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Problems in Career and Finance

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Dear Members,


Can some one please guide me as to why I am facing issues in my career and finance since Jan 2008. I have to repeatedly change locations due to job. I am currently in US and moving with my family is also causing us physchological and financial trauma, and is also affecting my sons education. Please let me know if there is any more travel in the next couple of months especially to India or thereafter? When will we get settle and get peace of mind? and what should we do to get settle and get peace of mind? Is our travel going to have a bad impact on our kids education in future?


My birth details are as follows

DOB: 24/July/74

Time: 7.10 am

Place: Mumbai


Please help me to understand my situation and if possible give me a solution. I feel that understanding the reason of my problem will help me to reduce the intensity of the effect it is having on us and will help us to be better prepared.



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I feel that understanding the reason of my problem will help me to reduce the intensity of the effect it is having on us and will help us to be better prepared.



Dear Mr. Puru


well, I do not think this way; on the Contrary such attempt on the part of both the Astrologer and the Querriest can only cause harm.


Following is a part of my conversation with one querrist on the same issue; and you may like to peruse it.




Your point

"At the same time, you will agree that even while approaching a doctor for any consultation a patient has full right to enquire about the root cause of a problem"


Take the situation practically. One is suffering from an illness and he approaches a doctor. The doctor asks/enquires about the problem and suggest probable medicines/remedies depending upon the nature and state of the disease. I donot think one might have ever enquired from the Doc that why he has been suffering from cold, allergies, cough, fever, boils etc. and demanded a detailed explanation regarding root-cause of his problems in medical terms during his initial visits. The details are only sought by the concerned when the patient is aware that he is suffering from some serious disease and/or when despite taking suggested medicines for ample period of time, no favorable development is there.


Now, why one should not be informed of the medical reasons on regular and casual basis. First of all, as a very common human nature, one becomes curious to help himself of the problems; which usually causes troubles in spite of any benefit. You might have seen people giving advise to others around them on any medical problems from their own experiences. They have been through several frequent medical problems in their lives that they started thinking themselves as a Doctor (Just because of being experienced) and if one takes advise from such people, it can be only sheer luck that any benefit impact occurs. Why one always looks for registered medical practioner is simply because he do not want to risk his life in the hands of amateurs and quacks and I do not think if one starts enquiring and demanding medical explanation of his illness, any learned doctor would take interest. Simply because it is his job and he should be allowed to think freely and independently. And, have you ever thought why some people (who are interested in giving medicinal suggestions without having any basic knowledge) are always been suffering from one or another ailment. The reason is the same, it is their unwarranted curosity and unjustified attempts of curing themselves (mere on the basis of their own perception and experience) that drags them into the pond of ailments quite often.


If you go through posts of Audayra or any other astrology forum, you will notice that some of the people approaching the forum are those who already taken paid advise from other astrologers and trying to have a second opinion for free. They have actually wasted their money while taking advise from their personal or local astrologer; and here on the board they are trying to act smart against the local/personal astrologer. Such people are always be suffering from one or another astrological/other ailment in their live. You can clearly see that such people also started offering their advise based upon their amateur experience but lacking any fundamental knowledge, which can only cause harm. The astrologer who advised them have gotten rid of them just by submitting some fake/stupid reasons and digested their money. And such people who have been given some astrological reasons behind their problem, start looking for psychological satisfaction of astrological reasons without having any fundamental knowledge of astrology. It is actually very easy for any amateur astrologer to provide paid consultation and give some astrological reasons. Because, as a common human nature, the person seeking astrological advise (who is not having any basic understanding of astrology) goes busy in defining his/her own chart and never questions the efficiency of the astrologer from whom he has taken paid advise. There can be thousand fake reasons for any problem which are just next to impossible for any querrer to contradict.


For example, take Mangalik Dosha; as per theory around 75% people are Mangalik. Because Mangalik Dosha is said to be seen in Natal Chart (Lagna Kundali) from Lagna, Moon and Venus; while some amateurs also analyse Mangalik from Navamsha Chart. Does this mean that around 75% of marriages are affected from Mangalik Dosha and are subject to be suffered. The answer is NO. The astrologer who fail to understand the real concept of Mangalik just put forward a simple and well known term that the chart is Mangalik and some remedies are to be done which require money and hence, their purpose is served without making any serious effort on the chart. You need to understand that around 99% of the persons claiming to be Astrologers are fake and bogus. Astrology is not so simple that by reading some translated books and internet material one becomes capable of commenting and analysing his or any other chart.


