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Neechbhanga & Vargottam

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Hi Astroyogi's



I am sharing a chart with you, this native has Neechbhanga yog with Moon & Mars in his Moon chart.

Will this yog help him in his life.


He is a friend of mine, he is having troubles in job, he does not stabalise even if the job is good enough, he gets bored soon enough.


He always says that he has a ambition of starting a trust which will run Ashrams for providing employment & training to poor & needy.


I believe to do this he has to earn a lot of money to do so. He is an engineer by profession and is running Ve Mahadasha till Year 2024.


Will he be able to build his own house and a trust for Ashrams.



He also has Moon & Jupiter as Vargottam in Lagna & Navamsha.

What is the meaning & significance of Vargottam.


What does Sani retrograde in Lagna present in 11th House signify ?


DOB: 22/02/1976

POB: Delhi

TOB: 21:35:00





Warm Regards


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Hi Deepa ji,


I enquired from my friend.


(there was a break in his studies during 1995-1996)

He said during ketu dasha he was selected in an govt engineering college, all went fine. He was a bright student in Engg college having respect of fellow students & teachers alike.


He won some awards, gathered practical knowledge apart from theoretical knowledge.

(Engineering started in 1996 - till 2001 - 5 year integrated course)


Finally when it was his final year, he could not sit in campus interviews (as he failed in one subject in University exams of pre final semester)

Still he got 2 job offers from US & Netherlands (he could never join those jobs : Sept 11 2000)

He got the paper re-evaluated and cleared with distinction, but the damage was done.


In June 2001 he came back home and got a okay job in a local company. (During this time his netherlands job was due, and his workit permit was in process).

End july 2001, his employer told him to sign a bond of 1 year and he quit the job in 1 month.


He was at home from August 2001 till March 2002, this was a very painful period for him, he thought why did he study, when he has no job (severe mental agony, his mother helped him sail through this period; he was completelty shaken from his existence)


In April 2002, he got a job in an MNC, however he was transferred from Delhi to Chennai (again mentally disturbing for him to go far away from his home).


He somehow passed his time working day and night, he says there were days when he would go to office at 9:00 AM and return at 8 PM the nect day (he used to work without sleep to get back to his home town). He used to think could I go back to my hometown ever (this was his fear, at every moment)


In Aprill 2004, he changed his job and came back to Delhi, a rather relaxing period, he came in the same company of his fiancee, even the same department & same boss, from now on he was comfortable and regained faith in the Lord. (Venus dasha had started I suppose)



He married his fiancee in Jan 2006, he is in a good MNC, but at the moment wants to change job, as he says he is not using his capabilities in the current job (rather wasting time he says)


Warm Regards

Amit Nakai

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My freind also told that he had a love affair started in hi college during August 1997. He got married to the same girl in Jan 2006.


His bhagaya uday happen soon after marrige to the girl.


A son was born to the couple in August 2007. After his son's birth he got a substantial increase in earning by job change. The job is not satisfying his mental self, however econimically it is very good.

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Namaste Learned People,


Could a genarous soul place some light on the Persons queries ? He is waiting for a correct guidance to choose his future path in life. Life is too short to waste precious moments.


Before leaving this world he wants to make a mark for the well being of mankind.


Warm Regards


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Hi Sasisekaranji,

Please reply ??



Hi Deepa ji,


I enquired from my friend.


(there was a break in his studies during 1995-1996)

He said during ketu dasha he was selected in an govt engineering college, all went fine. He was a bright student in Engg college having respect of fellow students & teachers alike.


He won some awards, gathered practical knowledge apart from theoretical knowledge.

(Engineering started in 1996 - till 2001 - 5 year integrated course)


Finally when it was his final year, he could not sit in campus interviews (as he failed in one subject in University exams of pre final semester)

Still he got 2 job offers from US & Netherlands (he could never join those jobs : Sept 11 2000)

He got the paper re-evaluated and cleared with distinction, but the damage was done.


In June 2001 he came back home and got a okay job in a local company. (During this time his netherlands job was due, and his workit permit was in process).

End july 2001, his employer told him to sign a bond of 1 year and he quit the job in 1 month.


