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Require help in Chakras, Kundalinis, Will power, Self Control

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Its a story of 1997 when one day in our college a session was taken by some physcology expert hired by the college for the benefit of students. He had taken a session along with a live demonstration as how to mediate. I tried since than for atleast a year. It was my HSC exam and it helped me a lot in concentrating and gaining self confidence. Later than after my HSC, i wanted to know and understand more of it. I wanted to explore too much from it. Many stories and humors and realistic happenings came to my ears and i started a blind journey towards this. I slowly came to a term first called as hypnotesim, which i was not interested in. Later i came to a term called as enlightment which could be done through mediation and with the help of right guru. A right guru could help in understanding the right path for the journey, i was moving to. I tried a lot to get some one who could guide me and let me understand these terms more and more. i asked with one of my friend from defense life 20 years senior than me. He said one day you would definately get the guru, if your search is true and the vibrations keep going from your soul to mind and mind to the world, it will stimulate the senses and would make things easier to find guru. he said guru could be any one anywhere. than i made google as my guru. i tried and searched a lot and tried to implement from it. it helped me but the fact remained the same, i am still feeling incomplete in myself in terms of knowledge the right part for activating the chakras, which and how the first thing has to be done and so many things. The above brief, i am forwarding at this site with a hope that some one could definately help me out in understanding, learning and giving me an opportunity to serve the society and myself with that enlightment.

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The easiest way to experience the kundalini is by sahaj yoga. You can join sahaj yoga nearby your residence, it's free. Within 2 days you can experience the energy flowing over your body and the feel the connection, for sure. It's the initial awareness and later by practice more awareness can be gained. What is read about kundailini's wild experience is not completely true. Here, the all the obstables of the chakras gets cleanse before so there is no painful experience. Nothing wrong in experiencing what it is.

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thanks, i would surely do this and update the status. the feel has become even more stronger as nowadays i was feeling even more uncomfortable, impatient discovering myself in the world of dark where my self confidence and control both were getting losen. but the direction of light to restart once again to the world of enlightenment has made me feel better and stronger. thanks once again

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The easiest way to experience the kundalini is by sahaj yoga. You can join sahaj yoga nearby your residence, it's free. Within 2 days you can experience the energy flowing over your body and the feel the connection, for sure. It's the initial awareness and later by practice more awareness can be gained. What is read about kundailini's wild experience is not completely true. Here, the all the obstables of the chakras gets cleanse before so there is no painful experience. Nothing wrong in experiencing what it is.


Shriyogi ji, I tried till now whenever i got time to find some one for sahaj yoga nearby my residence but failed. truly speaking if you could help me with a little more guidance, i would be grateful to you. you could even mail me to raj_all41@rediffmail.com

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