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Behavior of planets based on various factors

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Namaste gurujis


I am new to astrology and have a few questions regarding astrology concepts. I am quoting examples of my lagna (makara/capricorn) to ask them. Please help me understand the below:




1. What happens if a planet is debilitated but has high points in ashtakvarga (SAV) system? Example: Moon in scorpio having 6 bindus.




2. What is the effect of a planet that is lord of Upapada and is a badhakesh? Example: Mars for makara lagna where UL is aries




3. What is the final effect of a naturally benefic planet that is functionally malefic? Example Jupiter for makara lagna


Also, what happens when such a planet aspects its own house? Example Jupiter placed in leo in 8th house having fifth aspect to its 12th house




Thank you,




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