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Neech bhangg raj yoga & Raj bhangg yoga

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<TABLE class=post cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=row vAlign=top align=left width="100%">Dear all,


Neech bhang raj yoga is good and cancels the debilation of the planet wheras raj bhang yoga cancels the effects of raj yoga and some other postive yogas.


Neech bhanga raj yog.


As defined By


Dr. BV Raman:




1) Lord of the sign occupied by a debilitated planet, placed in a Kendra (angle) from the Lagna or the Moon.

2) The planet which gets exalted in the sign where a planet is debilitated is in a Kendra from the Lagna or the Moon.

3) The lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet is posited in a Kendra from the Lagna or the Moon.

4) A neecha planet exalted in the Navamsa.




5) A debilitated planet being aspected by another debilitated planet.

6) Lord of the Navamsa occupied by a debilitated planet in a Kendra (angle) or trikona (trine); the ascendant being a movable sign or the lord of the ascendant is in a movable Navamsa.

7) Lord of the Rasi where a planet is debilitated is in a trine from the Lagna or the Moon.

8) The planet that gets exalted in the sign where the planet is debilitated, is in a trine to the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet.




9) The lords of the debilitation and exaltation signs are in mutual kendras (angles).

10) A debilitated planet, aspected by the lord of the sign, situated in an auspicious house.

11) Lord of the Rasi in which a planet is debilitated or the lord of the planet’s exaltation sign, or the planet who gets exalted there is in a trine from the Lagna or the Moon.



Of the three sections given above, the importance of the yogas may be said to decrease in the descending order.

The planet creating the cancellation should not own, be conjunct or aspected by the rulers of, the 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th houses. Furthermore, the rulers of the houses where the Neecha Bhanga is taking place should be well placed and well aspected. If these requirements are not fulfilled then the Raja Yoga may not be complete, despite the fact that they may fulfill the rules stated by Dr.B.V. Raman.


in bearest minimum short

Raja yoga is only when the debilitated planet occupies a kendra, otherwise it’s debility is merely removed






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Sandu Ji,

It can now be merely stated that raja yoga obtains only when the debilitated planet is in a kendra either from Ascendant or from Moon.

For instance Debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn gives raja yoga for Ascendants Aries,Cancer & Libra or if Moon is placed in one of these houses.Similarly for other debilitated planets.

If more than one planet is debilitated,say Sun in Libra in addition to Jupiter in Capricorn for the above Ascs & Moon placement,can this give more strength to the raja yoga?

If I am wrong anywhere,please correct.



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Raj bhangg yoga.


Astrology is a deep and complicated science. There may be good yogas in the

horoscope but because of some negative cancellational factors, these yogas

may not fructify. There are many a complaint that the " Yogas in my horoscope

are not experiential". This is because of some Bhanga ( cancellational factors )

hidden in the natal chart.


Regal Yogas are called Raja Yogas. They are formed by the conjuction of trinal

and angular lords. There are lakhs of Raja Yogas which are described in astro-

logical texts. Let us analyse the negative factors which can cancel Raja Yogas.


1) Debilitated Planets

2) Defeated Planets ( defeated in planetary war )

3) Planets in inimical houses.

4) Planets in Bhava Sandhis

5) Retrograde Planets

6) Combust Planets

7) Planets associated with the North Node

8) Vibala Planets ( planets devoid of strength )

9) Lords of 6, 8 & 9 houses

10) Lords of Angular Houses


All these cause Raja Yoga Bhanga.


1) Debilitated Planets


Planets in their debilitation signs are considered to be weak. However, the scholar

should check for Neechabhanga Yogas, which offset debilitation. For instance,

if the dispositor or the exaltation dispositor is angular, either from the Moon or

the Ascendant, cancellation of Debilitation or Neecha Bhanga occurs. Neecha Bhanga

is considered to be a Raja Yoga. ( Raja Bhaveth Dharmika Chakravarthi ).

2) Defeated Planets


Planets defeated in the Planetary war. Planetary war occurs when two planets

are in conjunction within one degree. The victor is the planet whose longitude is

less. The defeated one is the planet whose longitude is more.


3) Planets in Inimical Houses


The planets in inimical houses are considered weak. During the directional influence

of these planets, the native suffers, unless there are cancellational factors like the

dispositor posited strong.


