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HH Jayapataka Swami is in critical condition from a serious stroke, please pray

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Monday, December 08 - Evening report:

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


Today Maharaja was taken to the physiotherapy department where he was made to stand with support for about 20 minutes in two sessions. He was holding on to a set of parallel bars on either side of him, with about 4 physiotherapists helping him to stand straight.


Maharaja put in a lot of effort to stand up and is looking forward to his next session tomorrow. He even asked the physiotherapist about when he would be taking baby steps. The physiotherapist told him to first start standing on his own and then they would proceed to baby steps.


He was also made to do different exercises to strengthen his right arm which is weak.


Maharaja is stable otherwise.


The Lord of the universe Jugganath along with his pure devotee jayapataka swami maharaj giving darsan to all


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Friday, December 12 - Evening report:

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:




Maharaja was shifted to the room today, out of the ICU. The tracheostomy tube is still there which will be removed next week.



It's kept for precaution. The physiotherapists commented that Maharaja's standing is getting better. Today he was also made to cycle on the stationary cycle for 10 minutes.


Friday, December 12 - Report from HG Maha Varaha Prabhu:

10th December 2008 - Night shift, 6 pm – 6 am


Today HH Janananda Goswami Maharaja visited Guru Maharaja. He was about to leave the hospital when I went inside the ICU. Guru Maharaja was sitting on a chair next to his bed.


e asked Guru Maharaja, "Do you prefer taking dinner while sitting on the chair or on the bed?" He said, "On the bed." Bhadra Balaram Prabhu went to call the hospital boys who always help us to carry Guru Maharaja.


Today, Vasudevatmaja Prabhu, Guru Maharaja's personal cook from Mayapura came with us to the hospital to get some feed back from Guru Maharaja about his cooking. Guru Maharaja told him, "I am gaining strength because you are cooking nutritious food for me"!!! Guru Maharaja kind of lifted his arms to show him how stronger he was getting!! Can you imagine the satisfaction Vasudevatmaja prabhu must have experienced by hearing such nectarean words?


While waiting for the boys to come I read couple of letters for Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja was listening to the letters while Vasudevatmaja Prabhu was cutting Guru Maharaja's toe nails. 25 minutes later we managed to put Guru Maharaja on his bed with the help of these boys.


Soon after putting Guru Maharaja on the bed we started to feed dinner. While having his dinner Guru Maharaja asked, "You think Srila Prabhupada's chanting at the back is too loud? Does it disturb other patients?" I told Guru Maharaja,


"So far we haven't heard any complaint about it, so nothing to worry." Though Guru Maharaja's health is in poor condition, I noticed his mood of caring for other's welfare remains the same.


I was remembering how soon after he gained his consciousness he asked us, "Where are you all staying? Where are you taking prasadam in the hospital?

Guru Maharaja took rest at 10.30pm. Before going to sleep he told me and Dr. Acyutananda to shift his sleeping position from left to right at 1am. At 1am we went in again to change his sleeping position.

JPS Servants


Friday, December 12 - Report from HG Isvara Puri Prabhu:

December 4, 2008 - Afternoon shift: 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to our beloved Gurudeva.


We arrived at the hospital a little before 1pm. Maha Varaha Prabhu was waiting for us and commented that he was going to stay all day long in the hospital since he had to coordinate with us and teach us about the physiotherapy exercises for Guru Maharaja.


This time they had Guru Maharaja seated on the edge of the bed with his lotus feet over a low chair. It was little difficult for Guru Maharaja to maintain the balance by himself. Therefore another devotee was holding him so that he wouldn't fall to the sides.


Then Maha Varaha Prabhu began to feed prasada to Guru Maharaja. Actually it was a little complicated to feed Guru Maharaja in that position, but Guru Maharaja was determined to continue.


I was asked to leave Guru Maharaja's room since there were enough devotees assisting Guru Maharaja. I was waiting downstairs. At about 7:30pm, I called Dharesh Prabhu, for us to go back to the temple because our shift was already finished. He replied me, "ISVARA PURI WE ARE MOVING GURU MAHARAJA TO ANOTHER ROOM.


COME AND HELP US!" I immediately got into the lift and went to Guru Maharaja's room at the tenth floor to shift him to another room in second floor. It was really an unforgettable moment.


This room is much better than the 10th floor as it is peaceful and a bigger space. Guru Maharaja was carefully brought to his new room. The first thing I saw were the two beautiful pictures of Radha Madhava right over the head of his bed. Guru Maharaja was shining like the sun!


The nurses asked us in a very polite way to leave the room since they had to set up Guru Maharaja in his new room.


In a short while they opened the curtains and we rushed in again like bees looking only for the nectar. There were pictures of Lord Narasimha and Panca Tattva put up on the wall.


Guru Maharaja wanted to know where was east and Vidvan Gauranga prabhu went to find out. He returned with the good news that Guru Maharaja's head was facing the east. This made Guru Maharaja happy.


I began to massage his divine lotus feet. Maha Varaha Prabhu commented that he had already given the good news of Guru Maharaja moving from ICCU to ICU to all the devotees in Mayapura.


I said that everyone was going to become very happy and that the entire world was going to become very happy. Guru Maharaja raised his beautiful hand which I immediately held it, being thankful to him for the infinite love, compassion and mercy that he has towards us. Then we left the hospital.

JPS servants


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Here one can find a picture of Lord Sudarshan Salagram sila on a ring, and a yantra the story for how They were given by a South Indian brahmin for maharaj's protection will come later.


This picture was taken by Mitra Gopi devi dasi (JPS) in Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 2004.

Jayapataka Swami carries the Salagram with him on his hand daily. The mood is that the Lord is riding or travelling on maharaj, thus maharaj being like a vehicle for the Lord to reach different places all over the world. Maharaj is very respectful to the Salagram and keeps Him very carefully and is protected by Him. When he comes to a temple, on occassion he puts the ring on the altar.

In case anyone may think that the Salagram set in a ring like this to be ordinary "bling bling" jewellry, it is not a fact. Devotees who travel with Silas like this are very careful to not inconvenience the Lord in anyway, and obviously do not have such a ring open for display when eating, visiting bathrooms or defacating etc in the same way that one would not take one's japa beads to a filthy place. <CENTER>

These photos were taken during the summer of 2004 in Atlanta GA by Sikhi Mahiti prabhu ACBSP


The daily seva puja is very simply, he pours water on him and chants some prayers. Then, he offers some food.

The other ring is a Tadiya gift to Jayapataka Swami, and worn by his guru maharaj Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad - although maharaj doesn't always wear this tadiya ring he keeps it safely with him.


Prabhupada Tadiya, Sudarshan Salagram, and Sudarshan Yantra ring(s)

Pictures below by Varun Vaishnav prabhu



Picture by Varun Vaishnav prabhu. The picture above shows maharaj giving maha-prasadam oils from Lord Nrsimhadev and Radha Madhava in Mayapur to devotees


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Guru maharaj told me to take him to the bathroom to see how he can take shower! He asked me if we had a gamcha for him.



