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What is the effect of Sade Saati on my life?

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Dear All,

Can anybody tell me what effect Saturn will have on my career, my personality? I'm struggling a bit recently. I applied for a governmental job/and scholarship, but there are disturbing factors, and things slowed down. I feel like I lost my path.

For I'm a European can anybody suggest remedies that I can carry out in accordance with my knowledge?

Female: 13/02/1979 18:24pm

Budapest, Hungary


Thanks in advance,


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Hello beesan


you are running rahu dasa right now. There after is Jupiter dasa. It begins in Jan 2009. You may have to wait till then. Yearly chart reveals that the period from now and before september 30, 2008 is favourable. Can you worship hindu God ? If so chant the following mantra OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VAASUDEVAYA. This has been culled out from vedic texts.

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Dear Beesan


When Saturn crowns the lagna it takes away with it all the significances of the houses it owns - in your case the 6th and 7th. You were born with saturn conjunct moon conjunct North Node.


7th is the gateway you open to the social image of self. Thats what Saturn puts a death to. With moon alongside, saturn will delay your thinking process. Rahu's conjunction adds fuel to the fire.


You were born in Venus nakshatra, and Venus is the best placed planet in your chart - promising a good career, wherein you will never lack initiative.


I hope the chart i have is the right one - because astroseeker says you are running the major period of the north node, while i get mars major period.




Could you confirm!

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Dear Deepa and asrtoseeker,

Thank You for your quick reply!


For sure you have my exact birth time for Sharma ji already checked on it once, due to another query that was bothering me. He told me that I'm running Mars Mahadasha, and that although my chart is not the easiest ones, I have great saving factors in it.

So my current question refers to my career prospects, and its effect on my personality- as already mentioned.

Sometimes I lack self-confidence, although I have an excellent educational background and outstanding language skills.

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