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advice regarding job and career

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adarniya gurujis,


sadar pranam!


My date of birth is 02/02/1974; time of birth is 13:33; place of birth is New Delhi.

I have finished a masters degree (mba) this year in the US but have been unable to find a desirable good job in the US for the last few months.

I have been advised to wear an emerald which I have been wearing since last two months. Before this I was wearing a yellow sapphire since end of 2004 and it seems it helped me in getting a higher education in the US during the ongoing Jupiter mahadasha even though Jupiter is combust and debilitated in my chart. I started my mba here in the US in August 2006 and finished it in May 2008.

Could you please advise if emerald is good for me. Also by when should I expect to find a good job in the US? Any other remedial advice?


astro shishya

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adarniya gurujis,


sadar pranam!


My date of birth is 02/02/1974; time of birth is 13:33; place of birth is New Delhi.

I have finished a masters degree (mba) this year in the US but have been unable to find a desirable good job in the US for the last few months.

I have been advised to wear an emerald which I have been wearing since last two months. Before this I was wearing a yellow sapphire since end of 2004 and it seems it helped me in getting a higher education in the US during the ongoing Jupiter mahadasha even though Jupiter is combust and debilitated in my chart. I started my mba here in the US in August 2006 and finished it in May 2008.

Could you please advise if emerald is good for me. Also by when should I expect to find a good job in the US? Any other remedial advice?


astro shishya




I would not suggest either yellow sapphire or Pukhraj /Topaz even you are having mahadasa of Jupiter. You may have to put little more efforts to get a job and it may not be of your satisfaction. Rather, worshiping lord Vishnu along with Laxmi ji may be way out. Please do not use flowers in lord Vishnu's pooja. Thursday fasting and being vegetarin helps a lot in case of Jupiter. Wearing Emerald may be the next choice and it should be of good quality and wearing at right time is extremely important in your case (muhurta). There may be other remedies too.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Adarniya Webyogiji,


Sadar Pranam!


Thank you for your quick response. I wore emerald on September 17th 2008, Wednesday in the first hour from sunrise. I had kept it immersed in milk overnight the night before. And chanted the budha mantra 108 times before wearing it. Was it the right muhurta and the right way? If not, should I rectify it somehow?


I worship Lord Vishnuji and Ma Lakshmiji and Lord Ganeshaji every day. I start with Gayatri Mantra followed by Sri Hanuman Mantra followed by Sri Ganesha vanadana and aarti, and then Sri Vishnuji's Sri Hari vandana and "Aum Jai Jagadish Hare" aarti, and Ma Lakshmiji's Sri Lakshmi vandana and "Jai Lakshmi Mata" aarti. On Mondays I also offer milk and banana and a silver coin to Lord Shivaji and do Shivaji's vandana and aarti. On Thursdays, I also do Sri Brihaspatiji's aarti, and on Fridays I also recite Ma Durga's chalisa, 108 names chanting, and aarti. And every evening before dinner I recite Hanuman Chalisa.


Is the current dasha period bad for me? When will I experience beneficial dashas? I have finished my mba with concentration in corporate finance and investments, and have been very keen to find a job in the investment banking or investment management sector in the USA but have been unsuccessful so far. Will I get a job in this sector and wihen will I get it? Is this industry and job function suitable for me and will I be successful in it?


I have also been experiencing certain affliction of my mind too for the last 4-5 months. I have been experiencing problems in terms of ego clashes/mild disputes with my siblings which I have never experienced in my life before and this is causing me discomfort and affecting my mind and calmness. Could you please throw some light on this too and offer your kind advice regarding how should I overcome this problem/affliction?


Kind regards and much appreciation,


astro shishya

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