15-Dec-08, report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

With the tracheostomy tube out, the doctor gave Maharaj permission to take a bath. Today he was taken to the bathroom in a wheelchair and given a bath.

He is progressing with his ability of standing. He’s made to walk with a lot of support. Please continue praying.

13-Dec-08, from Maha Varaha prabhu

13th Dec 2008 Afternoon Shift 12noon - 6pm

Today is the day the tracheostomy tube came out iraculously. Bhadra Balaram Prabhu had described it in detail in his report. Today is also the first day

Guru Maharaja was clad with saffron cloths after being in the hospital for almost 52 days. He looked very vibrant with his personal saffron kurta and

silk pyjamas.

It was 1.15pm, time to feed lunch for Guru Maharaja. While Guru Maharaja was relaxing on his bed, I asked him, “Guru Maharaja! Are you ready for the lunch?”


He remained silent. Then I noticed he was trying to roll around his Brahmin thread on his right hand side thumb. But he was not able to do it properly by himself.


After I helped Guru Maharaja to roll around the Brahmin thread, Guru Maharaja started to chant his gayatri by slowly moving his right hand side thumb accordingly with the help of his left hand. Since the last few days Guru Maharaja also chanted Hare Krsna Maha Mantra with his clicker.

After chanting the gayatri mantra we fed lunch for Guru Maharaja. After the lunch Guru Maharaja took 10 minutes nap. Then at 2.55pm we shifted Guru Maharaja on a wheelchair and rushed him to the physiotherapy department.

Since it was Saturday the physiotherapy department generally closes by 3pm, fortunately the therapist were still there when we rolled up.

While we were in the physiotherapy department Dr.Shiromani received a call that we got another deluxe room available at the 15th floor, which we original asked for. It is as similar as the room on the 7th floor but with

the bed facing towards South.


After the physiotherapy session we took Guru

Maharaja straight to 15th floor for him to have look. Guru Maharaja decided to shift here because he was very concerned about the sleeping direction. I thought, though Guru Maharaja is not travelling from city to city but he is

still travelling from ward to ward. From 10th floor to 2nd floor then to 7th floor and now to 15th floor.

We made Guru Maharaja to relax on the bed and started to set up the new room. While Guru Maharaja was relaxing on the bed, Dr.Alvar came in to visit

Guru Maharaja.


In the middle of their conversation Dr.Alvar who is an ardent

devotee of Lord Krishna mentioned to Guru Maharaja, “Your recovery is miraculous and I heard your case will be discussed in the international health forum.” Guru Maharaja replied with full of humility on his face, “Its all because of prayers.”

At 6pm after having his evening fruit Guru Maharaja wanted to take little rest to sleep on left hand side. We turned him over on his left with pillows on his back to support him. Within 5 minutes he fell asleep. For the first

time after 52 days i heard Guru Maharaja was snoring quite loudly.

JPS Servants

12-Dec-08, from Maha Varaha prabhu

12th Dec 2008 Morning Shift 6am - 12noon


This morning Guru Maharaja looked very energetic. Guru Maharaja had his breakfast at 8.15am. While having his breakfast Dr.Syamalal Prabhu from Bhaktivedanta Hospital was with Guru Maharaja discussing about the development of Guru Maharaja’s health.


While Guru Maharaja was relaxing on his bed after having his breakfast, Dr.P.P. Ashok came in for his routine check. He greeted Guru Maharaja, “Good Morning Swamiji! How are you today?”

Guru Maharaja replied, “I am Ok. Getting better. Need more time.” Dr.Ashok commented,”You need time and also you need Krsna.” Guru Maharaja said,”Yes!


Dr.P.P Ashok is one of the main doctor who has been monitoring the progress of Guru Maharaja’s health from day one since he was admitted in the hospital. In the beginning some of the doctors expressed no hope for Guru

Maharaja to recover.


But from the above comment made by Dr.P.P.Ashok we could clearly understand that Guru Maharaja’s miraculous recovery has rejuvenated the faith on Lord Krsna in many doctors, nurses and staffs of

Hinduja Hospital.

Braj Hari Prabhu visited to inform Guru Maharaja that he is trying to shift Guru Maharaja to a private deluxe room. He also got the room confirmed later.


At 3pm, before we went to physiotherapy department we were informed that Guru Maharaja will be shifted to a deluxe room located at 15th floor.

After the physiotherapy session, when we returned to the ICU at around 5pm we were told that Guru Maharaja will be shifted to similar kind of deluxe room located at 7th floor. We had no choice, so we accepted the changes.

We packed all our belongings and shifted with Guru Maharaja on a wheelchair from the 2nd floor ICU to 7th floor deluxe room.


Everything about this deluxe room was upto our satisfaction but the direction of bed and the bed itself was not good. It was an olden style manual hospital bed.


Guru Maharaja was not able to stretch his legs properly. The bed was facing the northern direction. With not much choice left, we accepted the room considering the privacy for Guru Maharaja is the most important factor.


Finaly with the help of our devotees and some hospital staffs we got an electronic bed for Guru Maharaja.

JPS Servants

13-Dec-08, report by Bhadra Balaram prabhu


Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Guru Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada!

By now you should be knowing that Guru Maharaj’s tracheostomy tube is no more there and he has no more tube going inside his body!

Well, it happenned in a far out way. We know how Dr. Hegde had been delaying this for almost more than a week and wanted to still keep it for few more days for additional safety.

Today some time after Guru Maharaj took prasadam, we found some drops of liquid on his shirt but couldn’t figure out what it was. It looked like drops of water.


Anyway we didn’t discuss much but I had some concern so I kept specualting as to what it could be. After some time we moved Guru Maharaj to a wheelchair for going to physiotherapy dept., soemthing that Guru Maharaj is really into as he knows it’s going to help him walk, travel

and preach!

But as we were about to start. Dr. Shiromani mataji noted something strange. She found Guru Maharaj’s tracheostomy tube hanging outside his neck, like a locket!


I guess she couldn’t believe it first and again looked at it

carefully. Yes! it was the tube that we all have been waiting to get removed! She immediately alarmed us not to touch it as it could trigger serious infection and called the nurse. Nurses came running and went back to report to the concerned doctor.

One of the nurses came back and told us not to panic and that the doctor was on the way.

Immediately after that Dr. Hegde walked in, smiling, almost laughing, something that I never saw in him before this day! He was followed by a lady doctor Dr. Mayuri, representing Dr. P. Ashok, and a few more nurses.


I was impressed to note how they were all there practically in a minute!

But the other far our thing was, Dr. Hegde didn’t know what had happened before he was apparently told by the nurse when he arrived. He had just come to 7th floor to check patients.


Also Dr. Mayuri who was sent by Dr. P. Ashok also ddin’t know that Dr. Hegde was going to be there! They all got together there at the right time obviously by Lord Krishna’s arrangement for his pure devotee.