4) Planets in Bhava Sandhis or Rasi Sandhis




Planets at the Cusp between 2 houses is considered weak. So also planets at the

Cusp between two Zodiacal Signs.


5) Retrograde Planets


If malefics retrograde, they will cause unnecessary wanderings and journeys.

( Papa Vyasanatha Pumsam Kurvanthi Cha Vridhadanam ). Saturn & Mars retrograde cause unnecessary suffering and sorrow.


6) Combust Planets


Planets when they become proximate to the Sun, become combust. Combust planets

are weak. For example, Mercury within 8 degrees of the Sun is very combust.


7) Planets associated with the North Node


Planets in conjuction with the North Node, Rahu, is considered weak. Conjuction

means the planet should be within 12 degrees of the other planet.


8) Vibala Planets ( planets devoid of strength )



In the Sixfold Source of Planetary Strength, if a planet gets Shastiamsas less

than the stipulated minimum, he is Vibala or devoid of strength.


Minimum points for Planets

Sun 390

Moon 360

Mars 300

Merc 420

Jup 390

Ven 330

Sat 300


A planet who gets lesser number of Shastiamsas than the stipulated minimum is

considered to be Weak without any cancellation.


9) Lords of 6, 8 & 12 houses


The lords of 6, 8 & 12 are malefics by ownership. The 6th lord brings diseases

& problems from enemies, the 8th lord brings health hazards and the 12th lord brings uncontrollable expenditure.


10) Lords of Angular Houses


Natural benefics like Venus and Jupiter, when afflicted by Angular ownership,

become malefics.





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Raja Bhanga Yogas

This is one of the less discussed topics of Vedic astrology. That is because no one wants the Yogas in his horoscope cancelled by an astrologer. However the discussion is a part of Vedic astrology hence it is taken up. Casting horoscopes with Nakshatra Padas and exact degree of planetary placements is known to all. This becomes necessary to weigh and analyzes the raja yogas present in the horoscope. (Yogas for wealth, power and position etc). Planets in quadrants and trines and lords of quadrants combining or aspecting each other confer Raja yogas. Astrologers over look one fact while looking at these raja yoga combinations is that the mere presence of the raja yoga combination is not sufficient to give the materialization of the yogas.


The first factor is exact degree wise relation i.e. the orb of influence of the planets should meet and the second is the planets causing the yogas should not be in inimical signs, inimical bhavas, or combust with sun. If they are in the inimical signs, bhavas, or combust the raja yogas become defunct.


To cite an example say in a horoscope Aries is the ascendant, with moon exalted in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio conjunct with sun forming Gaga kesari yoga of name fame etc with moon. This yoga will not materialize as Jupiter is in the 8th house which is an inimical house and is fully combust.


If Ascendant and the Moon are without aspect from any planet the native with raja yogas even if he is a prince will end up as pauper.


A person born in Vyatipata yoga or at the time of Ketu udaya looses all his raja yogas. If the lords of 9th, 10th and 11th are in debility with malefic yoga and malefic aspect the benefits of raja yogas are nullified.



Raja Bhanga Yogas


When in a horoscope the Moon becomes lonely without any planet on either side and no planet in its quadrant also the result is Kemadruma yoga which gives utter poverty. It cancels all raja yogas. There are several types of kemadruma Yogas.


. No planet in either side of Moon

. No planet in any kendra from a lone Moon

. Lone Moon with only Sun in Kendra from Moon

. Moon wit a malefic in the house of a malefic OR Moon in Malefic Navamsa aspected by the 10th lord when birth occurs in the night. (This will be more severe if 10th lord is also a malefic)

. If the 9th lord is laced in the 12th house and 12th lord in the 2nd house with a malefic in 3rdcauses Raja Yoga Bhanga

. Moon in ascendant or in the 7th not aspected by Jupiter is Raja yoga Bhanga

. Equal number of Malefic posted in ascendant and 7thnot aspected by Jupiter Is also Raja Yoga Bhanga.


Fortunately there are rules for cancellation of Kemadruma yogas:

. Lone moon but in a friendly house, or own house, own Navamsa and aspected by Jupiter.

. Lone Moon but in a kendra from ascendant and aspected by Jupiter.

. Presence of Vasumati yoga i.e. all benefics placed in Oopachayas 3, 6,10, 11 from Lagna or Moon cancels Kema druma and Makes the person extremely Wealthy.

