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Read a post from someone who claims to be a family member in the New World Order.

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He was saying some of the younger generation of these families that control the corporate media and the political scene are revolting against the genocidal policies of their NWO seniors and that things will get resolved and not be as bad it currently looks to be going. He even said that Barrack Obama is not as bad as people think he is just that he has to work within narrow paramaters even though he is currently taking orders from the NWO things should change and Obama could really end up being a good leader and solve a lot of problems but he requires more power and authority to make these changes happen. He also said that the outrage of the American people about this wall street bailout is really making a difference in the plans of the NWO and waking the NWO up that the American people are not going to go silently into the concentration camps etc. He said the bailout was pure crap and that the only thing really needed is 100 billion to clean up mortgage mess and raise the Fdic insurance up to 500,000.




I have heard a lot about how this millenial generation is special and is going to end up being very civic minded and harmonious generation and clean up the mess and disharmony that the baby boomers have left behind. Hope this guy is for real and not just a government shill or something because a lot of the other guys are saying the government is ready to round up Americans and put them in Fema camps and declare martial law.

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He was saying some of the younger generation of these families that control the corporate media and the political scene are revolting against the genocidal policies of their NWO seniors and that things will get resolved and not be as bad it currently looks to be going. He even said that Barrack Obama is not as bad as people think he is just that he has to work within narrow paramaters even though he is currently taking orders from the NWO things should change and Obama could really end up being a good leader and solve a lot of problems but he requires more power and authority to make these changes happen. He also said that the outrage of the American people about this wall street bailout is really making a difference in the plans of the NWO and waking the NWO up that the American people are not going to go silently into the concentration camps etc. He said the bailout was pure crap and that the only thing really needed is 100 billion to clean up mortgage mess and raise the Fdic insurance up to 500,000.




I have heard a lot about how this millenial generation is special and is going to end up being very civic minded and harmonious generation and clean up the mess and disharmony that the baby boomers have left behind. Hope this guy is for real and not just a government shill or something because a lot of the other guys are saying the government is ready to round up Americans and put them in Fema camps and declare martial law.

This is all diverting attention on the real issue, NWO. New World Order, yet another rant? The actual issue is what is described in the Old Testament as sin, when let's say, a young family opens a bakery and they have to take a loan in order to get things started. The OT says, charging of interest from fellow citizens is sinful.


Now what we have globally installed by the banker's network, a monetary system based upon interest. Even the state has to borrow from the bankers against interest, when using its own currency - therefore you find everything indebted.


Chanakya Pundit says, living with debt is not acceptable. The Old Testament says, someone who manoeuvres fellow citizens into the debt trap by charging interest should be killed.


Take India, the bankers who installed the Rupee charge interest to the Indian government not only for running the currency, but also when the government takes a loan.


In this way it so happened that all the gold reserves of India were meanwhile shipped to London. Now since all the gold is off shored, the government has to compensate with natural produce and privatization of state owned companies like the Indian Railway, state run powerhouses, natural preserves, seashores etc etc.


But what for? Simply paying till the rest of time for a handful of people printing paper money and charging more and more interest.


So in sum new world order means the bankers want more money. And what are they doing, basically nothing, just printing paper money out of thin air and charging interest so that finally everybody is indebted just by carrying paper money in the wallet.

NWO= all the people are indebted.

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Finally CNN is getting it right. For corporate media, I think they reported that because it is material fact and perhaps to placate. I am telling you people, the New World Order is being ripped apart because the American people are rising up like a category 5 hurricane and telling them they will not be fooled anymore with the scams and the scares. This is how the US is supposed to operate. When we no longer have any faith or place any credibility in the existing government we throw them off. This includes the Rockefeller/Rothschild wrecking crew who have done nothing but bring mounds of grief to millions of decent, upstanding Americans. Not all Americans are good, but most are. That is a lot more than you can say about the sick secret NWO government that has new orgasms every time they hear a death count from a war they started going up, or more suffering and oppression for the masses.


I am an even tempered guy but I am furious with certain branches of specific ruling families. This thing is going to get very ugly and if we have to literally divorce them from the rest of us and let them go to jail, so be it. I am not going to see the efforts of my family and cousins who have been working for so many good causes brought down by an artificially created credit crunch and also learn of millions of people being thrown out of their homes because they cannot renegotiate a mortgage on a depreciated asset. Nowhere in the legislation for this sham was there one line referring to the provision of relief to homeowners in danger of foreclosure or the process of it.


There will always been an aristocracy or ruling class in any society. It is just the nature of how things are socially organized based on intelligence and connections and birth. It does not mean some of the aristocracy has to become mean and vile and hostile just because they have completely messed things up. The New World Order is finished. People have become wise to their completely perverse ways. I have been in so many enclaves including the Bohemian Grove but was too young to understand how incredibly evil they were. I remember one senior member asking me why I was so afraid of being in the midst of them and I had no answer, except that I was because I sensed something was very off. Five years later, it turns into a completely different picture. I was too Christian, too young and too naive but something kept telling me to stay away from certain people. It turns out that they are the embodiment of evil. Others were very fine individuals who engaged me intellectually for hours and gave me a lot of insight. There are more good in the ruling elite than bad. How we allowed the evil perverse ones to come to have some sway over the rest is a story most all are coming to know.


This latest scam to shakedown the financial system is complete fraud. Americans should not tolerate it for a second. Now I am in the process of making better solid connections with cousins and friends who are on the good side of things and completely and totally rejecting the filth that we were deceived to think were alright. There are plenty of parties and events I will not attend if I know certain individuals will be there. Have some faith in the people who are doing as much good as they possibly can and realize one branch no longer wants anything to do with the other. I have to speak in generalities because if I did mention the last names of the people, it would be shocking and it would also reveal way too much. Just know that we have had it and the days of the New World Order are not only numbered, they have been found out and are being singled out. No one is going to turn my family name into something it is not.


