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please help!! too many problems.

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i am a 21 year old guy and have been suffering too many problems with health and general well being. my details are as follows:

Date of Birth: 5th march, 1987

Place of Birth: hyderabad, India

time of birth: 7.41 am


i am depressed and find it difficult to sleep at night. i have been suffering from depression since i was 14. i have just finished my engineering and am now confused as to whether i should work or study further. Given my existing health problems like severe chronic constipation and difficulty adjusting, i dont know if working is the right thing to do. i also have problems with my parents although they have been always supportive,.there is some kind of misunderstandings and i dont even open up to my parents. i dont feel "free" or "at home" with my parents.


Whatever i try to do, to solve my problems, only aggravate my problems further. i have tried homeopathy, ayurveda etc and they've only increased my problems. i have started to believe that i am very unlucky; in that inspite of my best efforts( i really fight the situations and circumstances), all my efforts are turning futile and backfiring at me and increasing the already exisiting problems.


these are the characteristics of my natal chart:

rahu conjunct jupiter

jupiter conjunct ascendant

rahu conjunct ascendant

rahu and jupiter in first house in meena.

moon and mars in bharani and saturn in jyestha

venus in capricorn and mercury conjunct sun in aquarius, mercury retrograde and combust.


i am very spiritual and believe that i am a good person. i have not caused any harm to anyone in my entire life and never intended harm to people. i have made lots of enemies and now, i am emotionally exhausted , very depressed and the most frustrating problem is the one of chronic constipation since i was 14. although i am very much interested in higher studies, its my bad health and vitality that is giving me trouble in deciding whether i should go for it. Also since i have problems with my dad, i feel insecure and think i should start applying for jobs and be independent( not stay in my parents house). i have also observed there is too much wastage of money from my side.


please let me know what are the remedies to be followed. as such, i have been chanting hanuman chalisa, vishnu stotra and also subrahmanya stotra( for sarpa dosha) but they only give temporary relief.


please also tell me what i should concentrate on: either looking for a good job or opting for higher studies. and when will my health become alright.


i am also interested in knowing whether i will have an arranged marriage or a love marriage: if you could also tell me what year i would get married, it would really be helpful.


Thank you guys in advance.

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