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problems in marriage

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Hello siri123, Your husband's Lagna lord is weak placed in Kanya. It is aspected by Saturn and Mars and is being damaged. He is running Ketu dasa. Ketu is placed along with Mars in Navamsa in the fifth house. Ketu placed in 12th in Rasi makes him seek bed pleasure and thus commit mistakes.

Ketu dasa will be over in 2009. So atleast till that time he may not correct himself. Why dont you seek the advise of elders in this respect ?

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Hello siri123, Your husband's Lagna lord is weak placed in Kanya. It is aspected by Saturn and Mars and is being damaged. He is running Ketu dasa. Ketu is placed along with Mars in Navamsa in the fifth house. Ketu placed in 12th in Rasi makes him seek bed pleasure and thus commit mistakes.

Ketu dasa will be over in 2009. So atleast till that time he may not correct himself. Why dont you seek the advise of elders in this respect ?


thnx for ur reply. i have tried everything and then only turned to astrology.

wht abt my chart?

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Hello siri123, Your chart is not good either. Sun, the atma karaka and Saturn , its number one enemy are sitting in Lagna casuing conflicts in your intelligence. If you feel your ego is one of the reason for the conflict, you may have to reduce it. You are running right now Mercury dasa. Mars antar will run for a year till next November. Rahu's antar will run thereafter till 2012 may. I dont expect any change till that period. Do you have children and when did you get married ?

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Hello siri123, Your chart is not good either. Sun, the atma karaka and Saturn , its number one enemy are sitting in Lagna casuing conflicts in your intelligence. If you feel your ego is one of the reason for the conflict, you may have to reduce it. You are running right now Mercury dasa. Mars antar will run for a year till next November. Rahu's antar will run thereafter till 2012 may. I dont expect any change till that period. Do you have children and when did you get married ?


presently i am carrying, i got married on april 18, 2008. i am not opting for divorce as i wil child, but he is asking divorce to marry his gal frnd.

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Dear Siri,


I read your chart. You are facing sat+sun+mer combo in your lagna which is problematic per se. Add to it the fact that you are facing janma shani's last year. Also saturn is currently transiting your lagna exactly atop natal sun. Next, you are facing mercury MD (not good) - Mars AD.


This serious situation could spell disaster. You need to HANG ON THERE till Nove 2009. If you succeed, you married life may not get to a situation like divorce.


"Sarva mangal maangalye shive sarvaadhi saadhike, sharanye triyambike gauri narayani namostute"

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Dear Siri,


I read your chart. You are facing sat+sun+mer combo in your lagna which is problematic per se. Add to it the fact that you are facing janma shani's last year. Also saturn is currently transiting your lagna exactly atop natal sun. Next, you are facing mercury MD (not good) - Mars AD.


This serious situation could spell disaster. You need to HANG ON THERE till Nove 2009. If you succeed, you married life may not get to a situation like divorce.


"Sarva mangal maangalye shive sarvaadhi saadhike, sharanye triyambike gauri narayani namostute"


Dear sir,

thnx for ur reply. can u suggest some pooja or remedy to lessen these effects

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