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Why Meditate?

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What I have personally found Ramadasa is to take things at a level. As one master said, 'simply do not let your japa mala fast!'.


Even the tiniest bit of practice, maintained faithfully, will assist in unfoldment. And in due course, due to that faithfullness, taste will arise.

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I was meditating on a photo of the feet of Amma that some of her devotees gave me. Isn't Amma the incarnation of the Divine Mother for this age? She does hug a lot of people. Otherwise, I don't think she actually teaches anything. Isn't she illiterate? Should I pray to Sai Baba instead? Isn't he an avatar? I've heard that he at least is capable of giving a talk once in a while. And he's thinner than Amma (more avatar-like, no?). But isn't he a child molester or something? I tried meditating on him a few years ago, but I always had nightmares after. I wish I could experience the joy that is supposed to happen with meditation. :crying2:

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I wish I could experience the joy that is supposed to happen with meditation. :crying2:


Meditate when you cook. Meditate that you are cooking for God who lives within your heart. Fill your heart with gratitude as you prepare each vegetable. Meditate on how wonderous the fruit, the milk, the vegetables are. Go shopping for good food. Then feast....eat every morsel of food after it has been offered, relishing it with clear mind.


Do it everyday, without fail. Guarantee you will find what you are looking for.



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