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1 month until my Rahu Dasa. what to expect

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birth data:





12:11 daylight savings time (11:11 adjusted)

time zone Eastern US.


i put this in to many web sites and they all say rahu dasa starts at end of november.


mars dasa has been not good for me. pain in eyes and face and mental illness. i am looking forward to rahu dasa. someone said rahu in taurus 11th is good for rahu dasa and that it would be better for me.

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I know of one case who has rahu in taurus in 11th house. His Rahu MD is going on since around 2001. It has been giving him ok to good results so far for the last more than 7 years. His Rahu MD & saturn AD has given him v. good results (His saturn is strongly placed). However, I do not have astrology knowledge. May experts enlighten you about your query.


Best Regards........uner

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