I heard Dr. Ashok had jokingly said “looks like Swamiji pulled it out himself..!” When someone made this comment to Guru Maharaj in front of Dr. Hegde, Guru Maharaj very innocently noded his head and said “I didn’t do it”! (I can still see that scene in front of my eyes!).


Dr. Hegde was astonished but couldn’t express much, I guess, as he had to maintain his profile. He, still amused, and smile on his face, told the nurse to get him gloves which she did.


He told the nurse to cut the string / ribbon off and

once it was done applied some medicine to prevent infection. He then closed it off with cotton and happily told Guru Maharaj, “you can have your shower tomorrow”.

After doctors and nurses left I told Guru Maharaj how it was so special of him and that Krishna had shown to Dr. Hegde (and team) that Guru Maharaj cannot be kept as an ordinary patient.


That although he wanted to keep the tracheostomy tube for additional safety, when Guru Maharaj was very eager to

get rid of it, by Krishna’s arrangement the tube popped out on its own!

I think it was when Dr. Shiromani mataji told guru maharaj that there was no more tube in his body, he lifted his two hands on his own (as much as he

could) and said “Hari Bol…!”.

Guru maharaj told me to take him to the bathroom to see how he can take shower! He asked me if we had a gamcha for him.


I took him on the wheelchair to the bathroom and as we were discussing, Dr. Mayuri, who had come on behalf of Dr. Ashok came back and was shocked to see Guru Maharaj

next to bathroom!


She exclaimed “oh he cannot take shower now!”


I told her it wasn’t the case and she cooled down. She had come to say that Guru Maharaj needed to be monitored at least for an hour and if any symptom of difficulty in breathing, etc. appeared we should just remove the tape and

call the doctor.

When she said that today there should be no physiotherapy, Guru Maharaj told her how it was important for him to go for physiotherapy. In the end she agreed saying if he didn’t face any difficulty until 2pm she would let him go!


I lightly told her that Guru Maharaj had a very strong will power and that he could easily manage to not show any symptom of difficulty for a few hours to make sure he can go for physiotherapy!


Any way, as he is, Guru Maharaj was there in physiotherapy dept. during afternoon session!


Actually Dr. Mayuri was quite impressed by Guru Maharaj’s spirit and agreed that it was Krishna’s arragement that the tube came out on its own. Actually by now, all dotctors and hospital staff treating Guru Maharaj are happy with him.

I just came to know from Mahavaraha prabhu that Guru Maharaj had no difficulty without the tracheostomy tube and had nice rest during afternoon hours.

Now the main concern is his immune system as his WBC (white blood cells) count is very low and doctors are anxiously waiting to see it increase as as he is now, any small infection could cause a serious problem.


He needs to be carefully protected from infection and this is one reason he has been shifted to a private room although on the other hand he has become physically stronger by Lord Krishna’s mercy. Please keep praying.



Hare Krishna

Your servant,

Bhadra Balaram Das

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Jayapataka Maharaja broke into laughter, Ha ha ha...Ha ha ha.


Wednesday, December 17 - Evening Report:

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


Maharaja is doing progressively well. The physiotherapist commented that what they expect Maharaja to do in 10 days, he accomplishes in 5 days. The doctors are very enthused by Maharaja's enthusiasm and determination to walk and get back to normal life.


Maharaja asked the neurologist how he's doing. The neurologist said Maharaja is doing excellent.


Even though Maharaja is dependant for various things, physiotherapy is making him independent gradually. Maharaja still can't sit up from a lying down position on his own or lie down from a sitting position. But with physiotherapy he's getting more strength in his trunk. Once made to sit he can sit with minimal support.

Please continue praying.


Wednesday, December 17 - Report from HG Maha Varaha prabhu:

14th Dec 2008 - Night Shift, 6 pm – 6 am

At 7.20pm Guru Maharaja had his evening fruit. After the evening fruit Braj Hari Prabhu, Bhadra Balaram Prabhu and myself made Guru Maharaja to sit on the edge of the bed for 15 minutes.


He was sitting without any support. Then we made him to relax on the bed before taking his dinner. While relaxing Guru Maharaja was discussing with Braja Hari Prabhu about the facilities available for him to stay in Juhu Temple.


After the dinner we cleaned Guru Maharaja's mouth and brushed his teeth. Dr. Acyutananda, who is representing the Bhaktivedanta Hospital has been coming for the last one month without fail as a doctor on night shift. At11pm we both made Guru aharaja to lie down on his left hand side for him to take rest.


Everynight Guru Maharaja goes to sleep by lying on his left hand side. Then around 1am we change his position to right hand side or sometimes facing up. Tonight, after changing his position, Dr.Acyutananda held Guru Maharaja's hand and brought his hand next to railing of the bed for Guru Maharaja to feel the servant's calling bell.


He told Guru Maharaja, "Maharaj the bellll(bell) is here. Maharaj the bellll(bell)...is here." with the 'l' sound little thick. Guru Maharaja replied while pointing his belly, "My belly is here, My belly is here."



Wednesday, December 17 - Evening Report:

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


Maharaja is doing progressively well. The physiotherapist commented that what they expect Maharaja to do in 10 days, he accomplishes in 5 days. The doctors are very enthused by Maharaja's enthusiasm and determination to walk and get back to normal life.


Maharaja asked the neurologist how he's doing. The neurologist said Maharaja is doing excellent.


Even though Maharaja is dependant for various things, physiotherapy is making him independent gradually. Maharaja still can't sit up from a lying down position on his own or lie down from a sitting position.


But with physiotherapy he's getting more strength in his trunk. Once made to sit he can sit with minimal support.

Please continue praying.


Wednesday, December 17 - Report from HG Maha Varaha prabhu:

14th Dec 2008 - Night Shift, 6 pm – 6 am


At 7.20pm Guru Maharaja had his evening fruit. After the evening fruit Braj Hari Prabhu, Bhadra Balaram Prabhu and myself made Guru Maharaja to sit on the edge of the bed for 15 minutes.


He was sitting without any support. Then we made him to relax on the bed before taking his dinner. While relaxing Guru Maharaja was discussing with Braja Hari Prabhu about the facilities available for him to stay in Juhu Temple.


After the dinner we cleaned Guru Maharaja's mouth and brushed his teeth. Dr. Acyutananda, who is representing the Bhaktivedanta Hospital has been coming for the last one month without fail as a doctor on night shift.



At11pm we both made Guru aharaja to lie down on his left hand side for him to take rest.


Everynight Guru Maharaja goes to sleep by lying on his left hand side. Then around 1am we change his position to right hand side or sometimes facing up. Tonight, after changing his position, Dr.Acyutananda held Guru Maharaja's hand and brought his hand next to railing of the bed for Guru Maharaja to feel the servant's calling bell.


He told Guru Maharaja, "Maharaj the bellll(bell) is here. Maharaj the bellll(bell)...is here." with the 'l' sound little thick. Guru Maharaja replied while pointing his belly, "My belly is here, My belly is here." Then Guru Maharaja broke into laughter, Ha ha ha...Ha ha ha.

