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Classic 32, Your advise is awaited.

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Dear Classic 32,


I went through a few of your posts and got an urge to seek your advise related to my chart as well as astrology.


I would be pleased if you can take some time out answering a few of my queries.


My Birth Details :

DOB - 15th October 1984

Place - Rourkela, Orissa

Time - 04:07 AM


Q.) What profession would suite me the best, I request you to be specific.


Q.) When will I be able to move out from my stagnant life which is not heading anywhere.


Q.) Is this time good for education if I take up competitive entrance exams.


Q.) Is there anything that I can do as a remedy for my planets.


Q.) Finally, what kind of a chart do you think I have, and is there anything great going to happen in my life ever?


Hope the thread won't get unperceived this time.




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