Please do not put all the good apples with the bad and say everyone who has come from these families is bad. Simply put, it is factually wrong. There are too many of us, of the youngest generation, that are very altruistic and sick of wars, induced poverty and famine, and grandiose thoughts of population reduction when we know resources can be devoted to doing things to lift up humanity. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have the right idea. There are many more of us that have more money and power than they do and have been working for the good for several years. The 70 and 80 year olds who are clinging to power as if it is their free pass to some Satanic heaven are twisted and deluded freaks. They cannot even begin to relate to the igen. We even have a good friend of the family whose father started The League of Nations with good intentions. He is a very old man now but he is a good person that has done nothing but good with his entire life. He is the one who allows you to attend colleges and universities with Federal grants even though they do not mean as much as they did when it did not cost $45k a semester.


People have to chill out. This includes Alex for whom I have tremendous respect and admiration. This is not the end of the world. No one is going to have you killed or place you in FEMA camps. Even the martial law thing is old news. The New World Order have been getting a mountain of grief on the outside from outraged Americans and from the inside from their grandkids who are telling them either change or retire or we will push you out now. There are so many good things coming in the future. People need to be able to wake up with something to look forward to and have a smile on their face.


My life has become so different in this past year. I am a very sound sleeper and I dream a lot and wake up looking forward to the next day. That is how it should be for all good Americans. Life is not supposed to be crisis after crisis after crisis. I love and respect my family. Then I turn on the news and see the NWO psychopaths are playing new tricks on the rest of my countrymen and it really annoys me to no end. It does not have to be this way and with exposure, you have created tremendous transparency and are, in fact, creating another New World Order, except this one is sane and progressive and looks to the future.


The bailout thing is a scam. The most needed is $100 billion for the fouled Mortgage backed securities and a $500,000 guarantee on deposits by the FDIC. Problem solved. Stop thinking recession depression, this is just another stupid boom bust cycle, things are changing and hopefully will be back to normal in 2009. Don’t be negative thinkers. Judge for yourself. Obama is not even as bad as a lot of people think but he knows he has to operate within very narrow parameters. He knows that if he is allowed more power and authority he can accomplish a lot of positive things for the US. I have not been on good terms with him or his campaign because they are getting orders and taking them from the powers above. That is going to change. Have faith. Changing the New Roman Empire has to be done within as well as from outside. Keep up the good work, it is having an immense effect.

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This is all diverting attention on the real issue, NWO. New World Order, yet another rant? The actual issue is what is described in the Old Testament as sin, when let's say, a young family opens a bakery and they have to take a loan in order to get things started. The OT says, charging of interest from fellow citizens is sinful.


Now what we have globally installed by the banker's network, a monetary system based upon interest. Even the state has to borrow from the bankers against interest, when using its own currency - therefore you find everything indebted.


Chanakya Pundit says, living with debt is not acceptable. The Old Testament says, someone who manoeuvres fellow citizens into the debt trap by charging interest should be killed.


Take India, the bankers who installed the Rupee charge interest to the Indian government not only for running the currency, but also when the government takes a loan.


In this way it so happened that all the gold reserves of India were meanwhile shipped to London. Now since all the gold is off shored, the government has to compensate with natural produce and privatization of state owned companies like the Indian Railway, state run powerhouses, natural preserves, seashores etc etc.


But what for? Simply paying till the rest of time for a handful of people printing paper money and charging more and more interest.


So in sum new world order means the bankers want more money. And what are they doing, basically nothing, just printing paper money out of thin air and charging interest so that finally everybody is indebted just by carrying paper money in the wallet.

NWO= all the people are indebted.




You are exactly right but the people like Ron Paul that point this out are marginalized and made fun of by the media and the stupid dumbed down public that don't realize that they are all a bunch of slaves as Jim Morrison said.

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You are exactly right but the people like Ron Paul that point this out are marginalized and made fun of by the media and the stupid dumbed down public that don't realize that they are all a bunch of slaves as Jim Morrison said.

At least as Linda Sandler reports, the Lehman Brothers did it right..nice!


Lehman Brothers Shipped Off $400B Just Before Bankruptcy… Nice !

September 27, 2008

by Linda Sandler Bloomberg

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.'s brokerage unit, in the months before its parent filed for bankruptcy protection, lost more than $400 billion in assets, according to the trustee overseeing customer accounts.

Lehman's holding company filed for bankruptcy Sept. 15 claiming $639 billion in assets, using four-month-old data. The wholly owned brokerage unit shrank to less than $100 billion in assets from $500 billion "a few months ago,'' according to a Sept. 19 court statement by James Giddens, the trustee overseeing the settling of Lehman brokerage customer accounts by the Securities Investor Protection Corp.

The loss in value was caused by "changes in the market,'' according to Giddens, a partner at law firm Hughes Hubbard & Reed, who spoke at a bankruptcy court hearing in Manhattan. The runoff may indicate Lehman's customers, including many hedge funds, canceled and closed out trades as they began to doubt the firm's ability to navigate the credit crunch, bankruptcy analysts and lawyers said.

"There was the proverbial run on the bank'' at Lehman, said Martin Bienenstock of the law firm Dewey & LeBoeuf, who is advising clients including Walt Disney Co. on recovering their money from Lehman. There was a similar capital flight from Bear Stearns earlier this year, he said.

Most of Lehman's pre-bankruptcy assets were securities, according to its balance sheets. Lehman said on Sept. 10 that the consolidated gross assets of the firm stood at $600 billion and net assets at $311 billion. The difference between net and gross is the so-called matched book, which is overnight lending or securities pledged for overnight borrowing.

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