JPS servants:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray::crying2:

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Our wonderful Godbrother and loving Guru to thousands is be discharged from the Hospital





Friday, December 19 - Evening Report:


HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:

Maharaja is being discharged from Hindhuja hospital and it has been decided to take him to Bhaktivedanta hospital tomorrow morning to continue his ongoing physiotherapy.


He walked using the parallel bars today. He was able to move his feet well in coordination, but since his right side is weak, he has difficulty coordinating his hand and shoulder.


But everyday he is showing improvement in his muscle power in all the limbs especially right hand. Please continue to pray.

Friday, December 19 - Report from HG Vaikunthapati prabhu:

18th Dec 2008 - Afternoon shift, 12 noon to 6 pm

We reached the Hinduja Hospital at 1 pm. HG Premadata prabhu, the Agartala temple president had come to meet with Guru Maharaja and was about to leave when we arrived.


After HG Premadata prabhu left, Bhadra Balaram prabhu and myself, we started preparing to serve lunch for Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja was sitting on the bed and Bhadra Balaram prabhu fed lunch to him affectionately. Guru Maharaja was unable to sit straight and he kept leaning sideways.


Therefore I was holding Guru Maharaja to give him support. Dr. Syamlal prabhu asked Guru Maharaja to sit straight by himself. Guru Maharaja tried to follow his instruction; whenever he would lean sideways he held the rails of the bed and managed to push himself back into the position.


Guru Maharaja surprised all of us by suddenly picking up the water cup kept on the eating table with his left hand and drank the water. This was the first time Guru Maharaja drank water by himself without the help of the devotees! Dr. Syamalal prabhu and everyone encouraged Guru Maharaja by saying loudly, "Hari Bol!!"

Dr. Syamalal prabhu made Guru Maharaja to use his right hand which has been weaker than the left. So he asked Guru Maharaja to eat the small sweet balls (made by Stevia) using his right hand. Guru Maharaja tried hard and reached almost to the mouth, but the ball was smashed just below his lower lips. Then Guru Maharaja was asked to eat the balls with his left hand and he did it comfortably.

After prasadam a nurse came and checked his BP. Guru Maharaja asked and confirmed with the nurse if his BP was normal and it was. Around 2 pm the physiotherapist came and with some bigger grains (motor and black beans) gave practice for the right hand.


Guru Maharaja was asked to sit on the bed, his legs resting on the floor and his hands on top of the small eating table. He was asked to collect the grains from the plate which was on the table and pour it back. After many times he tried just to collect few grains and poured it back into the plate.


Next the therapist asked him to pick up the grains one by one and put it out of the plate, he couldn't do that, but the doctor was encouraging his efforts. He had few more practices with the grains and with the dish washing sponges to test the sensibility in his hands.


At the end of the therapy Guru Maharaja was asked to hold the small eating table with his both hands and to sit straight for 20 minutes.


Guru Maharaja enjoyed listening to Srila Prabhupada's Hare Krishna kirtan by gently moving his body sideways in harmony with the music. Guru Maharaja sat for 20 minutes without much strain. It was nice to see him cooperating with the therapists and making improvements day by day.

During this time a famous Hindi actress who had come to Hindhuja hospital for her personal reason spontaneously wanted to see Guru Maharaja to get blessings from him.


She was encouraging Guru Maharaja that he will get back all his limbs working normal. She was explaining that one of her relative was in a very severe situation for six months and she couldn't even move her fingers but now she is much better and even is using computer!


She was asking Guru Maharaja's blessings so that her relative will heal completely.


Guru Maharaja suggested her to take caranamrita from the temple and give it to her relative and he recited the mantra, akala-mrtyu-haranam sarva-vyadhi-vinasanam visnoh padodakam pitva sirasa dharayamy aham (which means,


"Having drunk the water from the lotus feet of Lord Visnu, which destroys all disease and takes away the chance of dying untimely, I hold that water on my head.") and asked her to chant this mantra while taking the caranamrita.


She immediately responded to Guru Maharaja saying she would follow his instruction. She must be a fortunate lady to get the darshan of Guru Maharaja.

The acupuncturist came around 4 pm and started checking the weak points on Guru Maharaja's fingers.


The treatment is for strengthening his overall muscles and for improving the functions of his middle brain. According to the acupuncturist, Guru Maharaja showed improvement on his face, he is not staring anymore when he looks at someone and the coordination of his eye balls has improved.

At around 5 pm, HG Braja Hari prabhu and HG Devakinandan prabhu came to see Guru Maharaja and were discussing about the details to move Guru Maharaja out of the Hinduja Hospital.


HG Braja Hari prabhu also read letters from a book of get well letters made by Sri Lanka devotees and showed the drawings of the devotee kids. Few of the kids had drawn Hanuman and Guru Maharaja put that page of the book on his head. Jai Hanuman Ji Ki Jai!

JPS Servants


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Tuesday, December 23 - Report from HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja:

They are giving me intensive physiotheraphy treatment. Since two days they asked me to, "Sit down, Stand up. Sit down, Stand up" like this for 10 times (but with lesser support) to stimulate my leg muscles.


They are also teaching me to stand erect. Things that I used to do naturally I have to be taught. Right eyebrow started to move today; beginning of facial muscles unfreezing. They are giving me three kinds of therapies, physio, facial and acupuncture. Acupuncture hurts me alot.


Note from Ratnavali: Dr.Shiromani Mataji and Ekanatha Gaura prabhu told me that today morning after the physiotheraphy session, Guru Maharaja had darshan of Srila Prabhupada in the ground floor and later he was taken in a wheel chair to Jagannath Vallabha gardens inside the hospital complex.


It is a beautiful garden with so many vrndavan trees planted personally by a vrajavasi. There are many fruit and flower bearing trees like kadamba, parijata, chikoo, mango etc.


Tuesday, December 23 - Report from HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja:

They are giving me intensive physiotheraphy treatment. Since two days they asked me to, "Sit down, Stand up. Sit down, Stand up" like this for 10 times (but with lesser support) to stimulate my leg muscles. They are also teaching me to stand erect.


Things that I used to do naturally I have to be taught. Right eyebrow started to move today; beginning of facial muscles unfreezing. They are giving me three kinds of therapies, physio, facial and acupuncture. Acupuncture hurts me alot.


Note from Ratnavali: Dr.Shiromani Mataji and Ekanatha Gaura prabhu told me that today morning after the physiotheraphy session, Guru Maharaja had darshan of Srila Prabhupada in the ground floor and later he was taken in a wheel chair to Jagannath Vallabha gardens inside the hospital complex.


It is a beautiful garden with so many vrndavan trees planted personally by a vrajavasi. There are many fruit and flower bearing trees like kadamba, parijata, chikoo, mango etc.


