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Has anyone had strange spiritual experiences?

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Probably the most abnormal experience was after I saw Ammachi. This was a completely spiritual encounter. Bhava was intense, like never felt before. The spiritual experience was that tears did not stop for two weeks, just at the thought of Krsna I would burst into weeping.


Anyhow in gratitude for that love I was offering her incense. And around my hand manifested a long lock of completely black curly hair. I could feel her talking to me, and telling me to not be attached to material things.


After that encounter the whole world is new. She also encourages me to follow heart, as a Gaudiya Vaisnava. So I am even detached from Amma now.

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That sounds very wonderful concerning Amma and the bhava. :)



Last year there was a very interesting Saturday where I was watching television with my father.


We were watching an episode of the Glenn Beck show that he had recorded on his DVR and on that episode Glenn was talking to Deepak Chopra. The guest, Deepak, was talking about God and Consciousness (same thing). Outdoors, he was looking at a large rock and he said "when I see this rock, I see God."


After watching the episode, I went into my room and I was examining an ink pen that was given to me by my dentist. On the pen was a Bible verse that I never noticed. It was Ecc 3:1 which says For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven (ASV).


Soon, I got a call from a Jewish friend of mine and he asked me if I wanted to hang out with him at the cafe. So he came by, picked me up, and we went to the cafe. If you're wondering, why was that Jewish friend of his driving on the Sabbath, it's okay because at the time he wasn't into Rabbinic Judaism but rather Tanakh-Alone. On our way to the cafe, he was talking about religious debate and he quoted Ecc 3:1 and it just happened to be the verse that I saw for the first time on the ink pen that day.


When we were at the cafe, we were talking about mysticism and the consciousness of God being everywhere. My friend looked out the window that we were sitting near and he saw a large rock in the grass. He pointed to it and said "just by looking at that rock, I see God." What happened there brought the scene of Deepak Chopra to my mind where he pretty much did/said the same thing that day.

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For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven

Ecclesiastes is a very nice book. Another very special, and rare book, in the Bible is the 'Song of Songs'.


Here is today's scripture reading (Krsna Book vol. 1) for your pleasure:




...Another young gopi told her mother, “My dear mother, the birds, who

are all looking at Krishna playing on His flute, are sitting very attentively

on the branches and twigs of different trees. From their features it

appears that they have forgotten everything and are engaged only in

hearing Krishna’s flute. This proves that they are not ordinary birds; they

are great sages and devotees, and just to hear Krishna’s flute they have

appeared in Vrindaavana forest as birds.” Great sages and scholars are

interested in Vedic knowledge, but the essence of Vedic knowledge is

stated in the Bhagavad-gitaa: vedaish ca sarvair aham eva vedyah [bg. 15.15].

Through the knowledge of the Vedas, Krishna has to be understood. From

the behavior of these birds, it appeared that they were great scholars in

Vedic knowledge and that they took to Krishna’s transcendental vibration

and rejected all branches of Vedic knowledge. Even the river Yamunaa,

being desirous to embrace the lotus feet of Krishna after hearing the

transcendental vibration of His flute, broke her fierce waves to flow very

nicely with lotus flowers in her hands, just to present flowers to

Mukunda with deep feeling....

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Ravindran thanks for sharing your vivid experiences. You are sounding very scientific..... :D


Dear milly,

I dont know whether that is a complaint . (Some religious mind have problem with science. I dont know you are refering to that 0 As to myself I am more of a mystic. I dont have the split between science and spirituality. I have seen it in my mystical experience most of science is trrue but only limited. There is no contradiction between science and religion as my understanding of science and religion. After all there3 is only one reality. Everything is spiritual Even material is spiritual.


I dont mean that you have a problem of science - spirituality split. Only I am clarifyinmg my position in case you have a problem.




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From reading your posts Ravindran it is evident your mystical experience is profound.


As you would know science and spirituality has meeting ground in this 21st century. Vastly different than even fifty years ago.


Many great scientific minds and discoveries may have been drawn from a flash of brilliance, do you think? Even a mystical encounter.


