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sacred texts

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Hi Eshwaar, here are a couple (dont know about Hindi though).




This online store has lots of books. They have free shipping and are reliable, I have ordered from them with no problem.


For Gaudiya Vaisnava stuff this is a nice simple store:




and here is the cheapest Srila Prabhupada Vedabase that I have found (I am saving for this), way cheaper than BBT prices:



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does any one here know any good reputable site where i could order different texts from.with sanskrit,hindi, and english translations


Yes, I may be some help to you :)

Please tell the particular sacred text or tell me the list. I know some good sites, but without you telling me the particular one, i won't be able to give you the best ones. :)

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Yes, I may be some help to you :)

Please tell the particular sacred text or tell me the list. I know some good sites, but without you telling me the particular one, i won't be able to give you the best ones. :)

im looking for different puranas, books on astrology, sutras......im really looking for ancients texts that coud be hard to find....just about anything
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im looking for different puranas, books on astrology, sutras......im really looking for ancients texts that coud be hard to find....just about anything


Motilal Banarsidas is one of the first places I would check. (www.mlbd.com)


If the book you are looking for is out of print, write to them and they may be able to locate a copy for you. I was able to find a book which has been out of print for 20 years, this way.



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www. mlbd.com














(publishers, books)








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