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WebYogiJI... Pls help me out

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Please help me out in understanding my future. I've applied for visa this year and could you please let me know whether I would get it or not? Are there chances of me flying to abroad in the near future? I'm facing huge issues in my professional life as i've lost my jobs. Please suggest me when my professional and personal life will become stable. How would be my married life and would I get a nice wife? Also can you please suggest me the best Gemstone suitable for me. My birth details are mentioned as below:


P.O.B: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.

D.O.B: 12th May 1982

T.O.B: 08:12:00 AM IST



Surya V

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Please help me out in understanding my future. I've applied for visa this year and could you please let me know whether I would get it or not? Are there chances of me flying to abroad in the near future? I'm facing huge issues in my professional life as i've lost my jobs. Please suggest me when my professional and personal life will become stable. How would be my married life and would I get a nice wife? Also can you please suggest me the best Gemstone suitable for me. My birth details are mentioned as below:


P.O.B: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.

D.O.B: 12th May 1982

T.O.B: 08:12:00 AM IST



Surya V




The mahadasa of Sun is going to end by next month or so. Then mahadasa of Moon will start and change is expected. Moon is in the 7th indicates travel. The 7th house is aspected by Mars and is with saturn, not a favourable combination as Mars happens to 6th lord too signifies house of disease. In the house of marriage, you have Moon along with kethu. For marriage thus match the horoscope carefully. I would like to suggest you to wear a natural Moti/pearl, a good one without hole and might start to see some relief. Worshiping lord Shiva on Monday and fasting on poornima and Monday might help you a lot. You can please refer to Sandhu Ji's excellent articles for more specific information about Moon.



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Thank you sir for ur guidance. Can i wear a pearl in the ring finger of my left hand? Also i'm planning to wear a diamond in the middle finger of my right hand. So will this combination fair well?


I'd like to add that the stone itself is more important than the placement. It must be without blemish, not drilled, white, round, etc. This is usually worn in the little finger. Why do you want to wear a diamond?



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Respected WebyogiJi... Thank you for ur guidance. Few years ago, i got to knw that i've gemini as my lagna and it's lord i.e, mercury is ill placed in the 12th house. I was suggested to wear an emerald ring in the little finger of my right hand. I had been wearing an emerald ring from the past 4 years but to be honest, didn't see any kind of improvement in my condition. Could you pls tell me if emerald is the lucky gemstone for me or is it Pearl? Moreover, can i wear a pearl ring (in silver) in the ring finger of my left hand? Thanks in advance :)

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Respected WebyogiJi... Thank you for ur guidance. Few years ago, i got to knw that i've gemini as my lagna and it's lord i.e, mercury is ill placed in the 12th house. I was suggested to wear an emerald ring in the little finger of my right hand. I had been wearing an emerald ring from the past 4 years but to be honest, didn't see any kind of improvement in my condition. Could you pls tell me if emerald is the lucky gemstone for me or is it Pearl? Moreover, can i wear a pearl ring (in silver) in the ring finger of my left hand? Thanks in advance :)


Please refer to my previous post. Also, what kind of emerald quality is it? If it is blemished or not clear it may not be effective.



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Quality wise its a good one as its clear and without any blemish. Is emerald the lucky gemstone as per my kundali?


As you mention, Mercury is your lagnesh and is ill placed in 12th (losses) from a meterialistic standpoint. For spiritual means, this is nice in that you can loose bondage. As for wearing emerald, it may not be that effective. Rather do fasting on Wednesdays for Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi Ji. And become vegetarian, if not already.



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Webyogi Sir... To be very honest, i've applied for visa this year and if i get it, my life wud change for gud. Its really really important for me to get this visa. So can u pls tell me whether i wud get it or not? Are there chances of me flying in 2009? If yes, then is there any specific month? Please help me sir... Thanks in advance

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Webyogi Sir... To be very honest, i've applied for visa this year and if i get it, my life wud change for gud. Its really really important for me to get this visa. So can u pls tell me whether i wud get it or not? Are there chances of me flying in 2009? If yes, then is there any specific month? Please help me sir... Thanks in advance




As I mentioned earlier that it may happen once you started Moon dasa, this is going to start very soon or might have already started (this is for 10 yrs). It is likely to give long travel, naturally visa should not be the problem. Moon is in 7th house with Kethu (also indicates journey, in addition to marriage). Mars is with Saturn and is aspecting this Moon, it might dealy somewhat. Start worshiping lord Hanuman Ji and be vegetarian if are not already so to get quick effects.



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Webyogi Ji... Are there any harms frm Jupiter in my horoscope? What are the good and malefic planets in my kundali?