It is exciting to think, that never the twain shall meet, will be a thing of the past. And maybe a catalyst will be great minds, with mystical encounter...and the gift of good learning and disciplined scientific mind.


I am certain that on a mystical level the universe will actualize along with the individual organisms, even if it is not seen with those of grosser sense. Could it be the destiny?

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Dear milly,

I dont know whether that is a complaint . (Some religious mind have problem with science. I dont know you are refering to that 0 As to myself I am more of a mystic. I dont have the split between science and spirituality. I have seen it in my mystical experience most of science is trrue but only limited. There is no contradiction between science and religion as my understanding of science and religion. After all there3 is only one reality. Everything is spiritual Even material is spiritual.


I dont mean that you have a problem of science - spirituality split. Only I am clarifyinmg my position in case you have a problem.





Not at all! I think you may have misunderstood. Some of the terms you used in your post were scientific and I am not familiar with science on the same level as you. Everyone experiences spirituality differently and there is nothing to say your experience is any less valid than anyone elses. Sorry for the misunderstanding. :)

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Indeed it is a strange world full of mystery and signs.


Several nights ago I had a dream. I was in this building or hall during a festival (a social event)...it was full of glitter and opulence. One person took me by the hand and accepted me. I was astonished because I am not opulent and the rest of the dealings of the room were based on external dealings. Socializing and opulence. I felt lost like a small child!


There was a gala procession of people on stage, dressed in costumes of various characters - dancing and playing. The adult who took my hand, was mischievous and playful, almost childlike and innocent, not caring for all the glitter. She wished to teach me simplicity and acceptance.


I asked, 'who are you?'. She replied with a gleeful laugh and childlike play, 'my name is Yani!'.


I awoke from the dream, and thought to myself, 'what a strange name is Yani. I have never heard that name before.'


Two days later I was sitting at a local village green where there is a small concert stage (unaware that I was about to see a replay of the gala concert in my dreams). It was a beautiful sunny day and I was in deep contemplation, reading Krsna Book, relishing the pastimes of the boy Krsna and his friends (in simple Vraja).


There was four adults in their early thirties next to me, with their children. Busy in conversation about the world, their careers, their possessions...and how big their houses were! One of them was a doctor, with a pompous voice. I felt love for them.


I was contemplating the way of the world, and the mode of passion. I could sense these peoples dealings with each other were on an external level and that their friendships were somewhat superficial. I could see the hearts of each of them, and the tests and trials in life...as I could see my own heart and the work that needs to be done.


I was contemplating on the need for love of God, and simplicity in honest dealings. Open loving dealings. And the way in which the world values things, and the way in which spirit values things. I could feel the presence of God pervading everything...as if creation (and Creator) wished to speak.


Anyhow, the four adults said their good-byes. One lady and her two children remained, as they packed up their belongings. As I was over- hearing the conversations for the course of one hour, I felt great compassion for this lady ( for which reasons I should not mention).


Her little boy jumped up on the stage, in his 'batman' costume. And turned on a water tap to play. His mother cried out, 'Yani! Yani! Yani!...if you waste water, we will not come here again!'.


Miracles happen everyday, and God speaks to us in numerous ways, if we are ready to hear his message and guidance. I was glad in contemplation my eyes are open to the child-like play of Krsna and his friends. And that Krsna lived in the heart of my small friend Yani. I really hope this boy and his mother find the true lasting peace, which requires nothing of this world. That which I am also seeking.


Australian (Aboriginal) meaning of the girl´s name Yani:

  • peace


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I have a schizophrenic friend called Wil. He is also intellectually disabled. He loves to wear super-man t-shirts and fly (wooosh). His love for God and faith is deep. I know he is a saint, who the world does not see.


Last month he gave me a crystal, and said, 'this will bring you money!' I had no money and was in need.


I took the crystal, and thanked him. Ten minutes later I went to a public toilet. As I walked into the cubicle, there was $20 sitting on the ground. I thought of my dear friend and smiled.


Anyhow, I gave the crystal to a friend who is also somewhat less than financial. He received $20 the next day, and he gave the stone to a friend, and by some fortune that man came across $20 dollars.