. Lalatika Yoga :- Lone Moon in Cancer and8th from it occupied by Sun,Mars, Venus, Saturn


Vice versa Sun, Mars, Venus, Saturn in cancer and lone Moon in 8th from them Results in cancellation of Kemadruma and proficiency in fine arts and very rich.

. Jupiter in a kendra from moon cancels Kemadruma yoga.


Even when Kemadruma yoga is present the following factors reduce the intensity of the yoga:

Moon in 3,6,9,12

Moon in 1,4, 7, 10

Moon in Cancer or Taurus




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<TABLE class=post cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=row vAlign=top align=left width="100%">The debility is canceled when -


the neecha planet is free from combustion or is retrograde and is not in any dusthana (6th, 8th or 12th),

the lord of the sign where this planet would get exalted is in kendra,

the lord of current house where the planet is debilitated and the lord of sign where this planet would be exalted are situated mutually in kendras,

the neecha planet is aspected by lord of exaltation sign of the planet - of course, there ought to be a good relationship between the planet and ruler of the sign where the planet is exalted,

the planet that becomes exalted in the current sign is in kendra from lagna or moon,

this debilitated planet is exalted in Navamsha chart.

Conditions 1, 2, 5, 6 are explicitly mentioned as a rajyogas in Dr B.V. Raman’s book “Three hundred important combinations”. Along with these, conditions 3 and 4 are additionally called as rajyogas by J.N. Bhasin.


Whatever information you have provided is inadequate, to judge the yoga and offer any comments on the same.








To illustrate the point, consider a horoscope where Saturn is in Aries and hence debilitated. As per the rules, Saturn’s debilitation would be canceled when -


Saturn is in any house except 6th, 8th or 12th - e.g. this would happen for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn lagna or rashi. However, this condition may not be true all the time and must be looked at in conjunction with other conditions as well. Per Dr. B.V. Raman, a retrograde Saturn, debilitated in 10th house can damage a person’s career beyond repair, unless there is some benefic aspect on 10th house. Saturn’s favourable placement in other divisional chart would also help in mitigating the effects.

Saturn gets exaltation in Libra, which is the sign ruled by Venus. According to rule number 2, Saturn’s exaltation gets canceled when Venus is in kendra.

Saturn is debilitated in Aries, which is rules by Mars. Thus, Saturn’s exaltation would be canceled if Mars and Venus are in mutual kendras.

Saturn’s debilitation would be canceled if Venus aspects it.

Aries is the exaltation sign of Sun. If Sun is in kendra, Saturn’s debilitation is canceled. This is not considered to be a one of the conditions causing neechabhanga by Dr. Raman, although it is mentioned in his book.

If Saturn is in Libra in Navamsha chart, its debilitation stands canceled.

In the context of debilitation of planets, other yogas that are worth mentioning are -


(a) When ruler of lagna is in moveable sign, (b) the lagna itself is a movable sign and © if the lord of Navamsha occupied by a debilitated planet is in a kendra or trikona, this Navamsha lord is capable of giving a rajyoga.

Mutual aspect between lagna lord and a debilitated planet with Rahu and Saturn in 10th, aspected by benefic 9th lord, gives rajyoga. This effect would be seen in the dasha and antardasha periods of this debilitated planet.

Does mere cancellation of debility mean that the planet has become a rajyoga karaka? It is a matter of debate. Condition 1, which states that the planet just needs to be away from Sun and not situated in 3 out of 12 houses in a horoscope would apply to a majority of charts. This would mean that the debilitation would cancel for little less than 75% of all individuals. In my humble opinion, this condition is too generic to cause rajyoga.


A rajyoga should be caused only when such a planet getting the neechabhanga is situated in a kendra and is strong in Navamsha as well. It should also simultaneously be a lord of houses 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th and not the rest of the houses in the chart. My opinion on ownership of kendra and trine houses is based on a simple reasoning - a planet becomes a yoga karaka by by the virtue of lordship of certain houses and not by its position in horoscope, e.g. Saturn is a rajyoga karaka for Libra lagna by becoming ruler of houses 4 and 5, and for Taurus by being the ruler of houses 9 and 10. Unlike a planet which is exalted, a planet getting Neechabhanga would still be naturally inclined to do harm when it is lord of dusthanas - just like other planets in the chart. Neechabhanga is cancellation of debility, it is not exaltation.




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