Possible benefics in your horoscope (by placement, not planetary relationships) include:


Moon (slight blemish as a marakesh in another maraka house, afflicted by Mars)

Mercury (lagnesh and 4th lord, afflicted in 12th house)

Venus (auspicious 5th lord and mixed 12th lord, exalted, afflicted by 6th lord, Mars and 8th lord Saturn)

Jupiter (7th and 10th lord in auspicious 5th house, no afflictions except in enemy's house)


Mixed (by placement):


Sun (3rd lord in 11th house, afflicted by 6th lord Mars)

Rahu (exalted in lagna)

Ketu (exalted in 7th)

Saturn (auspicious 9th lord and bad 8th lord, in 4th house, afflicted by Mars)


Malefics (by placement):


Mars (highly malefic 6th lord and mixed 11th lord in 4th house, afflicting Saturn, Venus, Sun, and Moon)



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Sir... Since u r saying that Mars is Malefic by placement in my horoscope, wud u suggest me to wear a 'Red Coral'? Like u said i've stopped eating Non-Veg food and have started reciting 'Hanuman Chalisa' once a day. I hope by god's grace things wud come back on track for me. Thank you very much sir... :)




I am glad to know that you started eating vegetarian food. Many people do not realize but this itself may make lot of difference when we seek divine help. I hope you continue this and do not stop. I would suggest to say not to wear coral please.



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Sir... I guess i'm troubling u by asking questions ON n ON. I'm facing huge issues in my career. I'm jobless from the past few years. Can u please tell me about my career life as well. Do i have a good career life? When will i settle well in my career? Will that be before marriage or after?


How long have you tried the moti? Sometimes, it might take months for the pearl to take effect. Your job can be effected by this. So it is best to wait and see. The problem lies with Saturn. He is aspecting your 10th (profession) and Lagna. Continue to recite Hanuman chalisa and above remedies.



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I've been wearing a moti from the past few months. I'll surely follow all the remedies for sure as i've firm faith in the almighty. Infact it has grown more after your guidance. As you said, mars is aspecting in the 7th house of my kundali, will that create issues? How will my wife look? Will her nature be cool or hot tempered? Are there any predictions in my kundali abt her nature and appeareance?

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I've been wearing a moti from the past few months. I'll surely follow all the remedies for sure as i've firm faith in the almighty. Infact it has grown more after your guidance. As you said, mars is aspecting in the 7th house of my kundali, will that create issues? How will my wife look? Will her nature be cool or hot tempered? Are there any predictions in my kundali abt her nature and appeareance?


Yes, she may well be hot tempered due indicated by Mars, but she may also cool down quickly as seen by Moon. Ketu can indicate a spiritual/occult inclination. And of course there is the lord of 7th, Jupiter meaning a pious, dharmic quality. Ketu and Mars are again prominent in the lagna of navamsa as well. This is just a possibility- she may have anger issues hidden underneath a caring, motherly disposition.



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Will she be good looking? Will she be thin or stout? Is love marriage written in my kundali? Is there any major issue written in my married life? For her hot tempered nature, is there any remedy? I'd follow whatever u suggest sir, as i've firm faith in you.


Yes, it seems there are some chances of love marriage based on combinations in your horoscope. There may be issues in your married life in response to you being mangalik. Try to find someone who is also mangalik, as mentioned before. As recommended for you, I would suggest that she also be vegetarian (for her hot tempered nature). This is general until I see a specific horoscope for her. As Mars (with Saturn) aspect 7th, she will likely be on the taller and thin side.



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my birth details are as follows -

Date of birth: 26 June 1982

Time of birth: 6:20 PM

Place of birth: Meerut, India


My B.Tech degree is still pending & it has been 7 years. i m still not sure wether i'll get it ! i also want to know about my job.

My main concern is about my career & marriage......


please refer to bhav chalit chart also in kundali also because it has Sun & Rahu in 7th house. what effect they will produce?


please tell me accurately, explaining with suitable details.


Namaskar Roy Ji,


You have been running Rahu dasa since 1994. Rahu is adversely placed in 8th house with the Sun (10th lord, profession) creating an "eclipse" on your professional life. Your higher education is affected as well.


In your bhava chalit, Rahu does not move to 7th. Only Sun moves to 7th. This indicates that Sun is STILL in Taurus, but becomes likely more influenced on 7th house affairs than 8th.


For marriage, Venus is in 7th (in own house)! There may be more chances of marriage now until April 2009.


Try the following:

1) Do Surya namaskar every sunrise

2) Wear an umblemished white round Moti

3) Become vegetarian if not already for your education and profession's sake. Fast on Saturdays.



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