Yesterday, I was in town doing my weekly shopping, and needed to take a toilet break again. As I finished my business and walked out of the toilet block, there was my friend Wil, smiling gleefully.


Hi Wil, 'what are you doing here I said?' 'Oh' he said, 'I just received a vision from God, and he told me you were here, so I was waiting for you.'


I smiled, as I love my friend Wil. I took his hand and said 'thank you'...as this message meant alot to my heart. I blessed him with love of God and we parted ways.

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That is amazing stuff. :)


Much earlier in 2008 there was a short period, before coming to Sanatana Dharma, where I was following the teachings of Aleister Crowley. A ritual that he highly recommended for followers called Resh is an adoration of the sun that is done at dawn, noon, sunset, and midnight. Basially the person faces the quarter that the sun is in and then recites adorations to the sun itself. I used to perform this at all times when I was following his teachings.


One morning I was woken up at dawn by solar warmth and it just happened to be at dawn. By the way, there is a wall that seperates the sun from myself. When I stood for the adoration, I felt a ray of light from the sun through the wall, touching my forehead. A few times at sunset, while doing the adoration in my bedroom, I felt lighter rays of the sun shining on my face, even though there were atleast 2 walls and some houses blocking the sun from my sight.


This really got me to look at things about sun worship differently. Today people think that the idea of ancient cultures of people worshiping the sun was laughable and so ignorant. But.. maybe those people knew things about the sun that we do not know?


Your dream about someone named Yani reminded me of a dream I had in early June of this year. All what there was was darkness.. just nothing. A man's voice said the name Nivekar and then I woke up. So far the only place where I've heard that name is in that dream. I have yet to meet someone named Nivekar.

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I spent some time studying the Book of Thoth Tarot Deck. I gave it away just last week...time to move on. Still it is a very brilliant deck full of insight.


The study was a re-adventure of my youth. But I found during the study, that attraction to Sri Krsna, and what that means to my soul and how to live...is completely attracting. I guess that is why Sri Krsna means 'the all-attractive'. :)


Where the soul finds fullest satisfaction, there it will rest.

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Where the soul finds fullest satisfaction, there it will rest.


Simple yet profound advice. :)


Atu 0, the Fool, whom is Har-pa-Khered or Horus the Child, containing all manifestation inside of himself, reminds me so much of the baby Krishna.


Atu 21, which I think was renamed the Universe, is from my point of view clearly a depiction of Nataraja.


Not that any of this really interests me anymore, heheh. :)

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I was sharing an in joke with the previous poster (bgita67). 'We' both have studied Aleister Crowley, and understand the deep significance of the 'fool' card in the tarot deck.


The full tarot deck is the complete archetype of man (in symbol form stemming from kabbalah), man begins as the fool '0' then step by step passes down through the cycle ending in 'ten of disks' which symbolizes the tree of life, and its ten sefiroth (in full view).


The bottom disk being heavy. It can either hold onto its weight in selfishness (and stagnate), or it can again move upward toward the goal, giving all of its treasure that it has learnt during the progression downward.


On completion of the cycle the 'fool' begins again.


This card the 'fool' is by no means derogatory. I was giving a compliment. The word 'we' was a joke that we are on the path of development. It is the pinnacle of the deck. 'From naievity to innocence'. The journey of the original (man). The cycle continues on and on...


This wise fool then begins again...next the magician. The fool always concealing.

'We' is what all have in common...even if diverse.


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I was sharing an in joke with the previous poster (bgita67). 'We' both have studied Aleister Crowley, and understand the deep significance of the 'fool' card in the tarot deck.


The full tarot deck is the complete archetype of man (in symbol), man begins as the fool '0' then step by step passes down through the cycle ending in 'ten of disks' which symbolizes the tree of life, and its ten sefiroth.


The bottom disk being heavy. It can either hold onto its weight in selfishness, or it can again move upward toward the goal, giving all of its treasure that it has learnt during the progression downward.


On completion of the cycle the 'fool' begins again.


This card the 'fool' is by no means derogatory. It is the pinnacle of the deck. 'From naievity to innocence'.


