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Need Astrological Clarification :Saturn Aspecting Venus

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Date of Birth: 25-04-1980

Time of Birth:6pm

Place of Birth:puri(orissa)



Hello everybody, problems are coming one after another in my life and mentally i am not able to be stable.I am giving my horoscope detail here under and need help.plz clear my doubts with proper astrological analysis,i will be ever grateful.


I have: Tula lagna 5th-- Ketu 6th-- Mercury 7th-- Sun 8th-- Venus 11th-- Jupiter,Moon,Mars,Saturn,Rahu.


In my horoscope Saturn sitting in 11th house aspecting my lagna(Tula) and lagna lord(Venus in 8th).As per my knowledge, 4th and 5th lord Saturn is yogakaraka to Tula lagna.But on top of that it sits sun's house(enemy) and the way it aspects 1st house and venus ,will it be considered very auspicious or bad. I want to know the good and bad of sani' such placement in my horoscope like ,which are the houses it is weekening and which all houses it is strengthening.


One astrologer advices me to wear Red Coral as i am going through Mars mahadasa. Another astrologer suggests me not to wear Red Coral as it is a malefic for Tula lagna and advising me to wear Dimond with Blue Saphire.Some body else advices me to wear Dimond with Blue saphire and emreald.I am really confused and wondering that what should be the parameters to consider while wearing a gem stone.Can anybody please explain me that should we consider which mahadasa is going while wearing a stone for a yogakaraka planet in horoscope.if that is true then i sholud not even wear dimond(lagna lord) also in the period of Mars.


I want to strengthen my 5th house as it is related to study and mind also(as per my knowledge) and in my case Saturn being the 5th lord(Yogakaraka) aspects 5th(own house).But i dont know If i wear blue saphire to strengthen 5th house then will it create problem to some other part.Coz i am unknown about Saturn's good/bad

1>While it is aspecting lagna and lagna lord(Venus)

2>Also while mahadasa of Mars is going

3>And if it also sits in an enemy house(Sun)

can anybody clarify me astrologically,by wearing blue saphire which houses will get good effect and to which houses it will be bad or else overall good/bad.




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Dear Satyajit,


Wearing blue saphire is not only good, its very important in your case.


Mental stability is a problem because your have a debilitated mercury which is aspecting its own 12th house of losses, interest in occult, surgery, etc. Not only that, as lord of a trine, mercury in 6th could indicate loss of support from father and bad luck, problems with journeys and loss from shares/trading etc.


When Saturn will move into Virgo, it becomes completely dead in your chart by relationships with other planets. It will cause loss, break in romance/education etc.


Sun and Mars are in exchange. Its not a good exchange. You need to pray or do charity for Mars. Wearing red coral will make mars stronger. You must read hanuman chalisa, at least 3 times everyday.


Too many planets in leo make you look for kingly status in life. Mars will give you bank balance and good family life but Jupiter also ignites your wishes manifold.


Moon is at a sensitive spot and therefore, "Om Namah Shivay" must tag along with you through your life.


Best Wishes


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Depaji ,

Thanks a lot for the reply.

I had a doubt.How should we interpret the exchange between 7th lord and 11th lord.


Do i need to wear emerald.


In my case mars is not a yogakaraka planet.should i wear Red coral.


You have also suggested me to wear Blue Saphire.Can i wear it in Mars period.Now mars mahadasa is going in my case.Although Saturn is yogakaraka and looking its own house(5th) but it sits in an enemy(Sun) house.So plz tell me ,whether wearing blue saphire will cause problem in any other sense or to any other house.And how should i interprete Saturn's drishti to Venus that is sitting in 8th house.



Due to lack of knowledge i could not understand Saturn's movement to Virgo .Can you pleae spare some time to elaborate it.




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Do not wear red coral.


sun is excellent in the chart - in exaltation, in a trine to its house. But Rahu's aspect afflicts the sun. with a difference of less than ten degrees, its a strong aspect which might cause marital issues.


Vimsopak bal of akarak mars exceeds that of yogkarak saturn. Thats malefic. Yogkaraka saturn causes institutional benefits, gains from elderly, constantly instigates you to work. Retro Saturn is close to retro jupiter. though not a benefic for you, yet, jup is retro towards exaltation so it makes saturn better. the sambandha is close because even in navamsa chart saturn is in a jup sign and aspecting it.


I stick to the stand of your wearing neelam. saturn in virgo--- ashtakvarga!

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Thanks for giving your valuable time.

One astrologer telling me not to wear blue sapphire only because of Mars mahadasa is going now for me.Rather he is suggesting me to wear Red Coral in this Mars mahadasa.So wat would be your remark on this.

And kindly let me know what are the parameters we should consider while wearing a stone.should we wear stones according to yogakaraka planets in our horoscope or according to mahadasa or both have to be considered.


Please tell me how to reduce the rahu's bad effect on sun to overcome marital issues.


And Deepaji also let me know ,How to interpret the Saturn's aspect on Venus in my horoscope.Is it considered good or bad,coz some where i read that friendly planet's aspect is considered good.But saturn is a natural malfic.so how to interpret this in my horoscope.




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saturn would cause delays generally wherever it aspects. so look at the house and the role of venus.


personally i have always recommended stones which are not o marakas and which are benefics for the chart. SO definitely not red coral. And again, blue saphire is a must for at least 3 years.


In case you still dwindle - go in for charities/ mantra/ etc for your remedies. In that case, hanuman chalisa is very good. Or sunderkand ka paath.

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Deepaji ,can u plz elaborate why are u suggesting blue saphire for atleast 3 years and when should i start wearing it.plz mention whether it can be worn in mars mahadasa.


And one question:If i wear blue sapphire ,the problem due to saturn's aspect on venus will be increased or decreased.


Looking forward to your reply.




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