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Guru Mahadasha & Shani Antardasha for Virgo

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Respected Gurujana,

From Dec 2007, I am facing very difficult period in my life. Can’t understand what should I do? Suicide or Sanyas kinds of thoughts are coming in my mind. Please, I need the help of your valuable knowledge and your guidance. I am totally frustrated.

My Details:

DOB: 6 May 1982, (<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on">Nagpur</st1:City>) <st1:place w:st="on">Maharashtra</st1:place>,

Time: 00:55 AM (Midnight)

I attached my chart, now my Guru mahadasha is started and Sani Antradasha is running from 20 – 01 – 2008 to 2-8-2010.

I am facing many problems regarding my marriage. Please kindly guide me, I loved a girl from last 3 years but now we both are infamy in our society and in relatives. Her parents are not ready. But, one astrologer told m that we both have love marriage yoga.

(Her details are: DOB 15 JAN 1986, Nagpur (MH) Time: 03:00 AM (Midnight)

Please kindly suggest something; each and every movement of my life is going difficult to live.

Please guide me.

Aapka Krupabhilashi,



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From the birth details you have given your star Chitra-pada1.Your Moon is associated with two malefics,very closely with retrograde Saturn(your lagna lord) and also with retrograde Mars aspected by Venus in exaltation.This causes some kind instability in your mind-always- and the present Jupiter mahasa till the end of mercury bhukthi(you call it Antra dasha) adds to it.This said combination of planets also makes you fall in wavering love with opposite sex and you will never feel comfortable even for trivial things .There is no indication in your chart that you will take to sanyas. you are also now running seven and half year sade sathi for the past one year and it will run for another six and half years. Daily chanting of Vishnu sahasranama every morning and Navagraha pradashina everyday,especially on Thursdays and Saturdays with utter devotion will surely help mitigate your mental tension to a very great extent.Wherever you are and find mentally uncomfortable simply chat a Shri Hanumanchalisa to ward off the evils that distrub your mind,

As per the girl's chart her star is Poorvabadrapad-2nd and now running Saturn main dasa and Rahu bhukthi.This not good for her.

You say you love the girl.But if you go by the chart for matrimonial match,I am not able to say "go ahead".Your moons are also not favourably placed to have mental compatibility.Let her also perform similar prayers suggested to you to lead a stressless and calm life.


Best wishes to you both

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Respected Shri, M. R. Moorthi sir,

I am very thankful to you to analyze my and her details. She is not here. I am praying to God for our calm life. Your valuable suggestion is helpful to think about our marriage. But yes it’s really difficult to me to forget her. God will show a proper way to us.

Thank you Sir for your valuable support in my difficult time



Aapka Krupabhilashi,



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