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Deepaji/USR ji please help me

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Respected Gurujis,


my chart is as follows:


Lagna: Tula lagna

1)Lagna: Surya,Shani,Guru,Shukra

3rd house: Mangal & ketu

5th house: chandra

9th house : Rahu

12th house: Budh


I am a software engineer.

Please help me on follwing :


1)I am facing bit difficulties to handle my professional matters. Some times i lose my temper.

2)I am planning to get married. but i am confused wether i should go for professional or non professional alliance. how would be my married life?





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you have a great chart!


Yet, there are issues you'll face constantly on professional front.


your 10th house lord moon is in 5th but it is in kemadruma. Its being aspected by Rahu which makes you paranoid off and on. Jupiter aspecting it is a big saviour.


On the 10th house, there are aspects of an exalted yogakaraka shani, but also, the 3rd house mars and ketu. sat also aspects mars and ketu. Mars is a great maraka for the chart giving results of 7th house. Afflicted mars and ketu aspects upon a moon-ruled house of career will cause controversies, ill-repute which however cannot really harm your powerful ascendant.


ANother point of concern is that 10th lord moon which though in 5th house, is afflicted, it is also sitting in 8th from 10th.


There are indications that marriage will be within family or neighbourhood, mostly in the beginning of feb 2009.

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Dear Abhishek,

Most probably you were born around 7.40 am, 28/10/1982.

You will meet your future wife between 24/10/2008 and 5/4/2009, and she might be from your mother side relation with little bit of spiritual background. You are going to get somebody who will be very helpful in steering your life, or we can say, queen control (that is what some people puts in). Do select your future wife from professional front to realize your dream. From time to time, you will feel “Vacuum” and “Emptiness” in your heart due marital relationship and for that you should be prepared.

From your chart, indeed it is shown that you had some failures as far as love matter is concern. Past is past, we need to move further.

As your yogakaraka Saturn dasa is running since 9/92006 till 1/6/2025 and as your 10<SUP>th</SUP> lord moon in 5<SUP>th</SUP> house, you should plan to exit from employment to self employment or entrepreneurship. Better future is waiting for you.

Best of Luck,

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Dear Abhishek,

What is Kemadruma yoga?


When there are no planets on either side of the moon, kemadruma yoga is formed. Kemadruma yoga will give person poverty.

Very fortunately, in your case, this so called evil yoga being cancelled naturally, read this:

Cancellation of Kemadruma Yoga goes under the name Kemadruma Bhanga Yoga and a person born under this Yoga becomes a royal personage, like one born in Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga (Kemadrume Bhavathi Mangala Suprasiddhi). A powerful Jupiterian aspect can also destroy negativity. Jupiter in the Ascendant or an angular Jupiter can also remove a lot of negativity.

You are having Jupiter in Ascendant (Lagna) and aspecting 5<SUP>th</SUP> house, where your moon is located. Another good point here is the dispositor of moon , Saturn is exalted in Lagna. So do not worry.

** For your information, the richest man on this earth till last year, Bill Gate having this Yoga.

Other than that, in his chart, Jupiter is placed 6th house from moon, again creating sakata yoga, another so called evil yoga as far as fortune is concern.

So please do not excessively be absorbed with “Evil Yoga or Curse” ideas. Statistically, all these yoga repeats again and again in many charts. You check it out if follow through this forum or any forum continuously.

Anyhow, nothing wrong in undertaking remedy prescribed. Here is the remedy:

Chant simple Sri Lalita Tripurasundari Mantra "Om Aim Hreem Shreem Sri Lalita Tripurasundari Padukam Poojayami Namah" 108 times daily.

Best of luck,


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