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Sun Progression in Navamsha

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Dear Classic_72 and others,


I have questions on sun progression in Navamsha. I was reading someones chart and implementing the progression formula there. The sun progression fits for the 7L in Navamsha, but when it comes to aspecting 7H the things dont materialize.In that case do I assume that the marriage didnt take place and the relationship ended eventually? In this scenario do I have to start again with 7L and 7H or do I consider this as the second relation and start from 2L and 2H?





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Dear Coolgimmy,


To answer your question - when Sun aspects (by Rasi drishti) the 7L it indicates meeting the prospective partner and 7H is the actual marriage. Add to this Jup aspecting (by Rasi drishti) the 2nd from UL in Rasi - should give a clear indication of begining of a family. In most cases they do come together well, but one or more may not come in place. I wouldnt think that the relationship ended.


The Sun's aspect on 7L will only be a for year - what about relationship that last more than a year before marriage.


Sun aspecting 7L is mostly when (which year) you'll meet and Sun aspecting 7H is when (which year) you'll wed. Sun in trines to Venus indicates meeting involves a love and romance intent.


Its a simple way to get you closer to the timing of marriage.


Now - If it is the second marriage then take Sun's aspect on the 8th from 7H (2nd house) and 2L for meeting and marriage etc.,



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Dear Classic72,


Thanks for the answers. My question is if there is a relation which results in breakup instead of marriage due to whatever the reasons are, then do we go to the 7H and 7L for marriage again or start from 2H and 2L? If the jupiter doesnt aspect the 2H from UL, then is it that the relation will breakup?





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Dear Coolgimmy,


Well if a serious relationship breaks up, then the next relationship begins where the first ends (8th from 7th). So the next relationship should be seen from the 2H. So in the Navamsa check when the Sun aspects the 2L (for meeting the new prospective partner) and the Sun aspecting the 2H for marriage.


The definition of "serious relationship" is subjective and interpretation differs from astrologer to astrologer. The application of this can be very tricky also. So according the astrologer would struggle to grasp at which relation to be looked at.


I don't think Jupiter not aspecting the 2nd from UL will cause breakup - it will help sanctify the relationship and help it move forward. It indicates a good positive development - but not aspecting is not bad.




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Dear Classic72,


Thanks for your reply. I have a birth chart of someone mine who is expected to marry in December this year. In his case the progression tips fit the wedding, but in the girls Navamsa chart it fits the 2H and the 2nd lord. Does it mean that the girl is in 2nd relation ship? I am asking you the questions for study purpose only.





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Hmm - If the sun's progressions is matching the 2H , 2L - this may be second relationship. Not officially second - but she may have been seriously involved with another person for a while and broken up and this official wedding is now the second.


Are you sure this is the first relationship for the girl?

I'm actually curious to see the chart(s) if you have them you can post them.


In D10 and D7 matters. Let me take D7 for example.

For progeny matters see which rasi is now signifying the next child based on D7 lagna - going 5 signs forward/backward based on whether lagna is odd/even.

Sun aspecting this Rasi signifies the birth of the child.


In D10 I havent seen this work very consistently but theoritically speaking this would be the 10H.



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Dear Classic72,


The girl's details are 26.8.1984,6:05AM, Jamnagar.I dont know much about the girl.When I see the chart, I think she had a relationship around 2003, which broke due to Rahu in second from UL aspected by ketu and Mars graha aspects and saturn by rashi aspects with no aspect of jupiter.Seems the person cheated on her or something bad happened to him.If we assume the first UL in 9th house, then the second UL is in 4th. My brother's friend met her at her residence.What are your analysis on the chart?





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Dear Coolgimmy,


I would concur with your assessment. UL in Rasi chart is afflicted and also in Navamsa the 7H has 8L Mars in it can cause breakup of that relationship (first).

For the next relationship we have Jup retrograde in the 2nd from 2UL and also in the 2nd from 2H in navamsa. Jup would have a lot of say in the 2nd marriage and also its quality. 2UL now has Ketu and Mars - marriage itself may be turbulent.


I can see where you say Sun in the 25yr is now aspecting Venus(2L) and probably late next year aspect the 2H.


With Best Wishes.


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i have been trying to conceive for 6 yrs pls tell me when will i concieve

pls tell me the year atleast a real request


my dob is 2nd sep 1979 time of birth is 8 24 am born in chennai

date of marriage is july 6th 2003 Guruji pls help


my partners dob is 26 th april 1976 chennai


i have been taking medical treatement for 2 full yrs injections and tabs pls tell me if i will concieve now in approximately few months

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