Later he was taken to the temple room of Bhaktivedanta hospital. It wasn't possible to take his wheel chair inside. So the local devotees held a mirror in front of Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra and Gaura Nitai Deities and Guru Maharaja could take darshan of Their reflection!


Click here to go to the History page to read the previous health updates of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja.


Later he was taken to the temple room of Bhaktivedanta hospital. It wasn't possible to take his wheel chair inside.


So the local devotees held a mirror in front of Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra and Gaura Nitai Deities and Guru Maharaja could take darshan of Their reflection!


Click here to go to the History page to read the previous health updates of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja.

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H.H Jayapataka Maharaja made his prayers to the Deities. Sometimes he slowly raised his hand and sometimes he folded his hands to offer prayers. Later he was taken to have darshan of Srila Prabhupada


Jayapataka Maharaj



Sunday, December 28 - Report from Ratnavali dd:

The acupunctarist had suggested that Guru Maharaja be taken to see some nature or greeneries.


Dr. Giriraj prabhu and Guru Maharaja's servants did some research yesterday to see which place was suitable to take Guru Maharaja.


It was decided that today he would first go to have darshan of Sri Radha Giridhari temple which is just nearby, opposite to the Bhaktivedanta hospital and then to National park. Guru Maharaja had his breakfast, facial therapy in the morning and then was taken in the car to the temple. Braja Hari prabhu had purchased a new Innova car so Guru Maharaja could use it during his Mumbai stay. He had sent this car from Juhu to Bhaktivedanta hospital for Guru Maharaja to use.


There was a big gathering of devotees in the temple. Jagajivan prabhu, the Temple President honoured Guru Maharaja by garlanding him and the kirtan party gave a warm reception welcoming Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja was taken in the wheel chair inside the temple. Guru Maharaja had darshan of Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra Devi and Sri Sri Radha Giridhari.


Guru Maharaja made his prayers to the Deities. Sometimes he slowly raised his hand and sometimes he folded his hands to offer prayers. Later he was taken to have darshan of Srila Prabhupada. Jagajivan prabhu offered garland to Srila Prabhupada on behalf of Guru Maharaja. A mike was given to Guru Maharaja and he amazed all of us by starting to lead a kirtan:




"Nitai Gauranga Nitai Gauranga Nitai Gauranga Jaya Nitai Gauranga

Jaya Sacinandana Jaya Sacinandana Jaya Sacinandana Jaya Sacinandana

Jaya Radha Giridhari Radha Giridhari Radhe

Jaya Jaganatha Jaya Jaganatha Jaya Baladeva Jaya Subhadra

Jagannatha swami nayana patha gami nayana patha gami bhavatume"



The voice was quite clear and everyone repeated and sang in ecstasy. Few devotees have recorded the singing as well as the video clips of this event. As soon as it is edited we will send you the url to watch this glorious event. The devotees didn't want to strain him too much and he was taken back into the car and to continue his ride to National park.


As it was Sunday there was lot of crowd. It is a beautiful place unlike the noisy Mumbai roads. Originally the plan was to bring him early in the morning as there would be fewer crowds but it got delayed. The vehicles were side parked in the woods.


There were many monkeys there. Being in the vehicle Maha Varaha prabhu fed Guru Maharaja fruits while Deva Gauranga prabhu cut them. Ekanath Gaura prabhu, Acintya Nitai prabhu, Isvara Puri prabhu, Tusti Mohan prabhu they were all feeding the monkeys with cucumbers and had lot of fun. It just reminds us of the Krsna's pastimes with the cowherd boys and their feeding butter to the monkeys!


As it was getting late for his lunch we returned back into the car, back to Bhaktivedanta hospital.


Radhanatha Maharaja's blessings asking Guru Maharaja to lead the kirtan the day before yesterday had come true today. May Lord Krsna keep blessing our beloved Gurudeva to fully recover!


Saturday, December 27 - Report from Ratnavali dd:













Radhanath Maharaja came to meet Guru Maharaja today morning around 9.15 am along with Yamuna Mataji and Dina Tarini Mataji, Srila Prabhupada's disciples. They had only a brief meeting as Guru Maharaja had to go for physiotherapy session.


In the afternoon at 1pm Radhanath Maharaja, Yamuna Mataji, Dina Tarini Mataji and other gurukuli devotees were scheduled to take lunch at Bhaktivedanta hospital auditorium. Dr. Giriraj prabhu and Dr. Shiromani Mataji had a spontaneous idea to bring Guru Maharaja also to the auditorium to have his lunch along with them. Guru Maharaja immediately agreed to this idea.


He was brought in wheel chair to the auditorium and he was personally received by Radhanath Maharaja. Guru Maharaja had his prasadam as per his diet while his devotee servants fed him. Radhanatha Maharaja's lady disciples had cooked the feast for the guests.


All of them happily relished the prasadam. When they finished their lunch, Guru Maharaja expressed his happiness and thanked Radhanath Maharaja, Yamuna Mataji and Dina Tarini Mataji for their wonderful association.


Jayapataka Maharaja said to Yamuna Mataji how everyday he listens to the Govindam adi purusam song sung by her during the Deity greetings. Yamuna Mataji humbly passed on all her credit to Srila Prabhupada. She said how she is happy to see Guru Maharaja's recovery.


Guru Maharaja mentioned that on the previous day some devotees had sung few bhajans for him. Yamuna Mataji responded if she could also sing for Guru Maharaja one day. Radhanath Maharaja suggested that the kirtan could be performed even at this moment while Guru Maharaja finishes his lunch. Everyone agreed and the gurukulis sang Hare Krsna Maha Mantra with kartalas, mrdangas and harmonium. When they finished Guru Maharaja asked Yamuna Mataji to sing.


Yamuna Mataji sang Namaste Narasimha prayers. Guru Maharaja then asked Radhanatha Maharaja to lead the kirtan and in response Radhanath Maharaja asked Guru Maharaja to lead the kirtan. Everyone felt so jubilant to see their loving reciprocations. Radhanath Maharaja sang so beautifully Hare Krsna Maha Mantra. When Maharaja finished the kirtan Guru Maharaja again asked Yamuna Mataji to sing one more bhajan. She sang the names of Nitai, Gauranga and Jaya Sacinandana.


During the kirtan Guru Maharaja sometimes would be clapping his hands very slowly or tapping his feet and also sometimes he was repeating the kirtan. At the end Guru Maharaja managed by himself to raise both the hands and chant, "Gauranga".


The devotees repeated after him and Guru Maharaja again chanted "Gauranga" and the devotees repeated. Radhanatha Maharaja said to Guru Maharaja, "so you are leading the kirtan Maharaja!" Everyone burst into laughter. It was one of the most unforgettable moments for all those who had gathered. The whole atmosphere was spiritually surcharged with the presence of so many exalted Vaisnavas.


Saturday, December 27 - Report from Vaikunthapati prabhu:

22-Dec-08 - Afternoon shift, 2 pm to 9 pm


Guru Maharaja was taking facial therapy from Dr. Mahabahu prabhu when we arrived to his room. By his expert treatment Guru Maharaja could close his left eye better than before and the face appearance is getting better day by day.


