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Please view my daughters horoscope

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Hi all,

My daughter was born on 5th november 1985, time: 6:30 a.m at chennai. How wil her marriage life be? Will it be a love or arranged marriage? when will she get a job, and what kind of profession will she be in? She is facing a lot of difficulties from last one year in a foreign land. IS there any presence of daridra yoga in her horoscope? If so, please tell some remedies for it? Also is the venus in 1st house combusted due to the presence of sun? Please reply at the earliest

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Dear musica_538,


It's strange. As per the Birth Details mentioned by you, the native must be rolling in money at this very moment.


According to the chart -

7th house has Rahu in Aries, which means the native will be marrying someone who is not anywhere close to the land where she was born, the native's partner will have characters associated with Mars. Venus and Sun have Aspects on 7th house so results may vary.


10th house has Moon in its own sign Cancer. This signifies a good career in dealing with people like Human Resource or Public Relations or Oil or Pearl and or Investment Banking and many more.


The native must have gone to a foreign land in between 31-07-2005 to 18-02-2008. She might have also got into a liaison or partnership or relationship during this period.


Although, I would also like to mention that the native is undergoing First Cycle of Sadhesati ( 23-07-2002 to 09-09-2009). Also since Saturn is Malefic and in 2nd house there could be financial constraints.




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Thankyou ayush..

She went to foreign land in Aug 2007. But ever since December, it has been a very bad time for her.. She did not get a proper job, nor is she doing very well in studies, though she has always been a topper.

I would also like to know if her marriage will be a love or arranged marriage? And when is the most likely time when she will get a job? And will she be able to complete her education by this December?

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i have been trying to conceive for 6 yrs pls tell me when will i concieve

pls tell me the year atleast a real request


my dob is 2nd sep 1979 time of birth is 8 24 am born in chennai

date of marriage is july 6th 2003 Guruji pls help


my partners dob is 26 th april 1976 chennai


i have been taking medical treatement for 2 full yrs injections and tabs pls tell me if i will concieve now in approximately few months

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