It is actually a matter of social concern that people should be made aware of astrological ethics and principles before digging into real astrology. As per my understanding of life, No dignified Doctor would like to disclose the medicinal cause to his/her patient on casual basis. It is his job to cure the patient and he should be allowed to have his complete efforts. If one is not satisfied he should change the Doctor inspite of trying to become a Doctor himself for his cure. Yes, one should always try to learn each and everything one like, but then it should be properly taken up inspite of speaking on the basis of one expereince with medicines due to being sick for a long period of time.

The matter is not of having right to know the reasons or not to know the reasons. The matter is whether giving reasons is justified on the part of Doctor/Astrologer or not.

And I opine that it is unjustified on logical and rational terms to give astrological reasons on casual basis.


I hope that my attempt and my explanation reaches your mind in the appropriate and true sense.


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Dear Rajshekhar ji,


I had absolutely no intentions of challenging anyones knowledge, or seeking astrological justifications, excuse me if the words seemed like that. I just need some answers to specific questions like other members in the forum.

- If there is any more travel in the next couple of months especially to India or thereafter? When will we get settle and get peace of mind? and what should we do to get settle and get peace of mind?

- Is our travel going to have a bad impact on our kids education in future?


I pray please do not construe my words as arrogance.




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Dear Mr. Puru



Dear Rajshekhar ji,


I had absolutely no intentions of challenging anyones knowledge, or seeking astrological justifications, excuse me if the words seemed like that.

There is no need for any kind of excuse; rather, it seems that you might have slightly mistaken my straight words. The quoted text was not meant for you at all. I was just trying to help you in a rather straight forward manner so that you can have maximum benefit of astrology no matter whosoever answer your querry. My simple intention is that you may be able to focus more on remedies and solutions of your problems in stead of concentrating upon the reasons.


I just need some answers to specific questions like other members in the forum.

- If there is any more travel in the next couple of months especially to India or thereafter? When will we get settle and get peace of mind? and what should we do to get settle and get peace of mind?

- Is our travel going to have a bad impact on our kids education in future?


You are very likely to experience and ensure stability in your carreer between the period 10 Dec 2008 to 28 Jan 2011.

Wearing of Red Coral weight 8 carats approx. in right hand ring finger is very likely to help you in all sorts of professional concerns as well as enjoying ample peace of mind.

Burn Campher twice a day on Every Wednesday and Friday; this will help in establishing marital harmony and domestic peace.


I pray please do not construe my words as arrogance.

Again, I would like to request you not to take my words in previous mail personally; just try to understand the meaning and use it for your benefit.




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Dear Rajshekhar ji,


Thank you for your the replying me. I am extremely happy to hear that things will turn positively not so long from today. I will direct all my to ensure that I am ready for the same. Also I will remember and follow your advice on astrology.


Kindly also let me know if my stars indicate travel away for job from my current location, especially to India. I had to travel 3 places in US for job in the past 8 months and had to move my family.


Thanks again.


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During the period mentioned above, you have a fair chance to visit India; though chances of settlement in India are quite meek. In addition to this, time till 10 Dec 2008 is not much supportive and stable for professional and other matters. Performance of suggested remedies is very likely to provide suitable relief.

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Dear Astroseeker ji, Rajshekhar ji


Thanks for your reply. I have been thinking over my situation and this is what I am planning to do.


1) I plan to go back to India and search for a job there. This might seem to be safe bet considering I have friends there and I will be able to get a job as referral.

2) I will be able to go to India roughly around 4 weeks from now (i.e. around Nov 15th), since I am awaiting travel documents of my son.

3) I have interviews planned in US from Monday i.e today onwards, but they are located in different places and so even if I make them thru I may not join the job, but go back to India.

4) I will stay in US only if I get a job locally.


I am only concerned that I may run out of money till then.


Pray suggest if this sound correct as per my stars and they indicate a long travel around Nov 15th,

Kindly also let me know if my family and me will be financially and physically fit to overcome this challenges especially in these couple of months.


Thanks and regards

Purushottam :pray:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear All,


Things have become so very volatile with Jobs that is even in India the job situation is getting bad. I was scheduled for a couple of interviews in India over the phone but those are not materializing. This is becoming very confusing.


Kindly let me know if my family and me will be financially and physically fit to overcome this challenges especially in these couple of months. Things either so not seem to move or they seem to slip away.


Thanks and regards

Purushottam :pray:

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