This wise fool then begins again...next the magician. The fool always concealing.




OK :) (sorry)


Kind regards, bart

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Yes Milly, Bishadi speaks well...Jai Maa!


Bishadi I am aware to some degree of the collective, and feel afar sometimes. Scripture says Krsna's senses are all spiritual, he can taste with his eyes, hear with his hands etc.


While identified with material body we are limited...but supersoul is not. God seems to be so kind, he shares things for our growth.


Thank you Bishadi. Speaker of truth..what is that song 'teach the children well....' Crosby Stills and Nash. Nice song:).


Milly synesthesia is nice, but in younger days was most difficult. Now is ok. I see collective energy with insight...and can see heart. What I have found in this land of duality, is underneath we are all similar. Therefore identification with external is not truth - the material modes play but we are finer principle.


We integrate nature and become one through insight. We tolerate duality and the modes and surrender to God, who has the modes fully under control.


I would like deeper connection with transcendence, so tolerance deepens and love magnifies. Not quite there yet;).


All parts of nature, including mind can be spiritualized, we are finer potency. There is one great hurdle - identifying ourself as the controller. That is the reason for falldown. We are servants not Isvara. All these books like 'The Secret' are not pure but written by people with desires. Once we pass the great hurdle we are responsible, we are home...fully surrendered, servants of the servants, of the servants of the one who brings joy to God.



tell me if I'm on track with this ..


Unless I am in control of myself or at least take total responsibility for what I do

I can't "give" myself to the service of any one. {that's being a sheep


In other words, I cannot comitt myself [fully] unless I am my own captain. { am I getting it right?


I claim every turd I lay just in case one turns out to be a golden egg ;)

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hey Bart,

take a look at the tree of life in the Brotherhood of Light's Sacred Tarot by C.C.Zain

(at light dot org{It won't let me leave the addy


church of light has it in book form.

I have a 15 mb pdf file I can share with you by email.


In college I studied the Tarot.

I think I have every book Aliester Crowley wrote, including his "book of the law" a peek into it and I closed the book on him.


Paul foster Case wrote a book about the tarot called Tokens

in it he said: Tzaddi is not the star"

he refers to the Golden Dawn hiding the true order of the cards

to mislead the uninitiated.

that is what you'll read in the Brotherhood of Light's Tarot.

They switch cards 8 and 11 and cards 17 and 19

this makes perfect sense when you see what that does

to the paths on the tree of life.

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Here is the link Annette:



I closed the book on Crowley too. The mood of control, that I felt in his esoterica...is totally contradictory to service mood (of bhakti yoga). The Book of Law with its cakes of meat and blood just doesn't sit right with a vego:(!!


I think Crowley enjoyed his infamy, and he wrote in a certain way to provoke.

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Here is the link Annette:



I closed the book on Crowley too. The mood of control, that I felt in his esoterica...is totally contradictory to service mood (of bhakti yoga).


I think Crowley enjoyed his infamy, and he wrote in a certain way to provoke.


Did any of you read his journal titled John St. John? His HGA claimed to him that his Will was to rule the world..


The "line drawn,circle squared in its failure," and "abrahadabra" according to the third chapter of Liber Legis help a particular person unearth the so called Key of it all. 31 (Alef Lamedh / Lamedh Alef) is cleverly concealed on the manuscript and those three keys surface it so easily. Don't know why I had to mention this..


Bija, remember in the Gita that Krishna says that he is the letter A? What letter is the Fool? Heh. :)

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tell me if I'm on track with this ..


Unless I am in control of myself or at least take total responsibility for what I do

I can't "give" myself to the service of any one. {that's being a sheep


In other words, I cannot comitt myself [fully] unless I am my own captain. { am I getting it right?


I claim every turd I lay just in case one turns out to be a golden egg ;)

posted by annette

I agree Annette, as we awaken to deeper aspects of self, responsibility increases. Especially with subtle gifts (that, you would be aware of).


In the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition, God is considered the all in all. God is full of diverse energies, that includes this earthly energy. We can see Isvara (the controller) in various manifestations. For example controlling the sun deity, controlling the rain deity, etc etc.


