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Namaskar to everyone :)

My name is Rajeev Sharma. Though I got registered with this board in May this year but could not post anything for one reason or the other so this is my first post and let it be an introductory one.

I live in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on">Chandigarh</st1:City>, in the northern parts of <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region> and am a business man and an amateur astrologer. I have been a student of astrology since very long. I started reading it after I had some personal problems and none of the so called pundits, I went to, could come up with any satisfactory explanation and if not all, most of them were after extracting money on one pretext or the other. However some of the things they said forced me to think about this science rationally. I took up its studies and the more I went into it the more fascinating it became. My conclusion is - good and bad people are there in every field of life but they are more so in astrology because here u can play with the emotions of others rather easily because when people are in trouble they can spend any amount to get out of it. But when one gets really sick, the person one goes to for a treatment matters a lot. If one goes to a quack rather than a qualified doctor he/she himself/herself is more responsible in getting in getting his/her life into danger than the quack.

During my astrological studies I came across many questions; some of them were answered by others, some were found by me and some still remain unanswered. To share my experiences I had joined another forum like this but to share with a wider range of colleagues I am here and as I also see some old friends here I think I am going to enjoy my stay here. I will also try to give readings to other people according to my knowledge of things. My first few posts will be based on my already published posts as I will like to share my findings with the learned people here and get their view point. Later as I have fresh questions and material, I will definitely post it here.



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WELCOME RAJEEV JI.:deal: :deal: :deal: :deal: :deal:

Was earnestly waiting for you.

















Namaskar to everyone :)

My name is Rajeev Sharma. Though I got registered with this board in May this year but could not post anything for one reason or the other so this is my first post and let it be an introductory one.

I live in ffice:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:City w:st=Chandigarh</st1:City>, in the northern parts of <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region> and am a business man and an amateur astrologer. I have been a student of astrology since very long. I started reading it after I had some personal problems and none of the so called pundits, I went to, could come up with any satisfactory explanation and if not all, most of them were after extracting money on one pretext or the other. However some of the things they said forced me to think about this science rationally. I took up its studies and the more I went into it the more fascinating it became. My conclusion is - good and bad people are there in every field of life but they are more so in astrology because here u can play with the emotions of others rather easily because when people are in trouble they can spend any amount to get out of it. But when one gets really sick, the person one goes to for a treatment matters a lot. If one goes to a quack rather than a qualified doctor he/she himself/herself is more responsible in getting in getting his/her life into danger than the quack.

During my astrological studies I came across many questions; some of them were answered by others, some were found by me and some still remain unanswered. To share my experiences I had joined another forum like this but to share with a wider range of colleagues I am here and as I also see some old friends here I think I am going to enjoy my stay here. I will also try to give readings to other people according to my knowledge of things. My first few posts will be based on my already published posts as I will like to share my findings with the learned people here and get their view point. Later as I have fresh questions and material, I will definitely post it here.



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Namaskar to everyone :)

My name is Rajeev Sharma. Though I got registered with this board in May this year but could not post anything for one reason or the other so this is my first post and let it be an introductory one.

I live in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on">Chandigarh</st1:City>, in the northern parts of <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region> and am a business man and an amateur astrologer. I have been a student of astrology since very long. I started reading it after I had some personal problems and none of the so called pundits, I went to, could come up with any satisfactory explanation and if not all, most of them were after extracting money on one pretext or the other. However some of the things they said forced me to think about this science rationally. I took up its studies and the more I went into it the more fascinating it became. My conclusion is - good and bad people are there in every field of life but they are more so in astrology because here u can play with the emotions of others rather easily because when people are in trouble they can spend any amount to get out of it. But when one gets really sick, the person one goes to for a treatment matters a lot. If one goes to a quack rather than a qualified doctor he/she himself/herself is more responsible in getting in getting his/her life into danger than the quack.

During my astrological studies I came across many questions; some of them were answered by others, some were found by me and some still remain unanswered. To share my experiences I had joined another forum like this but to share with a wider range of colleagues I am here and as I also see some old friends here I think I am going to enjoy my stay here. I will also try to give readings to other people according to my knowledge of things. My first few posts will be based on my already published posts as I will like to share my findings with the learned people here and get their view point. Later as I have fresh questions and material, I will definitely post it here.



A Very Welcome Mr. Rajeev Ji:) ..

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