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Higher Education Guaranteed or ..

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I am thinking of going for higher education . But whenever I make a approach .. it falls through !


Whenever I take a step towards doing my part time higher degree.. the opportunity walks away 2 steps from me . Do I have any higher education guaranteed in my chart ? Following is my details


DOB: 22/12/1972

POB: Chennai, India

TOB: 21:45

Gender: Male




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  • 3 weeks later...


Can anybody answer this ?


or is it not predictable ??




For higher studies, your Jupiter and Moon are important. This is followed by Venus to some degree. Jupiter is in your 6th and Moon is in your 8th. Both are ill-placed. Venus is well placed on the other hand.


You should start with Thursday fasting for Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi Ji. Lord Vishnu pooja on Thursdays is recommended too. Wearing a yellow topaz (not sapphire) and white pearl (undrilled) may be able to aid you to some degree. But an activated Dakshinavart conch, in my humble opinion, would likely be more effective and quicker to give results. PM me for details.



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  • 1 month later...

Thank you WebYogi.


I am going to give it a try on the stone and fasting.


I have one more question regards to puthra sthana. How is this effecting me ? I had some one referring to my 5th position, where sun is situated 5th from lagna. will this cause issues to my kid ? How is it looking in regards to children ?


BTW, I have one son.



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