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manglik problem

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binita baro

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im a girl with manglik dosh getting married to a non manglik boy. we have consulted our family astrologers they say that our match comes to 18 points, which is not good. although i have performed puja for the dosh. will this puja make any difference to our married life? as they said that the puja will make the effect low. wanted to consult you. im sending my biodata and my fiancee's biodata.kindly let me know if some problem is there.


Name : binita baro

DOB : 14th Nov. 1982

Time : 5.30pm

Place of birth : Guahati, Assam


Name : Debojit Boro

DOB : 1st August. 1981

Time : 8.50 am

Place of birth : Tura, Shillong

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Dear Binita,


Ashtkoot Milaan of less than 19 is considered Inauspicious in Marriage. However a DashKoot Milaan as per Southern System is also effective. A detailed analysis of the Horoscope & Palm need to be done to conclude anything in this case.


I have seen many cases where the couple had problems later due to a manglik marrying a non manglik.


For an Accurate Prediction you need to contact with Scanned Handprints.


with best wishes,


Pt. Aaadietya Pandey

(astro - numerologist)

Ph : 0091 - 9839117339, 9336344500


Columnist for <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Hindustan</st1:place> Times, The Times Of India & Jagran Inext

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The entire koota system is overused (unless you are 13 years old marrying a 16 year old boy?). Far more important is to consider four cornerstones of compatibility FIRST, and THEN use the kuta system within the context of what those four cornerstones reveal.


Mangal-dosha also mellows with age. It is very strong in the teenage years and thus was very important in marriage compatibility of yore, when marriage was at a very young age. In the 20s it mellow. By 28 it is quite soft.


The four cornerstones are the relative positions of:






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