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Where to Begin

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Greetings to all!


I am Sage 27, divorced, Texan but currently residing in Saudi Arabia. I was raised with spirituality instead of a religion. I did visit some chruches here and there while growing up and I part took in Jewish hoildays. Yeah my family is pretty mixed up :) I love every bit of it. Anyway, a few months shy of my 21st b-day I converted to Islam, and became a slightly conversative practicing Muslim. I moved to Alexandria, Egypt about a year later met and married my now ex-husband. I have one son and I have been in the Middle East for almost 5 years. I have been a lasp Muslim (if you will) for about 3 years and I have been actively getting to know myself with which have come amazing discoveries about my person that I don't think I knew or acknowledge before.


All this to say, Kali has made an impression on me. I feel that there is a lesson or perhaps more that I am to gain from her. I am not quite sure how to word it, but needless to say I am drawn to her so I want to gain knowledge about her. Problem is, I am not sure how to go about it. I can't just go to the bookstore and pick up a book here in SA, so I am limited to the net. Do I just read the Verdas about her? Where do I begin?


Thanks for all your help!


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Namaste (I greet the Self within you) :)


Sorry to hear that you are currently in Saudi.. it can be difficult and dangerous for you to try to learn about Kali and Hindu spirituality and even try to practice it over there (I assume you already know this). My greatest advice for you is to be careful and whatever you do you should never hint to anyone that you have the slightest interest in Kali or Hindu spirituality. If you have studied all four books of ahadith then you should know why.


I am also a Texan (born in Dallas and still reside here). What part are you from.. partner? Update: we got rid of cars and everyone rides a horse now. :P


Here is what I know about Kali Mata:


Her long ebon black hair represents her unseen omnipresence. She does not wear clothing other than the garland of heads and the skirt of arms because she represents Brahman as it is.. without forms thought of by the finite human mind. The severed arms as a skirt, from my interpretation, represents our attachment to this temporary world; Kali will remove your attachment. The severed heads according to the Devi Mahatmya are the heads of demons that Kali has slain. The severed head that she holds onto was indeed a very bad guy, but many (if not all) of Kali's devotees see their own face on that head; the head represents your own ahamkara (false ego that keeps you in the cycle of rebirth). Her tongue with the blood on it is there because of when she had to devour the horrible demon whose blood creates new demons. Kali will get rid of whatever it is that keeps you here. Kali is not for the weak or for those who are attached to this temporary finite world that they will never ever completely enjoy no matter what they think. She will do things for you that you will not like one bit just so that you can be closer to her and develop more and more in the path to Liberation. Kali is for the brave. And remember, she is very very loving, to her you are very dear, and she is your only mother.. who will in the end hold you and keep you safe in her loving arms forever.


If goddess spirituality appeals to you most, then look for online translations of the Devi Mahatmya and the Devi Bhagavatam.


Tell me what kind of spiritual practice you are interested in.

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Well howdy there fellow Texan! I was born and raised in Austin, my mother and sisters still live there. It's amazing how much I miss the city! Well hot damn, we finally went back to the horse and buggy?! When I lived in PA and NJ that was always the first question of people to me. Did we have cars and paved roads down in TX........ um you have to wonder.


Yes, I am quite aware of the danger in studying any other religion besides Islam while in Saudi Arabia ;) I will be returning to the US in the summer of '09, so not to much longer. But thanks for your caring thoughts!


Wow! I loved your interpretation about Kali Mata. I have read some what the same the info on the net, but that's all I am seeing. I want more. I want to know her story. I want to know how to become a devotee. I want to know how to go about building a relationship with her.


I must say at the moment goddess spirituality does appeal to me most. I do believe in a god, but I am just not sure how I see him or my thoughts of him just yet. Actually, I am bit confused in this area because I don't agree with the western or middle eastern thought of the male god. But since that's all I know, I am not quite sure where to look for a different opinion as it were. Did that make sense? This is actually my first attempt to put into words my feelings about the god aspect.


Thanks so much for replying!


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Years ago I encountered a new Texan who was actually convinced that when he came to Texas then he'd be riding a horse everywhere. When he got here, well, it was not what he expected at all. Instead of horses, we just put a saddle ontop of a car and giddy-up on like that. Hahah.


It's good to hear that you are returning to Texas next summer (not too much longer indeed). Over here we can shout from the rooftops that we think Kali is the most wonderful. :)


I'd say, look for all of the info that you can online about Kali. If you want to know even more, then try to get into contact with someone who actually knows her. Trying to find people who are devoted to her or any Mahavidya can be difficult.. especially someone who has experience and is learned. As for being a devotee and wanting to build the relationship, you should acknowledge that she already is your mother and that you are her special daughter. Get her attention. Keep saying her name. Say "Mommy! please pick me up!" Tell her that you want her attention. Eventually your Mother should stop what she's doing and turn to your needs. Do what a devotee does; before eating your food and beverage, offer it to her so that the food/beverage is sanctified. But please avoid doing this with meat or anything of an animal.


There is only one True Reality or Being and this is mentioned in the Rigveda in its first mandala. The sages explain it to us in many ways. Because of this, we know the True Reality as Ganesha, Vishnu, Kali, and so on. You can worship Kali alone as the Truth. Don't let anyone tell you something different like "no!! you should only worship ***" or "hey!! you have to worship *** too!"


No problemo about replying. :)

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