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Need Help for Brother

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Respected Astrologers




I am very tensed due to my brother behavior. He is very aggressive and Violent towards all member of my family; even he is very poor in study also. He doesn’t listen to any body. Do you have any solution in astrology? His birth details are:-

Name: Monu

D.O.B.: 20.11.1991

Time: <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:time Hour="7" Minute="40">7:40 am</st1:time>

Place: <st1:City><st1:place>Delhi</st1:place></st1:City>

Please help me out and suggest any Gem stone for him.

S. Dhiman

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Namaskar Dhiman Ji,


Yes, per his horoscope, your brother is Scorpio Lagna with Sun and Mercury. His Lagnesh, Mars, who is agressive and fiery in nature, is in the 12th aspecting Moon in Aries who is in 6th house. This altogether can cause agressive and stubborn nature. Arrogance and over-confidence might be a concern too. Additionally for studies, education, and intelligence/mind: Saturn is aspecting the 5th house (mind/intelligence). Saturn is known for slowing, and retarding and his aspect here can cause such problems on the mind, thinking, and intelligence. For all of his problems you are concerned about, there might be a single and simple solution. Benefic and auspicious Jupiter is his 2nd (stored wealth, speech) and 5th (intelligence, mind) lord sitting in the 10th house (profession) aspecting the 4th (education).


Wearing yellow topaz (not sapphire) might be of benefit for him in all of this. It must be without flaws, light to butter yellow, and clear. Additionally, worship of Lord Shiva can help curb his anger in addition to the yellow topaz.






Respected Astrologers




I am very tensed due to my brother behavior. He is very aggressive and Violent towards all member of my family; even he is very poor in study also. He doesn’t listen to any body. Do you have any solution in astrology? His birth details are:-

Name: Monu

D.O.B.: 20.11.1991

Time: ffice:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:time Minute=7:40 am</st1:time>

Place: <st1:City><st1:place>Delhi</st1:place></st1:City>

Please help me out and suggest any Gem stone for him.

S. Dhiman

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