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Deepa ji

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I know you are busy so please respond whenever you get chance..


I had given my details to someone and found out that I have Budh dasha. I am told to wear emerald in little finger along with doing the continous diya with sarson ka oil from saturday morning to Sunday morning. Just like sasisekaran ji said he told me to do Maha Mrityunjaya mantra too..


Before my daughter delivery I was told to wear emerald but that time I wore it in my ring finger. 3 months ago I took it out and now I think it might be causing all the poblems..


But just curious you or sasisekaran ji didn't mention Budh dasha so I am a bit confused. He calculated my birth time too which is unbelievable to me (is it possible though?) He didn't have the details with him when I called him and I will get it by Monday.


Please respond..

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Deepa ji, got the time.. its same as I have been using.. just 2 minutes difference.. Can you please check my chart and tell me anything you find out about health,family & future. And can you please check my budh dasha too as you didn't say anything about it earlier and I want to make sure that I am doing the right thing by wearing the ring again..


Another thing, I am manglik according to this time but he said that i shouldn't worry ,its good for me even though my husband is not manglik.. I am a bit confused..


Please find time to analyse my chart..



January 21, 1975


Fazilka, India



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Dear Shiva Parvati,


I typed and retyped 5-6 times, everytime I had a problem in giving a reply. I hope this one goes through and I hope someone does apply correction to this software lapse they have on this site. :)


You have a good chart with saggi lagna and Mars in lagna - thats great, must have given you a lot of popularity with people and made you quite good in dealing with them. It must have given good education, makes you active.

You have problems in kutumbha sthana - family/gains with a malefic mercury and a neutral venus out there.


Lagna lord jupiter in 3rd isnt good though it makes you persist in your initiatives and hobbies and interests in spite of great hurdles in pursuing the same.


You have a strong shani in seventh house which causes delay in people understanding you. They might go in for an outward appearance though you could be pretty much different within.


Your Rahu-Ketu axis is great for you - makes you settle abroad or indulge in activities related to foreigners. Ketu ensures you win over any enemies


Moon Mahadasha started from april 2002 which might have changed life drastically. 8th lord moon in 5th must have caused problems in conceiving or finishing education due to health problems concerning death of a family member or depressive/dominating/jealous tendencies.


There seem to be problems on home as well as health front. Please get rid of your emerald once and for all!


You are currently in Moon - Mercury phase which goes on till july 2009. This is not good for health. Please take care.

Best WIshes


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Dear Shiva Parvati,


I typed and retyped 5-6 times, everytime I had a problem in giving a reply. I hope this one goes through and I hope someone does apply correction to this software lapse they have on this site. :)


thats terrible.. I thought it was my computer giving me problem.. I had couple of episodes myself too and now I try to write in word so that I can cut and paste;) But its so nice of you to type again even though you are so busy .. Thanks..


You have a good chart with saggi lagna and Mars in lagna - thats great, must have given you a lot of popularity with people and made you quite good in dealing with them. It must have given good education, makes you active.


Didn't realise before but what you said is 100% right..


You have problems in kutumbha sthana - family/gains with a malefic mercury and a neutral venus out there.


Lots of family problems latley.. Even though I go out of my way to do things for everybody still its going in "not good' account.. will they get better soon?


Lagna lord jupiter in 3rd isnt good though it makes you persist in your initiatives and hobbies and interests in spite of great hurdles in pursuing the same.


You have a strong shani in seventh house which causes delay in people understanding you. They might go in for an outward appearance though you could be pretty much different within.


I guess the reason of family trouble falls here too.. can I do somethimng about it? From this saturday I am going to do mustard oil diya continued till sunday morning.. anything beside that?


Your Rahu-Ketu axis is great for you - makes you settle abroad or indulge in activities related to foreigners. Ketu ensures you win over any enemies



Moon Mahadasha started from april 2002 which might have changed life drastically. 8th lord moon in 5th must have caused problems in conceiving or finishing education due to health problems concerning death of a family member or depressive/dominating/jealous tendencies.


Come to think of it there are few major things happened around that time.. don't know the exact dates but around then I had problem with my Dad and his Family.. even though I was doing good for them , actually trying to save my sisters from bad things, they turned everything on me and I stepped back.. kinda don't wanna talk to you guys anymore situation.. and I had miscarriage in july02..


There seem to be problems on home as well as health front. Please get rid of your emerald once and for all!


But I thought Emerald is for health? Do you see any major health problems? Will I be normal soon?


You are currently in Moon - Mercury phase which goes on till july 2009. This is not good for health. Please take care.


Could you please tell me something I can do in this time to recover health and other things they are ffecting..


Again thanks for taking the time to reply..




Best WIshes


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Your Mars is great! In your case it will cause your non-manglik spouse to get dominated by you .. thats fine ;)


I like that;) And I hope it stays that way;)


No emerald..pls


what health problems are you facing ..


didn't have any problem till 2005.. Had acid reflux but didn't need any medication.. maybe 1pill in 6months if I was feeling uneasy but now since april 08 lots of things are sneaking up on me.. One night my heart started racing and felt warm rush from feet upward.. got scared thinking of heart attack.. had 3 ekg's since then & a stress test and thank God everything is fine.. even though I experience heart palpitation 2-3 times a week I try to ignore it as they can't find anything anyway...


Even this Sunday went out for dinner.. I was almost done with my food and heart started racing.. didn't cool down until 3:50 in the morning..



test of adernal gland(related to kidneys) came a bit high but there was nothing in CT scan..



I feel pain like gallblader stone but it seems to be fine too..



Brain fog is major one..



even though Doctors can't find anything I still experience these things.. Symptoms just don't add up..



And around April end I took off my emerald which I was wearing since end of 2004.. Thats why I thought that might be causing the problems..




Best Wishes


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My DOB:5-6th May 1982. Time 00:55 midnight (Wed-Thu). My lagna is Makar, and chandra Rashi is Kanya..



02 – 12 – 2005 Guru Antar-dasha started

20 – 01 – 2008 Shani

02 – 08 – 2010 Budha

08 – 11 – 2012 Ketu


Saadesaati is from 1-11-2006 to 1-5-2014


From last 7-8 years, I loved a girl. She had engaged with me three years ago. Her parents are not ready because of our cast problem.


Her details are: Very Fair, 5.4” height, completed B.SC in Computer, Rashi – Kumbha. DOB: 14 – 15 January 1986, Time: 03:00:00 AM. Place: Nagpur.


Now, we both are infamy in our society and in relatives. I did all my efforts to save my love but now I can not do anything for it. I need your valuable help to find the answers of my life. I am worrying for her and my love. I want to marry with her. Is it possible ? I have many quires regarding my life and wife ? How will be my wife (appearance, education and nature etc) ? Is it love marriage? What is my marriage period ?



I am new in this forum.. Please kindly guide me... :pray:



Thanks ..




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