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Not everyone is qualified to read the daily intimate pastimes of Radha and Krsna

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As long as the soul has not attained greed for the spiritual world on the path of raga, the description of these pastimes must be kept hidden from him.




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"Not everyone is qualified to read the daily pastimes of Radha and Krsna. It is esoteric knowledge of great wonder, which must be kept secret.

One should not let those who are not qualified hear these topics.


As long as the soul has not attained greed for the spiritual world on the path of raga, the description of these pastimes must be kept hidden from him.

As long as the person has no realization of the pure spiritual nature of the transcendental Name, form, qualities and pastimes of Krsna, he has no qualification for hearing these pastimes (meaning the 10th Canto of intImacy).

Hearing these pastimes, the unqualified person will simply meditate on material relationships of male and female, under the influence of Maya, and by this he will become degraded.

The reader, with great care should attain initiation into the srngara-rasa like Narada, and then he can enter the pastimes." (Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Sri Caitanya Siksamrta, Chapter 6, Part 5)

Prabhupada said...

Radha-Krishna lila should not be discussed in Back To Godhead

68-12-31 Letter: Satsvarupa

Regarding the article suggested by Rayarama, you are correct in your doubts that Radha-Krishna lila should not be discussed in Back To Godhead.

In the Srimad-Bhagavatam there are so many philosophical discussions and we should concentrate on these philosophical aspects. Otherwise the less intelligent will surely understand Radha-Krishna lila as simply nonsense boy and girl sex life.

Hanuman Prasad Poddar and company are all mundane types and they have no entrance into actual spiritual activities. Superficially they pose themselves as great devotees, but we can feel their pulse; ultimately they are impersonalists.

We should not depend upon writings from such unauthorized sources. Strictly we should avoid publishing these confidential topics in Back To Godhead. This is dangerous for the conditioned soul. Although such Krishna lila can do some good to the mundane people in the long run, to understand the philosophical aspects of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam in the beginning is essential and will make for good stride in spiritual life.

I do not know why Rayarama has asked you to send such article. It is not to my sanction. We shall be very careful about mundane sex life. That is the pivot center of conditioned life. You are intelligent enough and I hope that Krishna will help you in these matters.





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"Not everyone is qualified to read the daily pastimes of Radha and Krsna. It is esoteric knowledge of great wonder, which must be kept secret.


To me this is referring specifically to such books as Govinda-lilamrtam which have very intimate pastimes recorded.



The reader, with great care should attain initiation into the srngara-rasa like Narada, and then he can enter the pastimes."


There are unlimited pastimes and activities of Krishna to be contemplated before reaches into madhurya rasa.


For myself I don't even mention madhurya rasa when speaking to others about krishna consciousness. For most people we meet it is enough to speak of basics like aham brahmasmi, Intelligent Design pointing to a personal God etc.


Not to mention the fact that I personally have no understanding of Madhurya rasa and personally stopped reading Govinda-lilamrta after reading the early morning activities of Their Lordships.


When I, in some far distant time, develop intense greed for the spiritual world Krishna will see to it that I come into contact with an appropiate teacher.


Prabhupada did not go against these teaching of Bhaktivinode Thakur. On the contrary he adhered to this advice and gave us Krsna Book which if approached correctly will take us into madhurya rasa and prepare us for the more intimate aspects of madhurya rasa.

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Radha Krishna Lila is for devotees on the fourth stage of understanding




69-12-13 Letter: Satsvarupa





“I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 7, 1969 along with the article of Acyutananda. Your decision not to publish this article is correct.

To the neophyte devotees we should issue instruction that there are four stages of understanding the Absolute Truth. The first stage is re-establishing our relationship with Krishna. This is the first stage. The second stage is after understanding our relationship, to perform devotional service under proper guidance. The third stage is acquisition of the desired Object. The fourth stage is relishing the nectar of perfectional love.

So Radha-Krishna Lila belongs to the fourth stage of understanding, and we are publishing BTG for people in general to re-establish their forgotten relationship with Krishna.

So we should always remember this and from Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, and Isopanisad they should try to write how our relationship is revoked from this stage of forgetfulness.


They should write articles like this:


1) Krishna, the Omnipotent,


2) How God can be realized as All-Pervasive,


3) The Original Source of Everything,


4) Transcendental Process of Hearing,


5) How one gets out of the Clutches of Maya,


6) Prayers by Arjuna,


7) Prayers by Kunti Devi,


8) Prayers by Bhismadeva..

They should try to understand Krishna first in so many ways which are described in our Bhagavatam. They should read them carefully and pick up subject matters as above mentioned.

What general people will understand about Radha-Krishna Lila? Immediately they will take it as ordinary boys and girls in spite of a thousand warnings, "This is not this, this is not this."

So you shall issue instruction that they should write articles on the subject matters as above mentioned. They should read our Bhagavatam. The purports are there: They should assimilate them in their own words in a literary career.” A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami




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To me this is referring specifically to such books as Govinda-lilamrtam which have very intimate pastimes recorded.




There are unlimited pastimes and activities of Krishna to be contemplated before reaches into madhurya rasa.


For myself I don't even mention madhurya rasa when speaking to others about krishna consciousness. For most people we meet it is enough to speak of basics like aham brahmasmi, Intelligent Design pointing to a personal God etc.


Not to mention the fact that I personally have no understanding of Madhurya rasa and personally stopped reading Govinda-lilamrta after reading the early morning activities of Their Lordships.


When I, in some far distant time, develop intense greed for the spiritual world Krishna will see to it that I come into contact with an appropiate teacher.


Prabhupada did not go against these teaching of Bhaktivinode Thakur. On the contrary he adhered to this advice and gave us Krsna Book which if approached correctly will take us into madhurya rasa and prepare us for the more intimate aspects of madhurya rasa.


Thank you this is a good inspiring read

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