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Cervical Hernia

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Hello Ayurvedins,


I have been suffering from a c5-c6 herniated disk for two years. Luckily I found Dr. Ron Daulton's website a few weeks ago. His (commercial) ebook has a lot of good advice for healing spinal disks.


How would an ayurvedic doctor treat a cervical hernia? Is there anything I can do at home to heal the disks with the help of ayurvedic knowledge?

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Back muscles all end with ligaments that tie-back to cental meeting points along the spinal column --like a tangle of Train yard tracks merging willy nilly. [consult/confirm via over-sized library reference Dept. Anatomy illustrated text Books]


1--Whirl-pool baths will relax muscles. Muscular Tension (via bad posture/alignment/taut muscles/bad ergonomic work conditions/high acidic body chemistry) is very very subtle. One must learn to mentally scan ones own body muscle group-by-muscle group thus consciously relaxing each group.


2--Hatha yoga is meant to assist blood circulation to rid spent blood (carbon-dioxide) and replace it instantly with fresh oxiginated blood ---all via the respiratory process. Deep breathing is to cleanse the internal muscle cells of acidity (carbon-dioxide).


3--Deep message [ie: reiki etc] will relax muscles.


4--the Chakra that is associated with the vacinity of the pain has influence/relations too.

The neck/Mouth Chakra is associated with expressions of Opinion/self-expression;

The heart charkra is associated with expressions of relationships;

The stomach charkra is associated with expressions of

independence from overseers;

The 2nd Carkra is associated with expressions of procreation et al;

The first charkra is associated with expressions of clan/civil statue.


This is what I acquired from Caroline Myss [Energy Anatomy/Medicine; Author of, "Anatomy of the Spirit"]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks both of you for your replies.


I live in the Netherlands, what types of medicines are helpful for cervical hernias? Are there any habits that I should avoid with this condition. Or any types of food?


I am planning to do a morning yoga routine with these asanas:



*Uttanapada Asana





*Janu Shirasana


*Viparit Karani Asana



*Kapalabhati Pranayama

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