Everyday Guru Maharaja gets 2 or 3 times the facial therapy and each session lasts for 30 minutes. Prasadam was served after his facial therapy. Then the physiotherapist came to see Guru Maharaja to give bed exercises and also to teach Bhadara Balaram prabhu and Ekanath Gaura prabhu so that they can give the same exercises to Guru Maharaja as often possible during the day.


At 4:30 pm the opthologist doctor came with their machine to check Guru Maharaja's eyes. They also appreciate face therapist's treatment that Guru Maharaja can close his left eye better and eventually Guru Maharaja will not have his left eye taped while sleeping at night.


When the devotees were shifting Guru Maharaja to the bed his right hand accidently hit the rails of the bed and Guru Maharaja expressed a sudden pain saying, "ouch!" Immediately Dr.Shiromani mataji said this means the right hand started to sense the pain and it is a good sign.


At 6:15 pm Jagannath, Baladev and Subadra deities came to Guru Maharaja's room. Guru Maharaja took darsan of Them, offered flowers and took a small piece of prasad. After that Narataki Mataji, Srila Prabhupada's disciple who resides above Guru Maharaja's room in the spiritual care department came to see him and recollected how Guru Maharaja was serving so nicely Srila Prabhupada.


Guru Maharaja was so tired after getting so many therapies since the morning, so the servants desired to give him prasadam and put him to early rest. At 8:15 pm Guru Maharaja was served prasadam and at 9:15 pm he was on the bed sleeping.


Ekanath Gaura prabhu shared with us all how in the morning during the physiotherapy session Guru Maharaja showed improvement in his walking using the parallel bars and with the support of the devotees.







21-Dec-08 - afternoon shift 12 noon to 9 pm


Around at 12 am I went to Guru Maharaja's room to join with Bhadra Balaram prabhu. The physiotherapy doctor came to give bed exercises to Guru Maharaja.


The exercises were for his hands, legs and trunk. He was able to sit at the edge of the bed for quite sometime and only with the support of his hands.


He was made to stand and sit for two times with the support of the walker and with the help of devotees. The doctors are focusing now to teach Guru Maharaja to stand on his own. Guru Maharaja sat on a chair and took prasadam. After his prasadam he took rest.


Here in Bhaktivedanta hospital many doctors always come and check Guru Maharaja. In this regard Guru Maharaja also commented that in Hinduja hospital he saw the doctors only few times in a day and the nurses were around him quite often.


But in Bhaktivedanta hospital the doctors are all the time around him and he rarely sees the nurses. He was happy with many doctors taking care of him nicely and the atmosphere here is spiritual.


Yesterday when Dr. Shiromani and another doctor was with Guru Maharaja, a topic came about the hospital deities, Jagannath, Subhadra and Baladeva. They everyday visit the patients and the patients also get the deities prasadam.


Guru Maharaja told them jokingly that the deities don't come to see him. Dr. Shiromani mataji said, "No Guru Maharaja, you were taking rest at the time when They came to this floor and another time you were in the physiotherapy department at the ground floor."


At around 5 pm I saw the Jagannath, Subhadra and Baladeva deities at the 4th floor where Guru Maharaja's deluxe suite is situated. Dr. Shiromani mataji was also present with the deities. I rushed to see if Guru Maharja was awake and he was awake.


Bhadra Balaram prabhu was nearby him. We prepared to receive the deities. The deities arrived after a few minutes and the devotees brought Them closer to Guru Maharaja. He prayed for a moment and offered flowers to Them. He took one small piece of prasad from the deities. He was happy to see Them in his room!


The facial therapist, Dr. Mahabahu prabhu came to begin his course for Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja was made to sit at the edge of the bed and was given facial therapy for half an hour. His face is getting better everyday, still his speaking and facial expressions needs a lot of improvement.


After the theraphy he took some fruits. Ratnavali dd, Devakimayi dd and Madhuri Yamuna dd came to read get well letters for Guru Maharaja. The devotees' get well letters enliven Guru Maharaja always.


After that again he got facial therapy for sometime and Bhadra Balaram prabhu fed him dinner. At around 9 pm the eye specialist came and checked Guru Maharaja's eyes. After that Guru Maharaja was put to sleep.



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Happy, healthy and an inspiring 2009 to Jayapataka Maharaj and his wonderful care's - HAPPY NEW YEAR HARE KRSNA


These are few pictures of Jayapataka Swami at the Bhaktivedanta Hospital taken on December 23, 2008. Further Updates: 22-Dec-08 Report by Vaikuntapati Prabhu: Maharaja was taking facial therapy from Dr. Mahabahu prabhu when we arrived to his room.


By his expert treatment he could close his left eye better than before and the face appearance is getting better day by day. Everyday Maharaja gets 2 or 3 times the facial therapy and each session lasts for 30 minutes. Prasadam was served after his facial therapy.


Then the physiotherapist came to see Maharaja to give bed exercises and also to teach Bhadara Balaram prabhu and Ekanath Gaura prabhu so that they can give the same exercises to Maharaja as often possible during the day.





At 4:30 pm the opthologist doctor came with their machine to check Guru Maharaja’s eyes. They also appreciate face therapist’s treatment that Guru Maharaja can close his left eye better and eventually Guru Maharaja will not have his left eye taped while sleeping at night.


When the devotees were shifting Guru Maharaja to the bed his right hand accidently hit the rails of the bed and Guru Maharaja expressed a sudden pain saying, “ouch!” Immediately Dr.Shiromani mataji said this means the right hand started to sense the pain and it is a good sign.


At 6:15 pm Jagannath, Baladev and Subadra deities came to Guru Maharaja’s room. Guru Maharaja took darsan of Them, offered flowers and took a small piece of prasad.


After that Narataki Mataji, Srila Prabhupada’s disciple who resides above Guru Maharaja’s room in the spiritual care department came to see him and recollected how Guru Maharaja was serving so nicely Srila Prabhupada.


Guru Maharaja was so tired after getting so many therapies since the morning, so the servants desired to give him prasadam and put him to early rest. At 8:15 pm Guru Maharaja was served prasadam and at 9:15 pm he was on the bed sleeping.


Ekanath Gaura prabhu shared with us all how in the morning during the physiotherapy session Guru Maharaja showed improvement in his walking using the parallel bars and with the support of the devotees.



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Latest photo 30 dec 2008



<!--- blog subject ---> Chicken Guinea disease?


<!--- blog body --->

"Bhakti Raghava Maharaja, who had been suspected to have a contagious disease called Chicken Guinea, was also in the Bhaktivedanta hospital, in a room opposite to Jayapataka Maharaja's. So, we went to see him.


Maharaja was sitting on a chair in front of his deities, chanting. When I tried to embrace him, Maharaja tried to resist because of his infection. But I insisted, saying, “I touch you to get purified myself.” Maharaja looked very embarrassed and kept on saying, “please, please.”

