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saturn in the eighth for taurus lagna and rashi

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This horoscope is complex in the sense that the person is born with taurus rashi and lagna with the yogakaraka saturn in the eighth house with jupiter the eighth lord in saggitarius. Moon is in Mrigashira nakshatra. The jataka is born on the sixth day of the waxing moon.


The person is now running saturn's mahadasha with venus's sub period and jupiter's sub sub period.


Astrologers suggested very contradictory remedies. Some suggested a blue sapphire with yellow hue while others argued that as mars , venus and mercury is posited in the 10th in aquarius , both mars and jupiter will get disturbed by the application of blue sapphire.


Sun and Ketu is posited in the 11th in picses and rahu in virgo. Saturn is in the nakshatra of venus.


In nabansha saturn is placed in the sixth from the lagna gemini with mars in scorpio.

Jupiter and venus is in the nabansha lagna , moon is in leo with rahu in capricorn, mercury in aries and sun in saggitarius.


As far as the life of this person is concerned it can be best described as a life of unprecedented trouble, upheavels , obstruction , humiliation ill health and things take terrible turn with mars saturn conjunction and when mars is giving an eighth house aspect to saturn which is a repetitive phenomena nearly after a couple of month in each year.


Jupiter's dasa offered phenomenal scholarly success. Jupiter's maha dasa with mars nearly killed but settled for psychosis instead. The mental condition is precarious , but there is a strong spiritual leaning. Rest is ruined.


Can anyone suggest whether the blueyellow tinged sapphire will help or will it aggravate the already very critical and adverse condition?

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I can see Ms Deepa Bhandari has asked for the birth details of the jatika with taurus rashi and lagna with yogakaraka saturn in the 8th house with jupiter. The major period is of saturn with venus sub period and jupiter sub sub period. The birth details are as follows . Born in Calcutta on 2nd of April 1960 at 8.55 AM , Saturday.Month of Chaitra Tithi ,Shukla Sashti. Will the esteemed panelists particularly Ms Bhandari who has taken interest in the chart please help.The person has lost everything in life except for sholarship and spiritual endeavour. There is no one , except for two old and ailing parents even the job is gone now , there is only ill health, deprivation , enemity , hostility , treachery, humiliation , ill health and poverty. Jupiter lifted the jatika to great heights of academic scholarship and honours and foreign travels and fellowship of foreign governments and rahu had been favourable after 1975 that is the first cycle of sare shati. Urgent help and advice on any remedial measure possible is highly appreciated.

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Dear Umachaudhuri,

From the story, it seems the person life torn apart because of mental malady which occurred in Jupiter Dasa and Mars bukti (according to you). It seems the cause of mental illness was due to massive motor vehicle accident.

Further you have mentioned about transit of mars in Sagittarius and Taurus every year, which resulting in more turmoil and unprecedented unfavorable events, where it conjunct natal Saturn in Pieces and aspecting Saturn from Taurus with its 8<SUP>th</SUP> aspect. As a whole, you are telling this person is having such a wreck life.

From your story, it is very conclusive that mental malady has been the main course for all his suffering in the past and now and maybe in the future.

Can you provide more precise events to do further delineation of the chart.

Are you trying to say that during the 2<SUP>nd</SUP> round of Sade Sathi (17/4/1998 till 25/5/2005) and during Jupiter Dasa and Mars Bukti ( this is 362.25 days calculation), the mishap has taken place in foreign country.

Currently, venus bukti in Saturn Dasa is from 8/3/2006 till 21/4/2009 is running (I use 360 days dasa calculation). Venus is on Poorvapadrapada Star (ruled by Jupiter the 8<SUP>th</SUP> and 11th lord). In the Navamsa, Jupiter and Venus conjunct in lagna.

Jupiter is definitely number 1 malefic for Taurus Lagna and being in its own house, Jupiter got its strength being increased in giving unfavorable events, more so ever when it is with functional malefic-Saturn and dispositing another 2 malefic (Sun and Ketu).

Venus too is considered malefic for Taurus lagna because of his lordship over 6<SUP>th</SUP> house.

Venus the 6<SUP>th</SUP> lord is with mars (12th lord) and mercury (2nd lord) in Aquarius sign (10th house).

Can you provide feedback on the date of mishap (accident). I suspect it might occurred between 8/2/1997 and 22/6/1999 (I use 360 days calculation). This is during Rahu bukti in Jupiter Dasa, also during Sade Sathi.