He was at home from August 2001 till March 2002, this was a very painful period for him, he thought why did he study, when he has no job (severe mental agony, his mother helped him sail through this period; he was completelty shaken from his existence)


In April 2002, he got a job in an MNC, however he was transferred from Delhi to Chennai (again mentally disturbing for him to go far away from his home).


He somehow passed his time working day and night, he says there were days when he would go to office at 9:00 AM and return at 8 PM the nect day (he used to work without sleep to get back to his home town). He used to think could I go back to my hometown ever (this was his fear, at every moment)


In Aprill 2004, he changed his job and came back to Delhi, a rather relaxing period, he came in the same company of his fiancee, even the same department & same boss, from now on he was comfortable and regained faith in the Lord. (Venus dasha had started I suppose)



He married his fiancee in Jan 2006, he is in a good MNC, but at the moment wants to change job, as he says he is not using his capabilities in the current job (rather wasting time he says)


Warm Regards

Amit Nakai

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Hi Learned People,


I have tried to decipher the kundali of the person, I do not know if I am right or ...


Please provide some analysis for the person.


Born on Krishna Ashtami ,in Vrashika rashi ,Anurasha nakshtra .



Running venus dasa venus is in nidhaamsa in the nakshtra of chander lord of 11th placed in thrd house lording the second house of money and ktumbha ... this is making good yoga with lagna lord but at present this is showing that the person will feel trouble from his siblings. and lord of 9th house this is his brother wife and your bhagya too will be troublesome ..


His chander is in neecha in fourth house in Navamsha so he has to take care of his health also.. have to bear with it take the shelter of Maa durga .. one thing more mars is in thrd from the 7th house showing prakarma of his wife too .. he has to take care of her also..


He will have to Recite Durga cahlisa and 32 name on page No.224 in Durga saptsati..


As far as his job area is consrnd yes changes are there venus placed in 8th from 10th house with budha 10th lord in the nakshtra of moon whos antra (which has come now from 16 August 2008) which is placed in 6th from the 10th so changes are certain to come ..but he will have to think twice before taking any decision.. mangal in 9th house is Kendra to his chander giving neecha bhanga to his chandera, so he has an advice "don't ever go against or in litigation with his brother and stay with your brother as long as you can".. hanuman chalisa to give you control over you maana..


Moon is neecha in amsa too in the 4th house can bring health issue to him.. this placement of chander is in 9th from his Atmakarka jupiter in Navamsha showing his dharma devta as dasa mahavidya.. chander is deblited here and he was born on krishna astami, advice to him "give your head to mother kali like kalidas no need to worry after that"




Warm Regards


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Dear Nakai,

(I will address your friend as you)

Your lagna: Virgo on Chitra pada 1

Your Moon sign ( Rasi): Scorpion

Your moon star: Anuradha pada 4

Your Navamsa Lagna: Leo

Current Dasa: Venus from 20/11/2003 till 7/8/2023

Current bukti: Moon from 27/2/2008 till 19/10/2009

Current sub-Bukti: Jupiter from 20/8/2008 till 8/11/2008

Next sub-Bukti after Jupiter: Saturn from 8/11/2008 till 11/2/2009

Next sub-Bukti after Saturn: Mercury from 11/2/2008 till 7/5/2009

** I am using 360 days dasa calculation ( savana years)

Between 20/8/2008 till 08/11/2008, there will some bickering in domestic affair and you need to be very patient. Other than that, your mental and physical status might not be at the optimal level.

From 08/11/2008 till 7/5/2009 (especially after 10/12/2008), you can start reaping the benefit of your effort and dream. Luck will prevail.


  • During this period, you might receive promotion, new job undertaking and even some business opportunity. Definitely there will be a status transformation for good. Get ready for it.

Best of luck,

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Dear Bhaaskaran ji,


I checked Vimsottari Dasha using 360 degrees solar years. The following are Dahsa, Antar & pratyantar periods.


Please clarify ?


Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


Ven MD: 2004-04-16 (10:03:15) - 2024-04-16 (13:05:11)


Antardasas in this MD:


Moon: 2008-08-19 (10:35:43) - 2010-04-16 (22:57:43)


Pratyantardasas in this AD:


Moon: 2008-08-19 (10:35:43) - 2008-10-09 (18:12:10)

Mars: 2008-10-09 (18:12:10) - 2008-11-13 (20:13:17)

Rah: 2008-11-13 (20:13:17) - 2009-02-10 (10:42:21)

Jup: 2009-02-10 (10:42:21) - 2009-05-02 (2:14:57)

Sat: 2009-05-02 (2:14:57) - 2009-08-09 (6:46:32)

Merc: 2009-08-09 (6:46:32) - 2009-11-04 (3:17:02)


I have placed only relevant periods in the post.