I met him after many, many years. We remembered the early days in Mayapur. We used to be so close and rendered so many services together.

His condition is much better now. In a couple of days he will be discharged from the hospital. He has many preaching projects developing in different parts of India, and he told us how he was going to spend time in different places and eventualy come to Mayapur for the GBC meeting."





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From Bkahti Charu Swami


Yesterday late morning, I came to Bombay, and went to see Jayapataka Maharaja in the afternoon. Bhakti Purushottama Maharaja, Braja Hari prabhu and Sunil Madhav from Chicago, came along with me. While driving to the hospital, I was feeling quite depressed. Just to think of the person who used to be so full of strength and vitality lying on bed in this condition is naturally painful.

I was remembering those early days in Mayapur - going to swim in the Ganges with him. With steady, powerful strokes he used to casually swim across that river. So many incidences flashed across my mind - once Radha Jivan lost his breath in the middle of the river, panicked, and started to cry out for help, and Jayapataka Maharaja came to his rescue and carried him to the shore. Guru Kripa, (at that time a Swami), used to come to Mayapur with his tough group of devotees, called the Nama Hatta, from Japan.

Often we used to sport on the bank of the Ganges. One day I was forced to wrestle with one tough American devotee who defeated me and it was seen as a defeat of

Mayapur. Jayapataka Maharaja could not tolerate that. He just stood up and challenged anyone from that group to fight with him.


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H.H. Jayapataka Swami Update ( Pictures of Maharaja added)

<!-- start 'content' --><!-- begin content -->By Ratnavali dd on Mon, 2009-01-05 13:27. mainGM_G.jpg


7 Jan, 2008. Report from Ratanvali dd

During the week Maharaja’s schedule is very tight doing three kinds of therapies. Weekly once on Sunday is a holiday for the physiotherapists and it is a break day for Maharaja.


As today is Sunday the plan was to take Maharaja to Hanuman Tekri temple and Braja Hari Prabhu also suggested Guru Maharaja to be taken to the beach which is very close by. It was scheduled to leave at 10am.


Guru Maharaja had his shower, breakfast and facial theraphy. Nimai Gaura Prabhu and his wife, the disciples of our Guru Maharaja from Juhu temple had prepared some South Indian breakfast and brought it for Guru Maharaja.


Just before the facial theraphy began, Guru Maharaja’s main doctor Shyamalal Prabhu came to see him. He was enquiring about Guru Maharaja’s sleep the previous night.


Guru Maharaja said he had a dream. The dacoits were using the newly built lift in Mayapur and had come up to the rooftop. Guru Maharaja used his gun for his protection. Shyamalal Prabhu recollected Bhakti Caru Maharaja’s report wherein Bhakti Caru Maharaja had described Jayapataka Maharaja’s courageousness to fight the dacoits in Mayapur.


Guru Maharaja wanted to know what else Bhakti Caru Maharaja had written in his report. So we were narrating the various memories quoted by Maharaja. One of the incident was about the wrestling match, wherein Bhakti Caru Maharaja got defeated and Guru Maharaja rescued by defeating the tough Japanese devotee wrestlers in the sport bringing victory to Mayapur. Guru Maharaja started making the jesters with his hand like wrestling.


Again when the incident was narrated how Guru Maharaja used to save the devotees from drowning into Ganga, Guru Maharaja expressed he doesn’t know if he will be able to do all these things again. Shyamalal Prabhu immediately replied to Guru Maharaja saying that with Krsna’s mercy He would regain all His strength and vigor.


By the time everything finished it was 12:30 noon. Guru Maharaja was taken in a wheel chair and then he was to be transferred into the car. To transfer Guru Maharaja into the car from the wheel chair is a big task. It has to be carefully done.


Usually there are 4 devotees to place him into the car. One to hold the legs, one to hold his body, one to see Guru Maharaja doesn’t get his head hurt and the other inside the car to make Guru Maharaja sit inside the car. Previously Guru Maharaja didn’t have absolutely any balance to stand but some improvement is found today.


Guru Maharaja seemed to have little bit strength to stand with the support of the devotees.


This whole scene of making Guru Maharaja to sit inside the vehicle reminds me of carrying the Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra Deities into the car for the Ratha Yatra parade and one has to carefully take the Deities step by step into the vehicle.


It is an hour drive to Hanuman Tekri. Tekri means hill. The temple is situated on a hill. Just by the foot of the hill a group of devotees from Radha Giridhari temple had come spontaneously and when they knew Guru Maharaja was on the way to Hanuman Tekri they started doing kirtan to welcome Guru Maharaja. The vehicles stopped here for few minutes and then we drove up on the hill.


As we drove up the hill the weather became cooler and nice fresh breeze was blowing. The scenary was so beautiful and pleasant to the eyes. The place has been maintained neat and clean. They have swimming pool, play ground and a school as well up on the hill. The temple was closed and would be opened only at 4 pm. There was a discussion what to be done. Finally it was decided that Guru Maharaja will be taken to the beach nearby.


The sea shore was little wet and hard. The vehicles where droven all the way nearby to the sea so Guru Maharaja could see the ocean. The ocean was shallow and therefore the color was dark unlike the blue color of the sea. It is a long beach and the vehicles were taken further down to find a good spot with less crowd.


The devotees where thinking if it is safer to bring Guru Maharaja into the wheel chair so he can have a closer view of the sea. The wheel chair was brought down.


Ekanath Gaura Prabhu sat on the wheel chair and Maha Varaha Prabhu sat on Ekanath Gaura Prabhu’s lap and they were rolling down on the beach to see if it was safer for Guru Maharaja.


It brought laughter to all of us. The sand on the beach is quite hard and seemed to be safe for Guru Maharaja.


While this was happening Guru Maharaja was speaking to Vaisnava Seva Prabhu, one of the senior doctors of Bhaktivedanta Hospital. Guru Maharaja asked him what was the name of the beach and he replied, “Gorai Beach”. Guru Maharaja also spoke to some devotees who had come there with him to the beach.


Devaki Mataji, Prabhavishnu Maharaja’s disciple who preaches in Bangladesh, Nepal and Ukraine had come to see Guru Maharaja a couple of days ago. Guru Maharaja called her and asked her if she had been to Cox Bazaar beach. She replied that she had been there several times.


Guru Maharaja seemed to like the Cox Bazaar beach better.

Madhuri Yamuna Mataji was leading Hare Krsna Maha Mantra kirtan melodiously in the background.


Guru Maharaja was brought down into the wheel chair onto the beach. As soon as Guru Maharaja was brought down it was so amazing to see how the waves of the ocean rushed down towards Guru Maharaja’s lotus feet. Maha Varaha Prabhu fed some fruits to Guru Maharaja.


Group photos were taken.


Guru Maharaja spoke with Anil Prabhu, the husband of his disciple, Kavirupa Mataji. Anil Prabhu stays in Mumbai and he is an aspiring disciple of Radhanatha Maharaja and his wife stays at Mangalore.