As Dasa of Saturn rules the event the best thing to do now is fully summit himself to Lord Saturn. It is recommended chanting “OM SHAM SHANAISWARAYA NAMAHA” 108 times, 2 times per day with utmost belief and submission to Lord Saturn. The affected person should visit Karumariamman or Ambal or Durga temple every Saturday to circumambulate Lord Saturn with sesame oil offering and chanting the mantra above while circumambulating. He should fast on Saturdays and if possible make some donations on Saturdays. Everything should do with utmost belief & confidence in GOD. He really need deep faith and ever lasting patient.


To empower the Lord Saturn, which is the Yogakaraka for Taurus lagna and because it is weak in 8th house with 8th lord, apart from the above mentioned mantra and temple visiting, to complement

the " Gem" remedy should be blue sapphire and Emerald Green:

Blue sapphire: Wear in the middle finger

Emerald green: wear in the little finger

** This combination is important to stabilize the power of Saturn with mercury.


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Respected Umaji,


Ashtakavarga of saturn in leo is a miserable one - improves to an unacceptable 2 in virgo and shows remarkable improvement in libra - where sat also exalts. unfortunately, it seems for real victory over current situation, one needs to wait patiently. But this also means, slowly, things will look up.


Sat and Mars are related in the chart through navamsa and also because mars is in saturn/rahu's house in rasi. Wearing neelam will not affect significations of dashmesh mars due to this and also because mars is far apart in degrees than where saturn would effectively impact. However saturn will strongly crush venus and mercury - if blue saphire is worn.


Venus is lagnesh and forms a relationship with both jupiter and mercury - through navamsa and nakshatra lordships. except transit into scorpio, venus is in great relationship with most other planets - venus and jupiter have highest vimsopaka bala in the rasi.


Having said that, I am of the opinion that blue saphire could best be avoided until saturn reaches libra - at which time some great relief could be experienced.


I would vote strongly for a yellow pukhraj which could powerfully bring down saturn's natal potency. Very strategically, jupiter also aspects 4th house of healthy mind where saturn currently transits and casts doom upon 6th, 10th houses as well as the lagna.


The kantaka shani period in any case should not be the time one could wear saphire.




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Thanks to Ms Bhandari and Bhaaskaranji for illuminating me and offering some very sound advice.To answer Bhaskaranji the mental malady struck the native on 14h of Novemeer 1996 , Jupiter -Mars period and it was not an accident but a news which could kill her and rightly it is the mental malady which became worse and worse with saturn and ketu transiting over natal sun and ketu and that saturn aspecting the lagna and rashi and this saturn was also being aspected by mars in its eighth house aspect.


No this did not occur in a foreign country but in her home though the terrifying news came from abroad.It is indeed true that the news affected the native's brain-mind complex. She had a boubt of terrible mental illness in Nov1998 -_ jan 1999.


The native joined a terrible job in May 1999 here in India (as she could not go back abroad )in Mars saturn opposition where she has been systematically and mentally tortured and another huge mental breakdown came in Nov1999 to January 2000. (again mars saturn complex)She married in Jan 2001 and the informal and not legal separation took place in june 2005( Mars Saturn opposition in aries and cancer)


The husband was dependent on her financially ,did nothing till 2003 but was integrally a dishonest man ,a great womaniser and of immoral character.The native paid all his loans and actually was a bradwinner for the family.


This severe mental crisis persisted till 2005 and went away exactly the day Saturn and Ketu started in Oct 2005. Ketu , Jupiter and sun have always brought remarkable relief. One clarification, what is meant here by saturn mars conjunction and opposition has got nothing to do with the position of natal saturn , it is always in transit saturn mars conjunction and opposition and eighth house aspect of mars over saturn that it always bring severe crisis in the native's life which usually brings a state of insanity and nervous breakdown.

The constant separation , humiliation and continuous harassment almost always by less educated people and socially degenerate people that the native has now lost the capacity to carry on with life.

The native has also now resigned from the job on 31st July 2008 when mars saturn was in conjunctionin leo.Now it appears a long period of acute poverty and ill health awaits the native from where it seems there will be be no respite till saturn enters libra. But two old and octogenarian parents have to be looked after who are suffering from ill health.Is there a chance of this person becoming completely insane ?

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Lagna is in Moon's nakshatra. Moon is in Mars' nakshatra Saturn is 8th from Moon. Saturn aspects and afflicts Mars. In transits, Saturn aspects moon and is in kantaka. The saving grace is - 1. Mars-in-kendra-with-moon and aspecting it 2. moon in taurus 3. Saturn in natal does not aspect moon.


The maximum potency of saturn is NOW while in leo. Remedies such as mahamrityunjaya japa, wearing a 14-mukhi rudraksha after prayers to lord shiva could sail her through. I do not think complete madness should be deduced. May be I am emotionally against this happening though!


Financially, till shani sub-sub period ends, its a tough situation.

God bless this girl!

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