotted for religious instruction, the newspaper said.


As with lessons delivered by faith groups, parents will be able to request that their children do not participate.


"Atheistical parents will be pleased to hear that humanistic courses of ethics will soon be available in some state schools," Victorian Humanist Society president Stephen Stuart said.


The society does not consider itself to be a religious organisation and believes ethics have "no necessary connection with religion".


Humanists believe people are responsible for their own destiny and reject the notion of a supernatural force or God.

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These people work for Hiranyakasipu. We side with Prahlada.


Yip this is a terrible story to read in the news though, however it totally affirms the prescence of Kali Yuga.


"Humanists believe people are responsible for their own destiny and reject the notion of a supernatural force or God." - What a silly belief. If they were truly responsible for their own destiny they could have chosen for themselves which family they'd be born in, the amount of wealth they are to possess, how long they would live etc.

Of course all these things the Lord is actually responsible for, not the humanists. These people are fools

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They want to keep the system churning out dumb downed hedonistic corporate slave yuppies who are unknowingly property of THE NEW WORLD ORDER.



The American people wanted socialism now everyone will be equally poor and the only ones who will have any wealth are the people who control the military.



Sorry for the rant. ;)

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They want to keep the system churning out dumb downed hedonistic corporate slave yuppies who are unknowingly property of THE NEW WORLD ORDER.



The American people wanted socialism now everyone will be equally poor and the only ones who will have any wealth are the people who control the military.



Sorry for the rant. ;)



This is true but I believe just an intermediate space. Once they perfect artifical birth of humans through cloning and genetic manipulation and control it, there will be no more need for the the billions of ordinary humans with their need to feed and their unruly tendancies to complain, strike and riot.



Properly cultivate clones never complain or talk back.



I remain convinced there is a Eugenics Conspiracy behind all this.

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This is true but I believe just an intermediate space. Once they perfect artifical birth of humans through cloning and genetic manipulation and control it, there will be no more need for the the billions of ordinary humans with their need to feed and their unruly tendancies to complain, strike and riot.



Properly cultivate clones never complain or talk back.



I remain convinced there is a Eugenics Conspiracy behind all this.



Yes, definetly a frightening possibility.

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