The tradition states that harmony is found when the tiny sparks of divinity (souls) become aware of their constitutional nature. Like all parts of a great machine working in harmony.


Infact with full responsibility and freedom. Even to say, if deep realization is attained...rules and regulation have no bind. Such an exalted saintly state is very rare in this world. The only impetus being the motivation of loving service (pure unnalloyed devotion - suddha ananya bhakti).


Real freedom.


Problem arises when the 'conditioned' entity identifies with the body and mind as the self. Considering itself the lord of all it surveys. It thinks itself free, but is tightly bound by the stringent laws of material nature.


In the liberated state the entity, enjoys relation with the super-soul (which is full of knowledge, eternity, and bliss).


I hope this clarifies your query in some way.

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31 (Alef Lamedh / Lamedh Alef) is cleverly concealed on the manuscript and those three keys surface it so easily. Don't know why I had to mention this.. by gita67

I am grateful that you mentioned this. Crowley studied very old masonary, hermeticism etc. After gaining prominence in the masonic lodge...he left and formed O.T.O. Magical societies.


I cannot comment on the O.T.O, as its deeper teachings are hidden. But what is evident (even in the kabbalah), is the potency man can contain with knowledge. Mormonism and other benign traditions, all stemming from these esoteric cults, have some agenda for world reformation.


The rosicrucian movement etc...all had an agenda.


What I question gita67, is if all this potency, is of any benefit to simplicity. Yoga Sutra by Patanjali very clearly says the realm of siddhi, is a hurdle to the goal...and the yogi if not careful will get caught in that realm (allured).


In my opinion, many practicioners in these esoteric cults are living in that realm. Ofcourse siddhi can be applied for goodness and service. Some great hindu saints have used siddhi for awakening others...but they are never attached to the siddhi.

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Bija, remember in the Gita that Krishna says that he is the letter A? What letter is the Fool? Heh. :)

Yep. So we must consider in our choice of tradition...which will be the humblest way, in service. That is what I ponder when choosing. Which will be free of all material motivation...purely transcendental. Pure devotion, not seeking anything for the self rings the bell for me! Ofcourse saying that, I am not there yet;). We can only hope for grace from the higher plane to manifets in the soul.


As you know, Sri Krsna lila is very simple and sweet.

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I am grateful that you mentioned this. Crowley studied very old masonary, hermeticism etc. After gaining prominence in the masonic lodge...he left and formed O.T.O. Magical societies.


I cannot comment on the O.T.O, as its deeper teachings are hidden. But what is evident (even in the kabbalah), is the potency man can contain with knowledge. Mormonism and other benign traditions, all stemming from these esoteric cults, have some agenda for world reformation.


The rosicrucian movement etc...all had an agenda.


What I question gita67, is if all this potency, is of any benefit to simplicity. Yoga Sutra by Patanjali very clearly says the realm of siddhi, is a hurdle to the goal...and the yogi of not careful will get caught in that realm.


In my opinion, many practicioners in these esoteric cults are living in that realm. Ofcourse siddhi can be applied for goodness and service. Some great hindu saints have used siddhi for awakening others...but they are never attached to the siddhi.


Please explain why you are greatful for me mentioning the Key.


I think you are right about the practitioners of the esoteric cults. Many publications from them (books, websites, etc) mention so much about what we call siddhis. It's like the goal is to help the person see auras, access akashic records, hear what is not there, and so on. And it makes sense that the materialistic types fall right into this.


The third chapter of Liber Legis sounds quite dememted as the second chapter seems quite brutal. Word has it that all of these things like "stamp down the wretched and the weak" and "I will give you of their flesh to eat" are all code for something much higher and not materialistic or even political.


The use of complex rituals and in general the practice of Western occultism is so much work and money. I came to the conclusion that the easiest, safiest, and cheapest practices are all Eastern.. as long as it's not written by Crowley. Chanting and remembering names of God and being in a state of loving-devotion is surely preferable to what Western occultism has to offer. Of course, some people would say I am utterly wrong to think that.

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