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Please guide on Mantra chanting

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I have been chanting this Mantra for 2 years now


Patnim Manoramam Dehi Manovritanusarineem, Tareneem Durgasamsar Sagarasye Kulodbhavam.

I chant it (loudly) 108 times every morning. Then I chant it during the day whenever I get time, either silently or in soft tone and also 5-10 min before sleeping.


I have been strictly following this routine for almost 2 years. Someone suggested me to chant these 2 mantras also everyday (for Shukra and Shani) as they said there are some problems in planetry positions


Om pra pri prau sah shanye namah

Om dra dri drau sah shukrai namah

I am also wearing a 10 mukhi rudraksh which was sugessted for removing obstacles. I wear it every morning after bath and before chanting mantras.


I am now almost 30 years old (male) and started to feel depressed due to delay in marriage.


Am I doing something incorrectly in my daily routine which I should correct.

Is it even correct to chant mantras to gain specific objective?

Every time I show my horoscope I am told that I'll be married in next 3-4 months but nothing materializes. This has been happening for 3 years now.

Everytime things break down when it looks like they will work out. Till now I have been able to convince myself that it must be for my good, but now I have started to get tensed and depressed.

Please guide me what should I do. I also came across these two mantras. Would it be right to chant them


Narayani Patim Dehi Shreem Kleem Parameshwari

Om Shrim Shriyei Namaha


Please guide me.

Thank You.

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you are born with a deuta called natha, that is why you have problems in marriage. an everytime you get close to a person and two of you are so in love you just break up for no reason.


you need too do satyanarayan puja for a year on every full moon.

but the first time you going to perform the puja,after performing it you have to tak 1080 hardi balls(you have to make it before) and offer in a river or sea or pond one by one with mantra om namo narayana namah.

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Thanks a lot for your comments. I really appreciate the information that you provided.

I think your calculation of when I was born was based on my mentioning that I'll be 30 soon. To be precise, I'll be 30 on 16th Aug, 2009. Does that change the deuta in which I was born?

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