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problems with health and everything in general

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Hi everyone.

I am a 21 year old guy. i am having a lot of problems with my health( generally, depressed, constipated and have become very weak). i have finished my engineering and now havent searched for a job yet as i had a back in one subject which gets cleared in december.

i want to get a job but my motivation has dropped so low that i dont find myself interested in working at all. I am constantly tense and have a very low sex drive, almost non-existent and am introverted and depressed. Also one of my physical complaints that has been the cause of many of my problems is constipation. i have hernia due to constipation and due to constipation, i am also losing my cognitive memory. my concentration has weakened a lot and i also have almost lost my sense of smell. i am in such a bad phase and i have tried all sorts of remedies like homeopathy, ayurveda, reiki etc but to no avail. Its not like they werent able to cure me but my luck is just so bad that i end up with a bad doctor or i suddenly lose faith in the remedy. My details are as follows:


Date of Birth: 5th march,1987

Place: hyderabad,india

time: 7.41 am


please help me. tell me when this is going to end. what are the astrological remedies? pearl, red coral i have tried these but they help little. Please also tell me what are my benefic planets and malefic planets. When will be a suitable time for me to get a job or will i work at all? i know as do my parents that i am quite intelligent but somehow all my potential and talents are going to waste. Please tell me anything else that you think will help me. Will i make become more sociable and how to cure my existing problems.


Thank you.

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