Warm Regards


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Dear Nakai,


I assume you are using Sri Jaganath Hora Lite.


When you right click, you will given choices of dasa calculation.


There are:

1) Normal solar year- 365.25 days

2) Savana Year -360 days

3) User defined year -your own choice

4) Solar longitude based year ( 360 degree year)

5) Year with 360 tithis


I am using savana years-360 days


You can try all the years given and try to figure out which one is really come closer with your past events.


Best of luck,

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Hi Bhaaskaran Ji,


I got the idea. However as per the information posted in my post, the person's good time started from 1 April 2004, i.e. starting for Ve Maha dasha.


Since during the last phase of Ketu Dasha, the person was forcefully transferred from Delhi, India to Chennai, India. (Since his parents were in pain during that time).


However as indicated from 1 April 2004, he returned to his hometown. Hence the dates I posted above prove nearly accurate for him.


Using my dates as posted, what will the timing translate to, could you advise me.


Warm Regards


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Dear Nakai,


It is good, you have understood the dasa calculation.

If you use 360 days calculation, this is what you will get:


Ven MD: 2003-11-20 - 2023-08-07

Ven AD: 2003-11-20 - 2007-03-04

Ven PD: 2003-11-20 - 2004-06-07

Sat SD: 2004-03-28 - 2004-04-28

Sat PAD: 2004-03-28 - 2004-04-02

Don't you think this is more closer than your choice.

Even when I mentioned about positive development for your friend,

I take Saturn into consideration.

I think, to make easy, we just need to go to third level -pratyantaradasas ( PD). "Positive" Graha in PD, most probably will bring positive development.

You can check past positive events at PD level, so that you will be able choose the Dasa years, which is very close.

The chosen years cannot miss the the events but must cover it.

Your chosen years has missed the positive event you are talking about.


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Hi Bhaaskaran Ji,


Got the feel of the dasha system.


However if I see BHPS text then during Pratyantar of Ju in Antar of Moon:

Guru. Enjoyments, increase in dignity and glory, gain of knowledge through the preceptor, acquisition of a kingdom and acquisition of gems etc.

In the natal chart: Ju is in own house (Pi), with 29 degrees (ready to moove to the next raasi)

In Transit: Ju is retrograde presently, however will be direct from 10 Sep 2008.

During 2nd house transit of Ju: result : Increase in good fortune, enemies become weak, gain of popularity, mental satisfaction, increase in money and other financial opportunities, family happiness, promotion at work, favorable time to buy gems and precious metals, gain in status.

From 10 Dec 2008 onwards : Ju will move to 3rd house of person.


Does the dasha, transit & natal Ju placements not amplify the results.

As for Sa:

Natal chart has Sa retrograde in 11th house of Mo.

Transit has Sa in 10th house:

Loss or change of job or profession, failure in undertakings, failure in education, life becomes difficult, obstacles in all deeds, mental distress, loss of health, loss of social status, unnecessary fears and worries.

Sa in transit is presently Ast, because Su is with Sa. This Su will decrease the bad effects of Sa.

Ve: in transit is in 11th House:

Success in all undertakings, Increase in income, increase in wealth, general prosperity, increase in education, domestic peace and happiness, success in education, possibility of getting new house, improvement in skills at workplace.

Ve in natal chart is in Trines, while Ve is the lord of 2nd house : Dasha of Ve

Please bear with me, I am just learning how to read the permutation & combination of a chart.

Warm Regards


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Namaskar Bhaaskaran Ji,


One more fact I saw that from 3 Sep 2008, Ve enteres Hasta Nakshtara (Moon is the lord of Hasta Nakshtara).


However, it is always important to keep in mind, when judging the effects of a particular transit, that planetary transits are always subordinate in influence to birth chart indications as well as to the influences of the currently operating Dasa and Bhukti cycles.


Please throw your learned light ?

Warm Regards

Amit Nakai

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