She is a Gynaecologist. She got initiated from Guru Maharaja while studying at medical college in Patna and now she is practicing at Mangalore. Guru Maharaja asked Anil Prabhu how often they meet each other and he replied once in 3 to 4 months. Guru Maharaja responded saying,


“Kali Yuga”.


As Guru Maharaja wanted to speak to Shiromani Mataji, I called her. Guru Maharaja mentioned about Kavirupa Mataji to her and she knew her well as they used to meet in Bangalore.


Guru Maharaja asked Shiromani Mataji to give the details of ISKCON temple at Mangalore and also about the preaching programs in Manipal. It is so overwhelming to see Guru Maharaja’s concern for the devotees even to the minute details.


We asked Guru Maharaja if he was ok and if he was tired and Guru Maharaja replied he wasn’t thinking of tiredness until I reminded him about it.

We were about to leave and just then Guru Maharaja’s cook, Ivesvara Prabhu and Madhava Kanta Prabhu had brought Guru Maharaja’s lunch.


The devotees informed them that Guru Maharaja will take lunch in Hanuman temple. They had got down in the wrong spot of the beach and they had to walk a long distance to find all of us.


As the waves were rising a devotee’s car got stuck into the sand and all the strong men went to help pulling the car. He was warned before not to keep so close to the waves.


They were struggling a lot to relieve the car out of the sand. Maha Varaha Prabhu thought it is time to put Guru Maharaja back into the car. By the time Guru Maharaja was taken into his car, the car which was stuck also got released.


We all went to Hanuman temple. It was 4pm and the temple was open. Hanumanji is one of Guru Maharaja’s favorite personality. He always prays to him, seeking his blessings and protection. The Pujari there is a Bengali. He is from Murshidabad. He was so happy to see Guru Maharaja and they spoke with each other in Bengali.


The Pujari asked Guru Maharaja to give him blessings so he can get bhakti. Guru Maharaja blessed him by saying,


“Krsner matir astu”, which means,


“May your mind be drawn closer to Lord Sri Krsna’s lotus feet.” Guru Maharaja always remembers to give some donation whenever he visits a temple. A Maha garland from Srimati Radharani was offered to Hanumanji.


In reciprocation the pujari also gave a maha flower from Hanumanji to Guru Maharaja and also put a maha saffron tilak on his forehead. Guru Maharaja offered prayers to Hanumanji.


Tusti Mohan Prabhu was leading the kirtan this time by singing, “Jaya Ram, Sri Rama, Jaya Jaya Ram, Raghupati Raghava Rajaram Patita Pavana Sita Ram” and also Hare Krsna Maha Mantra while all of us did parikrama around the temple along with Guru Maharaja for 4 times.


After the parikrama finished the pujari spontaneously gave a camara for Guru Maharaja to fan Hanumanji. Even though it was difficult for Guru Maharaja to hold and do the camara but he managed to do it. Guru Maharaja was asking what was written on the Hundi. The pujari explained it is the name of the Hanuman which is


“Vidyaprada Hanuman” meaning “one who gives knowledge”. Since there is a school here on the top of the hill they have installed this particular form of Hanuman.


Guru Maharaja was taken just below the temple under the shade for lunch. Nearby there is a nice garden with so many campaka, papaya and palm trees.


Also some tulasi and flower plants are there. The scenery is so wonderful with so many green hills adjacent to each other.

Dharesa Prabhu, Ivesvara Prabhu, Madhava Kanta Prabhu and Srivas Nimai Prabhu were feeding prasad for Guru Maharaja.


Since some of the devotees were hungry Ekanatha Gaura Prabhu jumped into the car to buy some snacks from a nearby shop.


It takes a long time for Guru Maharaja to eat his prasad. Very little food is fed with spoon each time and it is not so easy for Guru Maharaja to chew and swallow the food. His face muscles are still stiff but there is improvement day by day.


Slowly the sun was setting. It was such a beautiful view to see. After Guru Maharaja took the prasadam all of us took a group photo with the sun setting behind. Guru Maharaja tried to hold his mouth to give an appearance of smiling. Since it was time to go back to the hospital a devotee said, “Let’s pack and go quickly.” Guru Maharaja responded,


“Don’t forget me!” Of course no one forgot him but Guru Maharaja jokingly said it.

Bajranga Bali Hanumanji Ki Jai!


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What a wonderful story

Jan-09, Report from Ratnavali dd

During the week Guru Maharaja’s schedule is very tight doing three kinds of therapies. Weekly once on Sunday is a holiday for the physiotherapists and it is a break day for Guru Maharaja. As today is Sunday the plan was to take Guru Maharaja to Hanuman Tekri temple and Braja Hari prabhu also suggested Guru Maharaja to be taken to the beach which is very close by. It was scheduled to leave at 10am.

Guru Maharaja had his shower, breakfast and facial theraphy. Nimai Gaura prabhu and his wife, the disciples of our Guru Maharaja from Juhu temple had prepared some South Indian breakfast and brought it for Guru Maharaja. Just before the facial theraphy began, Guru Maharaja’s main doctor Shyamalal prabhu came to see him.

He was enquiring about Guru Maharaja’s sleep the previous night. Guru Maharaja said he had a dream. The dacoits where using the newly built lift in Mayapur and had come up to the rooftop.

Guru Maharaja used his gun for his protection. Shyamalal prabhu recollected Bhakti Caru Maharaja’s report wherein Maharaja had described his courageousness to fight the dacoits in Mayapur. Guru Maharaja wanted to know

whatelse Maharaja had written in his report. So we were narrating the various memories quoted by Maharaja.

One of the incidents was about the wrestling match, wherein Bhakti Caru Maharaja got defeated and Guru Maharaja rescued by defeating the tough Japanese devotee wrestlers in the sport bringing victory to Mayapur. Guru Maharaja started making the jesters with his hand like wrestling.

Again when the incident was narrated how Guru Maharaja used to save the devotees from drowning into Ganga, Guru Maharaja expressed he doesn’t know if he will be able to do all these things again. Shyamalal prabhu immediately replied to Guru Maharaja saying with Krsna’s mercy he would regain all his strength and vigor.

By the time everything finished it was 12.30 noon. Guru Maharaja was taken in a wheel chair and then he was to be transferred into the car. To transfer Guru Maharaja into the car from the wheel chair is a big task. It has to be carefully done. Usually there are 4 devotees to place him into the car.

One to hold the legs, one to hold his body, one to see Guru Maharaja doesn’t get his head hurt and the other inside the car to make Guru Maharaja sit inside the car. Previously Guru Maharaja didn’t have absolutely any balance to stand but some improvement is found today. Guru Maharaja seemed to have little bit strength to stand with the support of the devotees.

This whole scene of making Guru Maharaja to sit inside the vehicle reminds me of carrying the Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra Deities into the car for the Ratha Yatra parade and one has to carefully take the Deities step by step into the vehicle.Continue Reading »<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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